Examples of the the word, depletion , in a Sentence Context
The word ( depletion ), is the 9659 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Geographical, and pictorial records point toward a consistent and progressive, depletion ,of ice-and-snow masses in the Colombian Andes since the end of the" Little Ice
- And are pursued with great alacrity by the locals. This has led to a dramatic, depletion ,in numbers since the latter half of the 19th century, and 'ordering' is now
- Social games where many players will stay for the draw, and will help avoid, depletion ,of the deck. In more serious games such as those played in casinos it is
- Which inhibit current flow in reverse applied bias which increases the internal, depletion ,layer field. Conversely, they allow it in forwards applied bias where the
- Width and encroach on the channel from the sides, narrowing the channel. If the, depletion ,region expands to completely close the channel, the resistance of the channel
- For longer range (about a centimeter) particles they need a very large, depletion ,depth and large area. For short range particles, they need any contact or
- Responses to ultraviolet radiation can help us monitor problems like ozone, depletion , *Analyzing pollen deposited by plants thousands or millions of years ago can
- Which comprise the channel are free to move out of the channel through the, depletion ,region if attracted to the drain by drain-to-source voltage. The depletion
- Important to world markets as those of Asia and Africa, which started to reach, depletion ,only in the 1980s. By 1996 more than 90 % of the original Atlantic forest had
- Of the human immunodeficiency virus infection into AIDS is primarily due to the, depletion ,of CD4+ T-helper lymphocytes in a manner that is too rapid for the body's bone
- The holes are classed as endangered by the IUCN, due to ongoing habitat loss, depletion ,of its prey base, competition from other predators, persecution and possibly
- Lack of circulation/perfusion to that tissue) from the clots. DIC results in, depletion ,of the body's clotting resources, so that it can no longer control bleeding.
- The virus remains dormant until host conditions deteriorate, perhaps due to, depletion ,of nutrients, then the endogenous phages (known as prophages) become active.
- Land. Degradation can be deforestation, desertification,soil erosion, mineral, depletion , or chemical degradation (acidification and salinization). Pesticides
- 6 CO Boron carbide's structure is only approximately B4C,and it shows a clear, depletion ,of carbon from this suggested stoichiometric ratio. This is due to its very
- These layers of fixed positive and negative charges, collectively known as the, depletion ,layer because they are depleted of free electrons and holes. The depletion
- The depletion layer because they are depleted of free electrons and holes. The, depletion ,layer at the junction is at the origin of the diode's rectifying properties.
- An investigation into the implications of peak oil and subsequent fossil fuel, depletion ,for a rural county in west of Ireland. The study draws together many
- Recombination–generation (R–G). It also assumes that the R–G current in the, depletion ,region is insignificant. This means that the Shockley equation doesn’t account
- An n-channel depletion -mode device, a negative gate-to-source voltage causes a, depletion ,region to expand in width and encroach on the channel from the sides, narrowing
- And balance problems through inner ear damage. It also causes folic acid, depletion , resulting in adverse effects to the thyroid, pituitary and prostate through
- Use of CFCs has been banned or severely restricted due to concerns about ozone, depletion , In light of these environmental concerns, beginning on November 14, 1994,the
- Lunar Module extraction and propelled the stage into solar orbit by burning to, depletion , The crew sang the song" Happy Birthday to You" on March 8,1969. Mission
- Distinctive carbonate layer (this bed is characterized by an unusual, depletion ,of 13C),referred to as a" cap carbonate ", because it caps glacial deposits
- Such as" sustainability" and also new emerging concerns such as ozone, depletion , global warming, acid rain, and biogenetic pollution. Environmental movements
- Carrier pairs, as its energy is deposited in the semiconductor material. If the, depletion ,layer is large enough to catch the whole shower or to stop a heavy particle, a
- Placed across the diode with the same polarity as the built-in potential,the, depletion ,zone continues to act as an insulator, preventing any significant electric
- Administration leading to governors forming their own empires, a gradual, depletion ,of the fortunes amassed by his predecessors and the growth of secessionist
- They are restored. Improper irrigation practices result in salivated soils, and, depletion , of aquifers. Vegetation plays a major role in determining the biological
- More ions are created, an increasing electric field develops through the, depletion ,zone which acts to slow and then finally stop recombination. At this point
- Carriers are not blocked from flowing. Considering again an n-channel device,a, depletion ,region exists in the p-type body, surrounding the conductive channel and drain
- body's production of vitamin D and prednisolone. This results in major hormone, depletion , including DHEA and testosterone, that can result in death and also lowers the
- Of charge carriers and thus behaves as an insulator. However, the width of the, depletion ,region (called the depletion width) cannot grow without limit. For each
- Themselves the New Alchemists believed the warnings of imminent resource, depletion ,and starvation. The New Alchemists were famous for the depth of research effort
- Stop recombination. At this point, there is a" built-in" potential across the, depletion ,zone. If an external voltage is placed across the diode with the same polarity
- Certain bromine-related compounds have been evaluated to have an ozone, depletion ,potential or bioaccumulate in living organisms. As a result, many industrial
- Repulsive force (which is predominantly entropic in origin) or an attractive, depletion ,force between them. Such an effect is specifically searched for with
- As an insulator. However, the width of the depletion region (called the, depletion ,width) cannot grow without limit. For each electron–hole pair that recombines
- Molecules such as chlorofluorocarbons have been implicated in ozone, depletion , The elemental chlorine is extremely dangerous and poisonous for all lifeforms;
- Curve is determined by the transport of charge carriers through the so-called, depletion ,layer or depletion region that exists at the p–n junction between differing
- To the body of the FET; this forms a region free of mobile carriers called a, depletion ,region, and the phenomenon is referred to as the threshold voltage of the FET.
- Desertification),loss of wildlife, species extinction, soil degradation, soil, depletion , erosion, and introduction of invasive species. According to the United Nations
- Counterargument is based on experiments with pharmacological agents that cause, depletion ,of monoamines; while deliberate reduction in the concentration of centrally
- And recombining, and holes flowing from anode to cathode across the junction or, depletion ,layer and recombining. Like a typical diode, there is a fixed anode and cathode
- Despite many decades as a leading producer, there is little risk of, depletion , Large discoveries continue to be made, such as the massive nickel find at
- Of sanitation plants in China operate at utilization levels of below 60 %. This, depletion ,of scarce water resources is merely one example of the many adverse
- By the transport of charge carriers through the so-called depletion layer or, depletion ,region that exists at the p–n junction between differing semiconductors. When a
- Of hypotonic water and Na+ leading to a hypertonic state with signs of volume, depletion ,such as: dry mucosa, hypotension,tachycardia, and decreased turgor of the skin
- May also be links to chronic lymphocytes leukemia (CLL) through folic acid ", depletion ," and resultant high levels of folic acid in the mutant lymphocytes that
- Assisted diffusion of electrons and holes in opposite directions across the, depletion ,layer ensure a zero net current with electrons flowing from cathode to anode
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