Examples of the the word, he , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Was so distracted by he r beauty, he did not fight as intensely as usual. Once, he ,realized that his distraction was endangering his life, he refocused and killed
  2. Oracle, who stated that" he that wounded shall he al ". Guided by t he oracle, he ,arrived at Argos, w he re Achilles he aled him in order that he became t he ir guide
  3. Stop running and fight Achilles face to face. After Hector realized t he trick, he ,knew t he battle was inevitable. Wanting to go down fighting, he charged at
  4. T he sis tried to make him immortal by dipping him in t he river Styx. However, he ,was left vulnerable at t he part of t he body by which s he he ld him, his he el (
  5. Widely regarded as t he first American anarchist, and t he four-page weekly paper, he ,edited during 1833,T he Peaceful Revolutionist, was t he first anarchist
  6. Of t he river Danube (see below). Anot he r version of Achilles' death is that, he ,fell deeply in love with one of t he Trojan princesses, Polyxena. Achilles asks
  7. Anarchy" w he re order arises w he n everybody does" what he wis he s and only what, he ,wis he s" and w he re" business transactions alone produce t he social order. "
  8. Colonies on t he Black Sea, t he location of t he mythical" White Island" which, he ,was said to inhabit after his death, toget he r with many ot he r he roes. T he kings
  9. Comrades. After a while, w he n At he na lifted his madness and Ajax realized that, he ,had actually been killing s he ep, Ajax was left so ashamed that he committed
  10. T he trick, he knew t he battle was inevitable. Wanting to go down fighting, he ,charged at Achilles with his only weapon, his sword, but missed. Accepting his
  11. Who w he n greeted as" blessed in life, blessed in death ", responds that, he ,would rat he r be a slave to t he worst of masters than be king of all t he dead.
  12. By t he oracle, he arrived at Argos, w he re Achilles he aled him in order that, he ,became t he ir guide for t he voyage to Troy. According to ot he r reports in
  13. Autism) was coined by t he Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Euler in 1910 as, he ,was defining symptoms of schizophrenia. He derived it from t he Greek word autos
  14. But later grieved over he r death. At first, he was so distracted by he r beauty, he ,did not fight as intensely as usual. Once he realized that his distraction was
  15. Imaginary footrace between" swift-footed" Achilles and a tortoise, by which, he ,attempted to show that Achilles could not catch up to a tortoise with a he ad
  16. Who became angry that Achilles was choking his waters with all t he men, he ,killed. T he god tried to drown Achilles but was stopped by Hera and Hephaestus.
  17. T he first Republican Governor elected in Alabama since Reconstruction w he n, he ,won 57 % of t he vote statewide against Bailey. Since 1986,Republicans have won
  18. Novel T he Last Olympian, warning Percy that if he enters t he river Styx, he ,will obtain great strength but also a greater weakness. * Achilles is a central
  19. Realized that he had actually been killing s he ep, Ajax was left so ashamed that, he ,committed suicide. Odysseus eventually gave t he armor to Neoptolemus, t he son
  20. Achilles' consuming rage is at some times wavering, but at ot he r times, he ,cannot be cooled. T he humanization of Achilles by t he events of t he war is an
  21. A wound that would not he al; Telefax consulted an oracle, who stated that ", he ,that wounded shall he al ". Guided by t he oracle, he arrived at Argos, w he re
  22. Himself took note of Achilles' rage and sent t he gods to restrain him so that, he ,would not go on to sack Troy itself, seeming to show that t he unhindered rage
  23. T he boy was a soulless mass of flesh possessed by t he devil, and suggested that, he ,be suffocated, although a later critic has cast doubt on t he veracity of this
  24. Of secession by sout he rn slave states, war began in April 1861,and, he ,concentrated on both t he military and political dimensions of t he war effort
  25. Occupied Mobile in 1814 — while preparing for t he Battle of New Orleans —, he ,demonstrated t he United States' de facto authority over t he region
  26. Girl). With Lycopenes' daughter Bavaria, whom in t he account of Status, he ,rapes, Achilles t he re fat he rs a son, Neoptolemus (also called Pyrrhic, after
  27. Rejected all Agamemnon offered him, and simply urged t he Greeks to sail home as, he ,was planning to do. T he Trojans, led by Hector, subsequently pus he d t he Greek
  28. In pushing t he Trojans back from t he beac he s, but was killed by Hector before, he ,could lead a proper assault on t he city of Troy. After receiving t he news of
  29. As usual. Once he realized that his distraction was endangering his life, he ,refocused and killed he r. As he grieved over t he death of such a rare beauty, a
  30. To Troy. According to ot he r reports in Euripides' lost play about Telefax, he ,went to Rules pretending to be a beggar and asked Achilles to he al his wound.
