How to say goodbye in English


There are many ways to say goodbye in English.

How many can you name? Perhaps 'goodbye' and 'bye'. This article will show you more than one way to say goodbye in a new way, to joke or just surprise your interlocutor with your goodbye.

The British and Americans like to diversify their speech. Often for the most basic expressions like “hello”, “how are you”, there are dozens of options. We've found 40 goodbyes - official, personal, humorous, and exotic - plus a couple of dark jokes in case you decide to say goodbye to someone once and for all.

Official farewell phrases

Saying goodbye to a friend I haven't seen for a long time (FUN)

It was really great to see how fat you've gotten.


Have you ever wondered how serious this sounds? It practically translates into Russian as "goodbye." Agree, you rarely speak Russian in Russian. In English, goodbye often means a goodbye forever, parting with a lover, or a big fight with someone when you leave with a slam of the door. However, you may well use goodbye when saying goodbye in a formal setting.

Have a good day

'Have a good day' (or 'Have a nice day,' 'Have a good evening,' or 'Have a good night') – have a good day! - an official business farewell, polite and convenient: with him you will always guess. Great for business partners and work colleagues.


It is better not to use it often - it sounds too high-flown. For example, farewell can be translated as “good luck!” If you suddenly find yourself in the role of an eleventh grade student at the school bell (farewell to school! - goodbye, school!). Another option - "farewell" - they say in melodramas with a bad ending, when the main character has already been shot four times with a gun, but he holds the hand of his beloved and before his death tells her something tragic and beautiful.

If neither is in your plans, perhaps we should look for less formal farewells.

Take care

If you watched Hollywood action movies, then you probably remember two phrases that, although they were translated into Russian, always sounded a little out of place:

  • Everything is fine? Are you okay? - the hero sympathetically asks his partner, who has just rolled over four times in a burning car and received seven bullet wounds in his leg. This, as we remember, are you ok?
  • The hero sends his partner to certain death among the enemies, and, embracing him for the last time, says in a soulful voice: "Take care of yourself." This is our goodbye.

If you're saying goodbye to someone you won't see for a while (at least a week) or who's going to do something difficult or dangerous, say 'take care'. Although this is quite a warm, but at the same time quite an official farewell.

Popular goodbye phrases

Farewell to former work colleagues (FUN)

We are really going to miss trying to avoid you around here.


Perhaps the most common version of farewell. Universal and spoken by everyone. The double version - 'bye-bye' - is often said by children or people in a cheerful mood.

See you later / Talk to you later

More often by phone. See you later! or Let's talk later! Universal farewell - suitable for any situation. Shortened to CUL8R in SMS (by the way, you can write this to a friend who boasts that he already speaks good English to puzzle him).


You can add appeals like dear, fella (from fellow - “dude”), man (buddy, bro) to it. Typical farewell of two Americans in a bar:
- Later.
- Later, man. take care.

Have a good one

It is said instead of "Have a good day" or "Have a good week". You say this to pose as a friendly and pleasant person, but there are people who get angry at such treatment (they think that you should call a spade a spade and say day). So be alert!

So long

An infrequent version of farewell, but it can be seen in the newspapers.

Keep in touch

Saying goodbye to someone you don't expect to see, at least not anytime soon. It is understood that you are asking him to write, call and not disappear. However, often this appeal is extremely polite and is an analogue of the Russian “let's call each other somehow” or “we should meet sometime.”

All right then

A farewell characteristic of Southern Americans. Similar to the untranslatable Russian set of words that we often mutter without hesitation at the end of a conversation: “well, then, come on. Then bye. Come on. Yeah. Let's". What, you never say that? I do not believe!

How to say goodbye in slang?

Farewell to a departing friend (FUN)

Can't wait to see you more often once move to another city.


Americans say this instead of toasting, clinking glasses, and the British can easily say goodbye in an informal setting. Two more variants of the same sound like 'cheerie-bye' and 'cheerio cheery'.

Catch you later. Laterz. = Later

Let's cross later!

Peace! / Peace out

If you want to pretend to be a hippie. Peace out - hello from the 90s.

I'm out!

Well, I'm gone! Or even: I'm not involved in this! You clearly want to emphasize your joy at the fact that you are leaving.

A few more variants of the British playful goodbye - options for "bye!":

  • don't take any
  • thirty 30
  • Toodle-oo
  • wooden nickels
  • seeyabye

Saying goodbye in a foreign language

Another beautiful farewell to a colleague (FUN)

We're all going to really miss doing your work for you.

Foreign farewells:

Sometimes you may hear something like the Italian 'ciao', the Spanish 'adios' or 'hasta la vista', or the French 'au revoir' (which can be jokingly replaced by 'olive oil' or 'au reservoir') or even our native 'doozviiidaniya' that your English-speaking friend will want to surprise you with before parting.

Two crocodile goodbyes:

  • see you in a while, crocodile
  • see you later, alligator

another version of the crocodile dialogue:

  • see you later, alligator! (to which it is customary to answer: after while, crocodile! - Chao, hamadryas!)

Typical for two American guys in a fighting mood.