Examples of the the word, brotherhood , in a Sentence Context

The word ( brotherhood ), is the 10312 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Slave "? Does this new brotherhood supplant Onesimus's servitude or does the, brotherhood ,confer only a spiritual equality between Onesies and Philemon, while the
  2. A New York Times journalist wrote:" While many secular critics fear that the, brotherhood ,harbors a hidden Islamist agenda, so far the organization has posed a
  3. Onesies to be Philemon's" brother" as well as his" slave "? Does this new, brotherhood ,supplant Onesimus's servitude or does the brotherhood confer only a spiritual
  4. a hundred miles from the Blackfeet reservation. The tribe did not practice blood, brotherhood ,and no evidence has been found that he had ever been a Blackfeet blood brother.
  5. The west, however it is not known how many seats in a democratic government the, brotherhood ,will gain in any of the aforementioned countries. Iran Although Iran is a
  6. Included the suppression of nationalist sentiment and the promotion of the ", brotherhood ,and unity" of the six Yugoslav nations. After Tito's death in 1980,tensions
  7. Selfish gain no longer stain, : The banner of the free.: And crown thy good with, brotherhood ,: From sea to shining sea. Wellesley's students honor Bates with a version at
  8. Types. The club was in practice at once" a philosophical school, a religious, brotherhood , and a political association. " Such an aristocratic and exclusive club could
  9. Expected to treat each other like brothers, deriving from Islam's concept of, brotherhood ,amongst its believers. In Christianity The Epistle to the Romans associates
  10. They shall create their relationships to one another according to the spirit of, brotherhood , ) E-Prime (short for English-Prime, sometimes denoted E′) is a version of
  11. Tears.: America! America!: God shed His grace on thee, : And crown thy good with, brotherhood ,: From sea to shining sea. Popular versions Possibly the most notable current
  12. Santa Herman dad) as a national police force. They adapted an existing, brotherhood ,to the purpose of a general police acting under officials appointed by
  13. Of outside members is regarded as a sign of respect and support from the, brotherhood ,of fellow officers. In the case of a fallen firefighter, the casket is often
  14. And 1514 the Brotherhood of Blackheads erected a tree for the holidays in their, brotherhood ,house in Real (now Tallinn). At the last night of the celebrations leading
  15. Era will be one of global harmony, a future era of universal peace and, brotherhood ,on earth, and one conducive to the furthermost of the knowledge of the Creator.
  16. Desire to peacefully reconcile Jews and Christians into a single universal, brotherhood ,of all mankind. Dostoevsky and existentialism With the
  17. Interest in theosophy. He empathized with theosophy's message of" universal, brotherhood ,and consequent toleration ", as he put it in 1926. Sarah, Self-Rule Gandhi was
  18. Eyes came to characterize the fully-fledged integration of Poland into the, brotherhood ,of communist nations. The People's Republic of Poland (Polska Rzeczpospolita
  19. Islamic homeland but from the face of the earth. But was both a member of the, brotherhood ,and enormously influential in the Muslim world at large. But is considered by
  20. Garcia in which Pythagorean clubs had been formed. As an active and organized, brotherhood ,the Pythagorean order was everywhere suppressed, and did not again revive.
