Examples of the the word, adjunct , in a Sentence Context

The word ( adjunct ), is the 9962 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In Lucia, Asia Minor. In Demos and Athens she was worshiped primarily as an, adjunct ,to her children. Herodotus reported a temple to her in Egypt supposedly
  2. General fatigue unrelated to lack of sleep such as in treating ADHD and as an, adjunct ,to antidepressants (particularly in individuals with significant residual
  3. Appointed extraordinary professor (1886) and in the same year he was elected, adjunct ,to the Academy of Sciences. In 1890,after the death of Viktor Bunyakovsky
  4. Ancient Romans Among the Romans, ball games were looked upon as an, adjunct ,to the bath, and were graduated to the age and health of the bathers, and
  5. Effect of stimulants on ADHD patients. Amphetamine is also used medically as an, adjunct ,to antidepressants in refractory cases of depression.
  6. During his term in the senate, Schmitt sat at the Candy desk. Schmitt is an, adjunct ,professor of engineering physics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and
  7. Of the continental tradition of literary scholarship in Sweden. He is currently, adjunct ,professor of Scandinavian literature at the University of Aarhus in Denmark. He
  8. Of Social Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and an, adjunct ,behavioral scientist at the Rand Corporation Benjamin Barney, notes that Batman
  9. Have won Nobel Prizes, of whom nine are current faculty members while one is an, adjunct ,senior research scientist (Daniel Sui) and the other a Global Fellow (KOF
  10. Chlamydia, gonorrhea,and other diseases. Condoms are often recommended as an, adjunct ,to more effective birth control methods (such as IUD) in situations where STD
  11. Current webmaster for the institute's website, Mises. Org. Tucker is also an, adjunct ,scholar with the Mackinac Center for Public Policy and an Acton University
  12. As a container format to wrap JPEG encoded image data. JNG was created as an, adjunct ,to the MNG animation format, but may be used as a stand-alone format. JNG files
  13. Used to expedite recovery in the orthopedic setting. Additionally, an emerging, adjunct ,to diagnosis and treatment is the use of sonography for diagnosis and to guide
  14. 1867,the Hungarians were allowed to have their own forces for homeland defense, adjunct ,to and integrated with the standing Imperial and Royal Army. The Converse
  15. More closely resembles practical or artistic production than it does an, adjunct ,to a definitive scientific description of a pre-existing world (as in the
  16. For the most part, Roman cavalry during the Republic functioned as an, adjunct ,to the legionary infantry and formed only one-fifth of the showing force. This
  17. Air Forces were fitted with 20 mm cannon. They continued to be installed as an, adjunct ,to machine guns rather than as a replacement as the rate of fire was still too
  18. Scriptural study. Consequently, prayer is seen as a form of meditation or an, adjunct ,practice to meditation. Buddhism In certain Buddhist sects, prayer accompanies
  19. Training. Many occultists have studied science (perceiving science as an, adjunct ,to alchemy) to add validity to occult knowledge in a day and age where the
  20. Linguistics until he retired to emeritus status in 1982. In 1986,he took up an, adjunct ,post at Rice University in Houston, Texas,where he remained active until his
  21. Players, teaching as lecturers. Other professors, such as Adam Frey, are, adjunct , faculty at multiple universities near one another. Universities will usually
  22. Clinical setting at 10 to 20 minutes after a suspected event, is a useful, adjunct ,for the differentiation of generalized tonic-clonic or complex partial seizure
  23. Fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF-1) - might be used as sole therapy as well as, adjunct ,to bypass surgery – thus overcoming the limitations of conventional bypass
  24. Disabled and can no longer work in their profession, often taken as an, adjunct ,to life insurance. * Workers' compensation insurance replaces all or part of a
  25. Husbandry. In developing countries, the beetle is especially important as an, adjunct ,for improving standards of hygiene. The American Institute of Biological
  26. 1889—Appointed as the head of a newly-created department of anthropology. His, adjunct ,was L. Far rand. * 1896—Became assistant curator at the American Museum of
  27. 3,99 billion. The following table gives an overview of all member states and, adjunct ,members and their contributions to ESA in 2011: Associate Members Currently the
  28. Member of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, NATO and its, adjunct ,North Atlantic Coordinating Council, the Council of Europe, and the European
  29. Holds for the empty set and holds of an ad junction whenever it holds of the, adjunct ,must hold for all sets. Interpretation in category theory The Piano axioms can
  30. A" total fuck wad," i.e., a very disagreeable person. New York University, adjunct ,professor Clay Shirk, who studies social and economic effects of Internet
  31. Fellow in business and economic studies at the Pacific Research Institute, adjunct ,scholar and frequent speaker at the Ludwig on Miles Institute. * Jan Harrison:
  32. In 1948. She taught at The New School and Columbia University, where she was an, adjunct ,professor from 1954 to 1978. She was a professor of anthropology and chair of
  33. PhDs in history is poor and getting worse, with many relegated to part-time ", adjunct ," teaching jobs with low pay and no benefits. Hart house is a German record
  34. While bankruptcy cases are always filed in United States Bankruptcy Court (an, adjunct ,to the U. S. District Courts),bankruptcy cases, particularly with respect to
  35. Site, ceased its association with the site and removed Millay from its list of, adjunct ,scholars. Another recipient of corporate funding, from both the tobacco
  36. Member of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, NATO and its, adjunct ,North Atlantic Coordinating Council, the Council of Europe, and the European
  37. Works. After returning to the United States in the late 1980s she worked as an, adjunct ,professor at the San Francisco Art Institute for about six years and as a
  38. Spontaneity, and to expand skill repertoire. It is suggested that it can be an, adjunct ,to psychotherapy for people with disabilities, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
  39. For mead was honey's naturally occurring yeast. Honey is also used as an, adjunct ,in some beers. Nutrition Honey is a mixture of sugars and other compounds. With
  40. Stand - there is no evidence of any 'slowing down' of the expansion. Another, adjunct , the varying speed of light model has also been theorized by Jean-Pierre Petite
  41. To quit smoking doubled their chances of success. Hypnosis may be useful as an, adjunct ,therapy for weight loss. A 1996 meta-analysis studying hypnosis combined with
  42. Of the word In his 1992 book, Limbaugh credited his friend Tom Hazlitt,an, adjunct ,scholar at the Cato Institute, with coining the term. In the book, Limbaugh
  43. Military capabilities to the USSR, Soviet industrial espionage was a well known, adjunct ,to other spying activities up until the 1980s. " Operation Brunhilde" Some of
  44. 6,1965) is a Danish author, academic,and environmental writer. He is an, adjunct ,professor at the Copenhagen Business School, director of the Copenhagen
  45. Arguments of Gerald Schroeder convinced him to become a deist. In precise, adjunct ,to accurately focus the late Flew's stated position, Flew has concluded his
  46. Types of interactivity. AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) was standardized as an, adjunct ,to MPEG-2 (as Part 7) before MPEG-4 was issued. MPEG-4 is still a developing
  47. Role of an indirect object, a prepositional object, a possessor or an adverbial, adjunct ,it has to be taken up later in the relative clause by reference of (PRP. +)
  48. Base Wing at Ellis Air Force Base, the Groom facility appears to be run as an, adjunct ,of the Air Force Flight Test Center (AF FTC) at Edwards Air Force Base in the
  49. Effect. Intravenous erythromycin may also be used in endoscopy as an, adjunct ,to clear gastric contents. More serious side effects include arrhythmia with
  50. Fermentation; and a flavoring, such as hops. A secondary starch source (an, adjunct ,) may be used, such as maize (corn),rice or sugar. Less widely used starch

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