English pronunciation exercises All of these pages were based on the incredible work from Christine Wingate. British and american english pronunciation exercises. Train your english listening with exercises to improve american accent Contents The vowel Sound of a as in among This sound occurs only in unaccented syllables. In formal... The vowel Sound of a as in arm Equivalents: ea as in heart; ua as in guard; c as in sergeant... The vowel Sound of a as in ask This is a sound between a as in arm and a as in at. But the... The vowel Sound of a as in ate When final and stressed this sound tends to become diphthongal... The vowel Sound of aa as in air Equivalents: a as in care; e as in there; ca as in bear... The vowel Sound of as in at Phonetic Symbol, æ. pa , ta , ka , ba, cla, g; a, a t h, a z... The vowel sound of e as in end Equivalents: a as in many; at as in said; ay as in says... The vowel Sound of e as in eve Equivalents: ee as in feet; ea as in beam; ei as in receive... The vowel Sound of i as in ice This sound is a diphthong (a in ask + i in it). Equivalents... The vowel sound of i as in it Equivalents: ee as in been; ui as in build; o as in women... The vowel Sound of o as in oak When final and stressed this sound becomes diphthongal... The vowel Sound of o as in orb Equivalents: a as in all; au as in haul; aw as in law... The vowel Sound of o as in soft This is a sound between o as in odd and o as in orb. But the... The vowel Sound of o as strong in odd Most Americans pronounce this sound similar to a as in arm... The vowel Sound of oi as in oil This sound is a diphthong (a in all + i in it). The vowel Sound of oo as in book Equivalents: o as in wolf; u as in full; ou as in would... The vowel Sound of oo as in ooze Equivalents: 0 as in do; u as in rude; ou as in group... The vowel Sound of ou as in out This sound is a diphthong (a as in arm + oo as in book). The vowel Sound of u as in butler Equivalents: o as in son; oe as in does; oo as in blood... The vowel Sound of u as in um Equivalents: e as in her; i as in fir; o as in work... The vowel sound of u as in use This sound is a combination of y plus oo in ooze. Equivalents... b is a voiced consonant Press the lips together as for p, and expel the breath with... ch is a compound breathed consonant (t + sh) Make the sound of t and quickly run it into sh. d is a voiced consonant Press the tip of the tongue on the gums behind the upper teeth... f is a breathed consonant Press the upper teeth and lower lip firmly together and force the... g is a voiced consonant Press the back of the tongue against the soft palate as fork... h is a breathed consonant Place the mouth in position for the vowel following the h and... I is a voiced consonant Place the tip of the tongue on the gums, back of the upper teeth... j is a compound voiced consonant (d + zh) Make the sound of d and run it into zh. j is the sound of ch voiced. k is a breathed consonant Press the back of the tongue against the soft palate... m is a nasal consonant Press the lips together as for y, expel the breath with the vibration... n is a nasal consonant Press the tip of the tongue against the gums, back of... ng is a nasal consonant Press the back of the tongue against the soft palate, expel the... p breathed consonant Press the lips together, then quickly expel the breath, making... qu is a compound consonant (k + w) Make the breathed consonant k and quickly round the lips for... r is a voiced consonant Draw the tongue back slightly and raise the sides so that they... s is a breathed consonant Place the sides of the tongue against the upper teeth and gums... sh is a breathed consonant Place the sides of the tongue as for s, raise the front and... t is a breathed consonant Press the tip of the tongue on the gums behind the upper teeth... th as in thin is a breathed consonant Broaden the tip of the tongue, place it between the teeth and... th as in this is a voiced consonant Place the tongue as for breathed th, and expel the breath with... v is a voiced consonant Press the upper teeth and lower lip firmly together as for f... w is a voiced consonant Push the lips forward as for wh and expel the breath with vibration... wh is a breathed consonant Push the lips forward and blow through the small opening... x as in extra is a compound breathed consonant (k + s) Make the sound of k and quickly run it into the sound of s... y as in yet is a voiced consonant Equivalent: i as in junior. Phonetic Symbols: j. Drill: yah, ya... z is a voiced consonant Place the tongue as for s and expel the breath with vibration... zh is a voiced consonant Place the tongue in the position for sh, and expel the...