Examples of the the word, consume , in a Sentence Context

The word ( consume ), is the 3390 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or destroy hazardous/polluting chemicals. White biotechnology tends to, consume ,less in resources than traditional processes used to produce industrial goods.
  2. And fitting them with pipes or a filter and pump. But after that, such systems, consume ,five to twenty times less energy than heat pump-based systems. These systems
  3. Of non-Indo-European descent, are lactose-intolerant, leaving them unable to, consume ,non-fermented dairy products in quantities larger than about half a liter per
  4. Movie revival, is both too dark and too sociologically acute to readily, consume ,as camp. ) Where the irony with which Reefer Madness was adopted as a midnight
  5. And individuals" were called upon" to refuse to deal in, distribute,or, consume ,Zionist products or manufactured goods. " The boycott began to wane only in the
  6. Gluten-free beer, made with sorghum with no barley malt, for those who cannot, consume ,gluten-containing grains like wheat, barley,and rye.; Hops Flavoring beer is
  7. Be deterministic. Say that the actions carried out in step 1 are considered to, consume ,time T1,step 2 uses time T2,and so forth. In the algorithm above, steps 1,2
  8. Have no innate relationship to maize crops in the wild, and are not believed to, consume ,maize pollen (or pollen of related plants) in either life stage. Wild maize
  9. Mindfulness ". It is part of the Five Precepts which dictate that one is not to, consume ," addictive materials ". The definition of" addictive" depends on each
  10. The university employs many local Antiguans and the approximate 1000 students, consume ,a large amount of the goods and services. Demographics Ethnicity Antigua has a
  11. Most of the intestinal problems that unfermented beans will, since yeast can, consume ,the offending sugars. Production The world leader in production of dry bean is
  12. Animals may be amoebic, for instance human white blood cells, which, consume , pathogens. Many protists also exist as individual amoebic cells, or take such
  13. Mosquitoes, vampire bats, and an assortment of other natural creatures do, consume ,the blood of other animals, but only bats are associated with vampires. This
  14. Similar level of coolness as an air cooler in humid tropical climates, but only, consume ,about one-third the energy. Refrigerants" Freon" is a trade name for a family
  15. For example, a 5000 BTU/h air-conditioning unit, with a SEER of 10,would, consume ,5000/10 = 500 Watts of power on average. The electrical energy consume d per
  16. Pseudograin" ( see below). Amaranth grain contains no gluten and is safe to, consume ,for individuals with celiac disease. Ancient amaranth grains still used to
  17. Will also target any species of bird that nests on the ground. Though they will, consume ,large amounts of carrion, they tend to prefer fresh meat. Fruits and vegetables
  18. Of glycogen, body fat, and muscle. Breatharians claim that their bodies do not, consume ,these reserves while fasting. Few breatharians have submitted themselves to
  19. Much energy is available and control the metabolic pathways that produce and, consume ,ATP. Apart from its roles in energy metabolism and signaling, ATP is also
  20. 15:28,29 (" Keep abstaining ... from blood. "),Jehovah's Witnesses neither, consume ,blood nor accept transfusions of whole blood or its major components: red blood
  21. Seasonally. A study of Asiatic black bears in Taiwan found that they would, consume ,large numbers of acorns when they were most common, and switch to ungulates in
  22. Avian respiratory system and a reptilian resting-metabolism, it would need to, consume ,only about 262 liters (69 gallons) of water per day. Tail An article that
  23. To terminate the for loop, hence n + 1 and not n executions),which will, consume ,T4 (n + 1) time. The inner loop, on the other hand, is governed by the value
  24. Then larger ones. Low capacity solid-state drives have no moving parts and, consume ,less power than hard disks. Fundamental storage technologies, the most commonly
  25. Role of nutrition in building muscle and losing fat means bodybuilders may, consume ,a wide variety of dietary supplements. Various products are used in an attempt
  26. Bears a greater or smaller proportion to the number of those who are to, consume ,it …. But this proportion must in every nation be regulated by two different
  27. Value on food and drink. In addition to their renowned dishes, Bavarians also, consume ,many items of food and drink which are unusual elsewhere in Germany; for
  28. Exerted by contracting muscles. Current advice says that bodybuilders should, consume ,25-30 % of protein per total calorie intake to further their goal of
  29. Or coal, which can burn with the release of carbon, should bacteria not, consume ,it. Compounds Organic compounds Carbon has the ability to form very long chains
  30. Of labor cannot truly be measured, individuals should be free to produce and, consume ,to their own self-determined needs. In 1876,at the Florence Conference of the
  31. Geography at the University of Cambridge, roughly 80 million people worldwide, consume ,between 10 and 50 parts per billion arsenic in their drinking water. If they
  32. Ahmedabad, Gujarat in 2003 and 2010. The research team reported that he did not, consume ,any food or water during the testing periods, although they could not comment
  33. That bacteria cannot, especially lignin in woody material. * Protozoa-Help, consume ,bacteria, fungi and micro organic particulates. * Conifers- Conifers help
  34. Vacuole to expel excess water. Food sources vary in chiropody. They may, consume ,bacteria or other protists. Some are detritivores and eat dead organic material
  35. Can reduce energy consumption 90 percent. * 2.5-inch hard disk drives often, consume ,less power than larger ones. Low capacity solid-state drives have no moving
  36. On the nutrients found in animal flesh for their survival. While they may, consume ,small amounts of plant material, they lack the physiology required for the
  37. An Ashland, Oregon based Santa Dame church sued for their right to import and, consume ,ayahuasca tea. In March 2009,U. S. District Court Judge Manner ruled in favor
  38. As coriander. This draws parallels with some sects of Hinduism, who also do not, consume ,pungent tasting foods. The food that a strict Buddhist takes, even if he/she is
  39. To uncompressed BCD; encoding the same number in uncompressed format would, consume ,67 percent more storage. Shifting and masking operations are used to pack or
  40. Our modern diet is so full of additives and chemicals that it would be toxic to, consume ,human meat. During starvation Cannibalism has been occasionally practiced as a
  41. Himself, he attempts to steal some away to give to other mortals. Those who, consume ,ambrosia typically had not blooded in their veins, but actor. Both nectar and
  42. Often supplied to them in the form of forage fish. Consequently, farmed salmon, consume ,more wild fish than they generate as a final product. To produce one pound of
  43. Alkaloids can produce developmental defects in the offspring of animals that, consume ,them but cannot detoxify them. A characteristic example is the alkaloid
  44. For beer, ... This research also concludes that consume rs are not likely to, consume ,more than two or three FBS on any occasion because of the products’ sweetness
  45. SGA). *During the fall semester, students help to construct and then, consume ,a sandwich long known as" The big sub ". Every year another foot is added onto
  46. India is a splinter sect of Hinduism who practice cannibalism in which they, consume ,the flesh of the dead floated in the Ganges in pursuit of immortality and
  47. Rather. Com. Some drinkers prefer the lightness of beers like Budweiser and, consume ,it as a refreshment or for its inebriating effects, Several beer writers
  48. An otherwise weak hand, which is important information to share, and they also, consume ,substantial bidding room before a possibly strong opposing pair can identify
  49. Wishing to reduce their cholesterol through a change in diet should aim to, consume ,less than 7 % of their daily energy needs from animal fat and fewer than 200 mg
  50. And other renewable resources, producing no more greenhouse gases than they, consume , and other measures. Disadvantages First and fundamentally, independence is a

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