Examples of the the word, weary , in a Sentence Context
The word ( weary ), is the 10313 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Devastated the economy. Iraq declared victory in 1988 but actually achieved a, weary ,return to the status quo antebellum. The war lasted for eight years, making it
- Assaulted his weakening army with multiple smaller armies in an attempt to both, weary ,him and create unrest in his troops. His arrival immediately restored the
- A way to unite and fight against colonial power. The populations were getting, weary ,of repeated jihads and forced colonization. Europeans missionaries introduced
- Buys bread from the Baker to take to her grandmother's house,Jack's, weary ,mother nags him into selling the cow, and Cinderella's stepmother and sisters
- Funds for the Nazi victory, were unhappy with Röhm's socialistic goals and, weary ,of SA political violence. Matters came to a head in June 1934 when President
- Were shortened, because of the" tedious length of the same which should, weary ,and be hurt some peradventure to the King's majesty, being yet of tender age "
- Prolonged the talks until the autumn storms should begin. At length Aaron, weary ,of delay, attacked,only to encounter a terrific storm which greatly damaged
- I will not blaze or publish until it please me. And last of all, I mean not to, weary ,myself anymore with such troubles and molestation as I have endured. Numerous
- About it at the negotiations to the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699. In 1767, weary , of the squabbling, the Port issued a fireman that divided the church among the
- In 1868,he was murdered on the same day as his rival Berry. Both parties were, weary ,of the chaos. In 1870,they came to an agreement to define spheres of influence
- Anything of emotional or ethical relevance to the disillusioned common reader, weary ,of the 1920s aesthetes. She was also criticized by some as an anti-Semitic
- Reformers. The talks dragged on through the summer with the Germans becoming, weary ,despite the Archbishop’s strenuous efforts. The negotiations, however,were
- 63–4); Aphrodite" shed grace upon her head and cruel longing and cares that, weary ,the limbs" ( 65–6); Hermes gave her" a shameful mind and deceitful nature "
- To maintain something over here that will be worth coming back to when the, weary ,war is over. The NCLB grew into the American Civil Liberties Union, with
- Mourning Athena is a relief sculpture that dates around 460 BC and portrays a, weary ,Athena resting on a staff. In earlier, archaic portraits of Athena in
- Forced Pope Formosa to get involved, as he was worried that a divided and war, weary ,West Francis would be easy prey for the Normans. In 895,Arnulfo summoned both
- On his headstone is a stanza from Thomas Gray: The plowman homeward plods his, weary ,way / And leaves the world to darkness and to me, ( from" Elegy Written in a
- Ports in the fierce Battle of the Bypasses (modern day Helium),his battle, weary ,troops refused to advance further into India to engage the formidable army of
- Time there was unrest in Mention and Roquebrune where the townspeople had been, weary ,of heavy taxation by the Grimaldi, and declared independence hoping for
- He had taken in her house on behalf of Oxford. On 18 May 1591 Oxford, clearly, weary , of the unsettled life of a courtier, wrote to Lord Burgher outlining a plan to
- Day, : The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea, : The plowman homeward plods his, weary ,way, : And leaves the world to darkness and to me. *The Cuba'I form of rhymed
- Party led by Robert A. Taft that advocated a more isolationist policy and was, weary ,of massive government spending. The plan also had opponents on the left, Henry
- In the colonies was increasingly unpopular in Portugal itself as the people got, weary ,of war and balked at its ever-rising expense. Following the coup d'état in
- Indecisive and doubt plagued, as restless. Like Campos, he can be melancholic, weary , resigned. The strength of Pessoa-himself's poetry rests in his ability to
- Tania's lifeless body lying amongst the wreckage. Lee and Roper exchange a, weary ,thumbs-up just as military helicopters arrive in response to the distress call.
- To San Diego as the Chargers completed a three game season sweep over the, weary ,Patriots with a 51-10 victory. A similar situation occurred in the 1968 season
- Of the Follies girls ultimately give way to anger, disappointment,and a, weary ,resignation to reality. "" Follies contains two scores: the Follies pastiche
- If Jesus made this claim during his life, it is not surprising that many Jews, weary ,of Roman occupation, would have supported him as a liberator. It is also likely
- Come to enter and steal your clusters of grapes. When the watchman grows, weary , he stands up and prays; and then he sits down again and courageously takes up
- Of water, and limp home under the cover of darkness. The crew is pale and, weary ,upon returning to La Rochelle on Christmas Eve. Shortly after the wounded
- To the fourth, everyone grew weary of the meaningless affair. The gods grew, weary , the eagles grew weary , the wound closed wearily.: Their remains the
- Pessimism. " Is pessimism necessarily a sign of decline, decay,degeneration, weary ,and weak instincts ... Is there a pessimism of strength? An intellectual
- Who still pursue a varying tale, : Must leave awhile the Paladin, who wages: A, weary ,warfare with the wind and flood;: To follow a fair virgin of his blood. Some
- Strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and be not, weary ,; and they shall walk, and not faint. " Abrahams is badly beaten by the heavily
- The same songs so often and wanted to perform original material, and they were, weary ,of Hawkins's somewhat dictatorial leadership. He would fine the Hawks if they
- Is raised to $3,000,the two repeat the process at another town before Blondie, weary ,of Tuco's incessant complaints about the dividing of the profits from their
- Gallucci, the local and just partially Romanized rural population, and sick and, weary ,of fighting abdicated in favor of his son Recoil, who proved to be a notable
- Season to the conditions and capacities of most, especially to them that were, weary , and wanted soul's rest ";" valiant in asserting the truth, bold in defending
- Showcased on" Jupiter Hollow. " The Last Waltz By 1976,Robbie Robertson was, weary ,of touring. After having to cancel some tour dates due to Richard Manuel
- It is called the bed of Actaeon, for it is said that he slept thereon when, weary ,with hunting, and that into this spring he looked while Artemis was bathing in
- Grew weary of the meaningless affair. The gods grew weary , the eagles grew, weary , the wound closed wearily.: There remains the inexplicable mass of rock. The
- Gods, the eagles, forgotten by himself.: According to the fourth, everyone grew, weary ,of the meaningless affair. The gods grew weary , the eagles grew weary , the
- Taliban. Ideology Overview The Taliban initially enjoyed goodwill from Afghans, weary ,of the warlords' corruption, brutality,and incessant fighting. However, this
- Pope Urban VIII incorporated Urban into the papal dominions, the gift of the, weary ,last duke, Francesco Maria II, in retirement after the death of his heir
- Journey lay behind us, so that the sands and tornados of the Great Basin would, weary ,our animals no more ... The noise of running water, the large grassy meadows
- The poem:: They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not, weary ,them, nor the years condemn: At the going down of the sun and in the morning:
- Wall, that you haven't collapsed into ruins, : since you're holding up the, weary ,verse of so many poets. However, in the literary world, epigrams were most
- Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man ", beginning with the line:" Are you not, weary ,of ardent ways ..." Victor Bore (; 3 January 1909 – 23 December 2000),born
- Identical to the faerie in every way except his sexual orientation - had grown, weary ,enough of solitude to take Cluracan's place. The Curacao is based on a
- So many French princes. Henry's men, on the other hand, were already very, weary ,from hunger, illness and marching. Even though he knew as well as the French
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