  21. Were headed by the Pythagorean Milo, and it is likely that the members of the, brotherhood ,took a prominent part. After the decisive victory by Proton, a proposal for
  22. Jahriyya and Huffing were also supported by Kuomintang. The Chinese Muslim, brotherhood ,became a Chinese nationalist organization and supported Kuomintang rule
  23. Of the period to be given the appellation" Great ". His influence on the, brotherhood ,permeated nearly every aspect of Dominican life. Albert was a scientist
  24. Obligation of Muslims to abduct and kill U. S. citizens in Iraq. The Muslim, brotherhood ,waged a" Holy war" against Syria after the Ham massacre. The BBC explains
  25. The Christian empire was founded in 750 AD in Rome this was called the unity of, brotherhood , The Christian empire was the largest empire in the world. This empire stretched
  26. The purer system which he came to introduce. His followers established a select, brotherhood ,or club for the purpose of pursuing the religious and ascetic practices
  27. On esoteric groups Pythagoras started a secret society called the Pythagorean, brotherhood ,devoted to the study of mathematics. This had a great effect on future esoteric
  28. Plain!: America! America!: God shed His grace on thee, : And crown thy good with, brotherhood ,: From sea to shining sea!: O beautiful for pilgrim feet: Whose stern impression
  29. As non-Euclidean. His friend Parkas Wolfgang Bonsai with whom Gauss had sworn ", brotherhood ,and the banner of truth" as a student had tried in vain for many years to
  30. Of 'God Save the King' rewritten to bring it more into the spirit of the, brotherhood ,of nations. " In the United Kingdom, the first verse is the only verse
  31. Being referred to. Beethoven's" Ode to Joy ", a song in support of universal, brotherhood , is a song of this kind. It is a setting of a poem by Schiller celebrating the
  32. If you believe in the fatherhood of God you must necessarily believe in the, brotherhood ,of man, it follows necessarily and even though I left the church and was not
  33. However, he did not specifically name Jordanian King Abdullah II. The Muslim, brotherhood ,is rightfully or wrongfully feared by several commentators in the west, however
  34. Funds from the Kuomintang. The Ashwani (Khan all Muslim a. k. a. Muslim, brotherhood ,) was the predominant Muslim sect backed by the Kuomintang. Other Muslim sects
  35. The former of whom is said to have been irritated by his exclusion from the, brotherhood , roused the populace against them. An attack was made upon them while assembled
  36. Dictatorship, greed,hate, and intolerance, in favor of liberty and human, brotherhood , The film was nominated for Academy Awards for Best Picture (producer),Best
  37. Americas had brought to that metropolis. There they come into contact with a, brotherhood ,of thieves, the Thieves' Guild, led by the unforgettable Monodic, whose
  38. With reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of, brotherhood , Note that ě is not a separate vowel. Analogous to y, ý and ů, it is a grapheme
  39. With reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of, brotherhood , *Scottish Gaelic: They each mile choose air a birth Saar ages co-ionnan Ann an
  40. By Cassie to include the basic principles of dignity, liberty,equality and, brotherhood ,in the first two articles, followed successively by rights pertaining to
  41. In the war against Japan. The Ashwani (Khan all Muslim a. k. a. Muslim, brotherhood ,) was the predominant Muslim sect backed by the Chiang government during Chiang
  42. To all the various ethnic groups within Yugoslavia by adopting a policy of, brotherhood ,and unity. Following the Tehran Conference in December 1943 Partisans gained
  43. PUB). Though closely linked to them, he was never actually a member of the, brotherhood ,itself. Nevertheless, he remained close to Rossetti, with whom he also joined
  44. Set up an organization which was in some ways a school, in some ways a, brotherhood ,(and here it should be noted that sources indicate that as well as men there
  45. William Donovan-divulges the confessions of numerous members of the Muslim, brotherhood ,that resulted from the harsh interrogations done against them by Egyptian
  46. Holidays, the tree was taken to the Town Hall Square where the members of the, brotherhood ,danced around it. In 1584,the pastor and chronicler Balthasar Russo wrote of
  47. Of mathematics and both of which claimed to have evolved out of the Pythagorean, brotherhood , The mystical and occult qualities of Pythagorean mathematics are discussed in
  48. The Theosophical Society, which had been founded in 1875 to further universal, brotherhood , and which was devoted to the study of Buddhist and Hindu literature. They
  49. Writers, together with the secrecy which surrounded the Pythagorean, brotherhood , meant that invention took the place of facts. The stories which were created
  50. His yoke, as fellow servants of Christ, they expect to realize their status of, brotherhood ,and thus equality with Christ (before the Father) in a literal, temporal

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