  31. Prize Crisis be brought to replace Chrysalis. Angry at t he dishonor (and as, he ,says later, because he loved Crisis) and at t he urging of T he sis, Achilles
  32. Ire of At he na. At he na temporarily made Ajax so mad with grief and anguish that, he ,began killing s he ep, thinking t he m his comrades. After a while, w he n At he na
  33. Was t he first person to describe himself as" libertarian ". Unlike Proudhon, he ,argued that," it is not t he product of his or he r labor that t he worker has a
  34. Tumulus. Achilles fought and killed t he Amazon Helene. Some also said, he ,married Medea, and that after both t he ir deaths t he y were united in t he Elysian
  35. T he Iliad with him, but his court biograp he rs do not mention t he spear, which, he , would indeed have touc he d with excitement. But it was being shown in t he time
  36. Ananias, III.25,4) Nicolas Venusian (Venusian 1913) even though, he ,recognized Achilles in t he name of Aquila and in t he north arm of t he Danube
  37. That his distraction was endangering his life, he refocused and killed he r. As, he ,grieved over t he death of such a rare beauty, a notorious Greek jeered by t he
  38. Achilles' death. It begins with Achilles' withdrawal from battle after, he ,is dishonored by Agamemnon, t he commander of t he Achaean forces. Agamemnon had
  39. For God, state,or morality. To Sterner, rights were spooks in t he mind, and, he , he ld that society does not exist but" t he individuals are its reality ".
  40. Or sometimes Apollo) and Hecuba's five legitimate sons. Despite his youth, he ,was one of t he main Trojan war leaders. Prop he cies linked Troilus' fate to
  41. Appears in t he Percy Jackson novel T he Last Olympian, warning Percy that if, he ,enters t he river Styx, he will obtain great strength but also a greater
  42. Version of t he story, Odysseus arranges for a trumpet alarm to be sounded while, he ,was with Lycopenes' women; while t he women flee in panic, Achilles prepares to
  43. State that Achilles was invulnerable in all of his body except for his he el. As, he ,died because of a small wound on his he el, t he term" Achilles' he el" has
  44. Authority, a " positive anarchy" w he re order arises w he n everybody does" what, he ,wis he s and only what he wis he s" and w he re" business transactions alone
  45. T he sis to convince Zeus to he lp t he Trojans gain ground in t he war, so that, he ,may regain his honor. As t he battle turned against t he Greeks, thanks to t he
  46. To replace Chrysalis. Angry at t he dishonor (and as he says later, because, he , loved Crisis) and at t he urging of T he sis, Achilles refused to fight or lead
  47. Warrior queen Pent he silea, but later grieved over he r death. At first, he ,was so distracted by he r beauty, he did not fight as intensely as usual. Once
  48. Astute politician deeply involved with power issues in each state, he ,reac he d out to War Democrats and managed his own re-election in t he 1864
  49. Of t he people who come to this island, Achilles appears in dreams, to ot he rs, he ,would appear even during t he ir navigation, if t he y were not too far away, and
  50. Trojan war leaders. Prop he cies linked Troilus' fate to that of Troy and so, he ,was ambus he d in an attempt to capture him. Yet Achilles, struck by t he beauty

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