How to write an essay with free templates | English composition


"I'm not good at English composition and I don't know what to write ..." "What kind of practice should I do to write English composition well?" As you can see, there are many people who are not good at English composition. Should be.

However, with the knack, most sentences can be translated into English with simple words and phrases. In this article, I will introduce tips on how to write English composition and recommended practice methods to improve English composition.

How to write English composition Let's hold down "6 tips"

Even if you are not good at writing English, it will be much easier to work on it just by holding down the tips. Here, let's take a look at six tips that you should keep in mind when writing an English composition.

Selec the right grammar pattern to use in the composition

First of all, let's decide the composition of the sentence. Most students use their native sentences pattern when writting, such as mix up the subject, verb and object order wrongly. But in English grammar, it is common to bring the conclusion first. Doing so makes it easier to convey what you want to say.

After that, please continue with the reasons and concrete examples that led to the conclusion. If there are several reasons, continue as in the case of Reason 1 / Reason 1 → Reason 2 / Reason 2. Most of the sentences are longer than the conclusion because it is a part that explains in detail why such a conclusion was reached.

Furthermore, by making a conclusion again at the end and summarizing the sentence, it will be easier to settle in the memory of the other party. In this way, if you decide the composition of the sentence first, it will save you time, and it is also an advantage that you can solve the problem faster in the exam.

Use template

Especially for those who are not familiar with English composition, it is recommended to use the template. You can easily create an English composition just by applying your own opinions and thoughts to the template. The "agree/disagree question", which is often asked as the theme of free English composition, is a question that states whether you agree or disagree with the question.

This type of question is basically answered by agree or disagree. Never answer Yes / No. When answering, please use the template below.

Question: Do you agree with ~? (Are you in favor of?)

Answer: I agree / disagree with ~. (I agree / disagree with ~)

The biggest reason is that ~ <reason>. (First of all, because of the reason) For instance, ~ <Specific example of the reason>. (For example, ~)

Another reason is that ~ <reason>. (Next, because of the reason) For example, ~ <specific example of the reason>. (For example, ~)

In conclusion, I agree / disagree with ~. (Therefore, I agree / disagree with ~)

In free English composition, there are many questions asking what you like. The following templates are useful for such questions.

Question: What is your favorite color?

Answer: My favorite color is ~ for two reasons. (My favorite color is ~ for two reasons.)

First, ~ <Reason>. (First ~)
For instance, ~ <Specific example of reason>. (For example ~)

Second ~ <Reason>. (Next ~)
For example, ~ <Specific example of reason>. (For example ~)

That is why my favorite color is ~. (Therefore, my favorite color is ~)

The point of both templates is to make concrete examples convincing.

Use simple expressions and words that you know

When writing an English composition, I have something to say, but I don't understand the word. In such a case, do not give up because you do not understand, but write sentences using expressions you know. You don't have to use difficult words in English composition. Rather, there are cases where it is evaluated whether or not you can express what you want to say with simple phrases.

I will explain in detail later, but if you encounter difficult expressions, it is recommended to play a paraphrase game. Being able to write English with only the words and phrases you know will give you confidence. In English composition, the purpose is to convey what you want to say correctly, so you can use any expression. There is no need to memorize difficult words, and English proficiency at the junior high school level is sufficient.

Memorize frequently used expressions

In English composition, it is very useful to remember the phrases you often use. Even if you have the same meaning, if you can reuse a few phrases in English, the range of expressions will expand.

However But, However, Yet
in short That is to say, In other words, The point is
Also, in addition Also, more, In addition, further
for example For example, For instance
in this way Similarly, Like this
Typically Generally, In general
Therefore, therefore So, Thus, Therefore, As a result, therefore
on the other hand While, On the other hand, By contrast
lastly Finally, Lastly
I think I think ~, I believe ~, I suppose that ~, In my opinion, In my view

Develop basic grammar and vocabulary

You don't have to use difficult words and grammar in English composition, but you need to have a minimum knowledge of words and grammar. The guideline is "junior high school level" English proficiency. First, be aware of developing the basics of vocabulary and grammar. Somehow, it is not a state where you can understand junior high school English, but you need to master it well so that you can actually use it.

In junior high school English, you will learn the basic structure of English sentences, tenses such as past tense, future tense, and present perfect tense, infinitives, and prepositions. It is possible to translate most sentences into English just by wearing these firmly. First, prepare one vocabulary and one grammar text that suits you.

It is recommended that the word book contains about 1200 to 1500 words and has audio. The point is that not only the headword but also the example sentences are attached. Choose a grammar book that includes exercises and detailed explanations. It is effective to solve the problem first, then read the explanation of the wrong part and review it.

Stop using your mother tongue structures/patterns

Especially for beginners in English, it is common to write too much in native language when writing English. Many people try to assemble native language first and then translate it into English. However, English and native language have different structures and word orders in the first place, so if you rely on English translations, unnatural parts will inevitably appear.

Also, if you don't understand a word, you will stumble there and you will not be able to proceed. The point is to "think in English and write in English". At first glance, the hurdles may seem high, but once you get into the habit of thinking in English, it's not that difficult. Let's practice from a short sentence first.

However, if you cannot write well in English, it is recommended that you list the content you want to write in native language bullet points instead of sentences. Summarize only the main points in native language and assemble English sentences.

Recommended practice method to improve English essay composition

In order to improve your English composition, you need to practice holding down the points. Here are some recommended practice methods that anyone can do.

I try to paraphrase it into English on a daily basis

In English composition, it is important to write sentences using words and phrases that you know. However, there are times when you can't speak English very well. In such a case, let's play a native language paraphrase game".

A paraphrase game is a game that makes it easier to paraphrase native language sentences into English. For example, if you don't understand the word "sprint," you can paraphrase it as follows:

I was about to be late, so I sprinted.

I was about to be late, so I ran as fast as I could.

I was going to be late, so I ran as fast as I could.

I ran as fast as I could express "sprinting". The higher the paraphrase power, the easier it is for various sentences to be translated into English. The point of English composition is how to combine expressions that you already know.

Write English composition with familiar and easy-to-write themes

When practicing English composition, it is recommended that you first choose a familiar theme. There are various English composition themes in the workbook, but if it is a theme that you are not familiar with, it will take time to think about what to write. On the other hand, if the theme is familiar to you, ideas will come to you easily, and you can practice writing while having fun.

At first, choose a theme of hobbies and interests, and explain why you are interested in them. If you like it, you will come up with more and more things you want to write. In addition, it is also recommended to choose a current affairs theme that interests you or something that immediately comes to your mind.

Once you get used to writing English, you may want to try an unfamiliar theme.

If you are not good at it, keep an English diary every day.

If you want to practice writing English composition on a familiar theme, we also recommend an English diary. Since I write down daily events and feelings in my diary, I naturally learn phrases that I often use in my daily life. It is also a point that the vocabulary is easy to take root because I come across expressions similar to writing a diary every day.

At first, it can be as short as a word. Once you get used to it, you will naturally be able to lengthen one sentence and increase the amount of sentences. On the other hand, as you get used to it, you may feel that the words and phrases you use are biased. In such a case, check if there is another wording and be aware of increasing the expressions that can be used.


If you master junior high school level words and grammar, you can write English with only simple phrases. You don't have to dare to use difficult phrases, so let's stock up the expressions that you can use little by little. If possible, it is recommended that you correct what you wrote natively.

You can increase the range of expressions by having them check for incorrect parts and unnatural expressions. Writing a lot of English composition will surely get you used to it. First of all, let's write more and more English composition with familiar themes.