Examples of the the word, sync , in a Sentence Context
The word ( sync ), is the 10311 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Company, has developed a piece of proprietary software which can automatically, sync ,ADR/dubbed tracks with pre-defined algorithms. TM Systems received Emmy Awards
- Sync or V-SYNC) separates the video fields. In PAL and NTSC, the vertical, sync ,pulse occurs within the vertical blanking interval. The vertical sync pulses
- A scan line of black signal: 2 is at 0 V, followed by 30 is at 0.3 V. Each long, sync ,pulse consists in an equalizing pulse with timings inverted: 30 is at 0 V
- The sync voltage levels and sorts the pulses into horizontal and vertical, sync , Loss of horizontal sync hronization usually resulted in an unwatchable picture;
- The receiver. Synchronization of the receiver disc rotation was handled through, sync ,pulses broadcast with the image information. However, these mechanical systems
- Horizontal sync pulse and the back porch. A sync separator circuit detects the, sync ,voltage levels and sorts the pulses into horizontal and vertical sync . (see
- Interval which also contains the horizontal sync pulse and the back porch. A, sync ,separator circuit detects the sync voltage levels and sorts the pulses into
- Of a stock on the NYSE and its corresponding futures contract on OCX are out of, sync , one can buy the less expensive one and sell it to the more expensive market.
- Advances in order to exist: light, quiet and reliable cameras, and portable, sync ,sound. Cinéma vérité and similar documentary traditions can thus be seen, in a
- The sync voltage levels and sorts the pulses into horizontal and vertical, sync , (see section below - Other technical information, for extra detail. )
- End of each transmitted line of picture and the leading edge of the next line, sync ,pulse. Its purpose was to allow voltage levels to stabilize in older
- Because characters' mouth movements are often part of the game's code, lip, sync , is often achieved by re-coding the mouth movements to match the dialogue in the
- Next horizontal or vertical sync hronization pulse. The format of the horizontal, sync ,pulse varies. In the 525-line NTSC system it is a 4.85 along pulse at 0 V. In
- Beastie Boys performance from the audience’s own point of view while a master, sync ,sound camera filmed from the balcony of the abandoned theater where the
- Personal data on an online server and thereby keep all web-connected devices in, sync , Announced at World Expo 2009,work. Com allows work users to upload
- The beats back in sync . # Continue this process until the two records are in, sync ,with each other, it can be difficult to sync the two records perfectly, so
- Or midway through). In the TV receiver, a sync separator circuit detects the, sync ,voltage levels and sorts the pulses into horizontal and vertical sync . Loss of
- These are approximately 0.3 V below the" black level ". The horizontal, sync ,signal is a single short pulse which indicates the start of every line. Two
- Until the two records are in sync with each other, it can be difficult to, sync ,the two records perfectly, so manual adjustment of the records is necessary to
- During vertical retrace. The pulse sequence is designed to allow horizontal, sync ,to continue during vertical retrace; it also indicates whether each field
- Of his band who broke his rules, such as wearing unsigned shoes, dancing out of, sync ,or showing up late on stage. During some of his concert performances, Brown
- In the CRT is returning to the start of the next display line. The vertical, sync ,signal is a series of much longer pulses, indicating the start of a new field.
- Displayed video and the start of the sync pulse, and the back porch after the, sync ,pulse and before displayed video. These and the sync pulse itself are called
- Of Jim Pewter's" Surfer's Stomp" reunion, in which the duo attempted to lip, sync ," Surf City," and the record failed. They were booed off-stage. The duo's
- Sound in Bollywood films is rarely recorded on location (otherwise known as, sync ,sound). Therefore, the sound is usually created (or recreated) entirely in
- At the start of a horizontal line, or midway through). In the TV receiver,a, sync ,separator circuit detects the sync voltage levels and sorts the pulses into
- Of SYNC pulses through almost the entire length of the scan line. The vertical, sync ,signal is a series of much longer pulses, indicating the start of a new field.
- Were notorious for their seemingly careless dubbing which included poor lip, sync ,and awkward dialogue. Since the results were frequently unintentionally
- The front porch between the end of displayed video and the start of the, sync ,pulse, and the back porch after the sync pulse and before displayed video.
- Pitch and manually slow the speed of the new record to bring the beats back in, sync , # If the beat on the new record hits after the beat on the current record then
- Surface. Each beam direction switching circuit is reset by the appropriate, sync ,timing pulse. These waveforms are fed to the horizontal and vertical scan coils
- During vertical retrace. The pulse sequence is designed to allow horizontal, sync ,to continue during vertical retrace; it also indicates whether each field
- Eyestalks, domes and arms, as well as flashing the lights on their heads in, sync ,with the actors supplying their voices. The Dale cases were built in two
- Is a series of much longer pulses, indicating the start of a new field. The, sync ,pulses occupy the whole of line interval of a number of lines at the beginning
- Or down the screen. Time base circuits In an analog receiver with a CRT display, sync ,pulses are fed to horizontal and vertical time base amplifier circuits. These
- Vertical sync pulse occurs within the vertical blanking interval. The vertical, sync ,pulses are made by prolonging the length of SYNC pulses through almost the
- Pulse (horizontal sync SYNC),separates the scan lines. The horizontal, sync ,signal is a single short pulse which indicates the start of every line. The
- Signal (blacker than black) so it can be detected by the level-sensitive ", sync ,stripper" circuit of the receiver. Vertical sync hronization Vertical
- Horizontal sync hronization The horizontal sync hronization pulse (horizontal, sync ,SYNC),separates the scan lines. The horizontal sync signal is a single short
- The back porch after the sync pulse and before displayed video. These and the, sync ,pulse itself are called the horizontal blanking (or retrace) interval and
- And manually increase the speed of the new record to bring the beats back in, sync , # Continue this process until the two records are in sync with each other, it
- Is a series of much longer pulses, indicating the start of a new field. The, sync ,pulses occupy the whole of line interval of a number of lines at the beginning
- Including Earth, and hide them in the Medusa Cascade, one second out of, sync ,with the rest of the universe. Davos and the Dales plan to detonate a "
- Nineteen-year cycle The Chinese lunar calendar and the Gregorian Calendar often, sync ,up every 19 years (Me tonic cycle). Most Chinese people notice that their
- The back porch after the sync pulse and before displayed video. These and the, sync ,pulse itself are called the horizontal blanking (or retrace) interval and
- The front porch between the end of displayed video and the start of the, sync ,pulse, and the back porch after the sync pulse and before displayed video.
- Displayed video and the start of the sync pulse, and the back porch after the, sync ,pulse and before displayed video. These and the sync pulse itself are called
- Of the horizontal blanking interval which also contains the horizontal, sync ,pulse and the back porch. A sync separator circuit detects the sync voltage
- Werden, sonst best Du night sync hrony" (" Talk faster, or you won't be in, sync ,anymore" ). In Hungary, it is common for translators to create a Hungarian
- The receiver. Vertical sync hronization (Also vertical, sync ,or V-SYNC) separates the video fields. In PAL and NTSC, the vertical sync
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