Examples of the the word, æ , in a Sentence Context

The word ( æ ), is the 186 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. German but like Finnish and Swedish (when followed by 'r' ), Ä is pronounced, æ , as in English mat. The vowels Ä, Ö and Ü are clearly separate phonemes and
  2. Æ æ Æ (lower case:, æ ,) is a grapheme formed from the letters a and e. Originally a ligature
  3. Inter alia, by having a front variant of the letter g before the vowels, æ , e, i,œ, y and also pronouncing j in the same way (except in Italy). In the
  4. Phonemes. In Norwegian, there are four ways of pronouncing the letter: * as in, æ ,(the name of the letter),b æ r,l æ ring, æ ra,Ænes, æ rlig,t æ rne,Kv æ rner
  5. Æ signifies the diphthong. Danish and Norwegian In Danish and Norwegian, æ ,represents monophthongize vowel phonemes. In Norwegian, there are four ways of
  6. Like the o-slash ø and the a-circle å. These letters are collated after z and, æ , in the order ø, å. Historically the å has developed from a ligature by writing
  7. Danish alphabet is similar to the English one, with three additional letters:, æ , ø, and å, which come at the end of the alphabet, in that order. A spelling
  8. Represents a voiced dental fricative. The vowels 'ä' and 'ö' are the fronted, æ ,and ø, respectively. Utah (or) is a state in the Western United States. It
  9. Limitations make its use difficult (such as in use of typewriters), æ , is often eschewed in favor of the digraph eye. This is often considered
  10. French orthography includes the etymological ligatures œ and (more rarely), æ , The use of the circumflex in French is partly etymological as well. Upper and
  11. e.g. in titles, chapter headings, or captions); instead the ligatures, æ ,and œ were used,e.g. C æ sar, pœna. More rarely (and usually in 16th to early
  12. And the cedilla appearing in ‹ ç ›. There are two ligatures, ‹ œ › and ‹, æ ,›. Orthography French spelling, like English spelling, tends to preserve
  13. Letters of the alphabet, and sort them after z. Usually ä is sorted as equal to, æ ,(ash) and ö is sorted as equal to ø (o-slash). Also, aa, when used as an
  14. Usage, only the former is commonly used. The spelling encyclop æ dia—with the, æ ,ligature—was frequently used in the 19th century and is increasingly rare
  15. Such as the digraphs ‹ eye › and ‹ OE › (occasionally written as ligatures: ‹, æ ,› and ‹ œ ›, respectively ), which both denote in English. In the Oxford style
  16. Ae › represents, in formulae, for example. The digraph ‹ eye › or ligature ‹, æ ,› in some words tend to be given a pronunciation, for example, curriculum
  17. Like t æ nia and ex æ quo. Germanic languages Old English In Old English, æ ,denotes a sound intermediate between and (), a sound very much like the short
  18. Some varieties of Australian English, bad (with long æ ː) and lad (with short, æ ,) do not rhyme (see bad–lad split). **For many speakers, the / æ ː/ sound is
  19. Evident in the dialects of Suburb, where Æ is or: Icelandic In Icelandic, æ ,signifies the diphthong. Danish and Norwegian In Danish and Norwegian, æ
  20. Rs. Phonotactics Blocking of ii, uu I/j adjacent to i, e,their u-umlauts, and, æ , was not possible, nor u/v adjacent to u, o,their i-umlauts, and ǫ. The JJ and
  21. d),Dutch (IJ is sometimes ordered as y; see IJ: Collation),English (, æ ,is ordered as a + e),and many other languages. Usually the spaces or hyphens
  22. g) One of its etymological origins is Old Norse é (the other is Old Norse, æ ,), and this is particularly evident in the dialects of Suburb, where Æ is or:
  23. In certain older texts (typically British),the use of the ligatures, æ ,and œ is common in words such as arch æ ology, diarrhœa, and encyclop æ dia. Such
  24. Vowel letters by modifying the standard Latin vowels in other ways, such as, æ ,or ø that are found in some Scandinavian languages. The International
  25. Æ, æ ,Æ (lower case: æ ) is a grapheme formed from the letters a and e. Originally a
  26. Does not change even if it is spelled pal æ ography, with the ligature, æ , Common consonant ligatures Several consonant-consonant ligatures are used
  27. Near-open front unbounded vowel, the vowel sound represented by the, æ ,symbol Media and entertainment * Ash (comics),Comic book about a superhero
  28. Is often considered incorrect especially when rendering foreign words where, æ ,is considered a letter (e.g. Æsir,Ærø) or brand names which make use of the
  29. Slóða (to make a trace). # #*"U-surrounding, type 2" – between /a, á,e, æ , ø/ and /u/: Amur (before),lemur (leather),í kl æ ðum (in clothes),í
  30. Or Italian source. The Latin captions include several usages of the ligature, æ ,; this was almost unknown in later medieval times (a simple e was written
  31. It is" joined up" with the rest of the character. Some characters such as ‹, æ ,› in Icelandic and the ‹ ß › in German would probably be regarded as glyphs:
  32. To technical limitations (e.g., in URLs),they are often replaced by eye (Æ, æ ,), oe or o (Ø, ø ), and AA (Å, å ), respectively. The same spelling reform
  33. Have become diphthongs. The only exception is é, which in Faeroese has become, æ , *In Polish, the acute on" ó" indicates a pronunciation change into, and
  34. Atman (. Etymology The root *stamen (breath) is cognate with Old English ", æ ,m ", Greek " asthma ", German " Item ":" Amen" ( to breathe). The Spanish
  35. Variation and chiasms. In particular, the poem emphases the use of the ", æ ," sound and similar modifications to the standard" a" sound to make the poem
  36. Stowe e is receded Ports a ⁊ slogan Anne Dionne brettiscmonnan, swi e, æ ,else Monday. (Here Port and his 2 sons Baidu and M æ gla came to Britain with 2
  37. With his father's family name. The son also always spelled it with the, æ ,ligature, both in handwritten documents and in publications. Carl's patronymic
  38. Cat in many dialects of modern English. Faeroese In most varieties of Faeroese, æ ,is pronounced as follows: * when simultaneously stressed and occurring either
  39. Infrasonic languages: *Anglo-Frisian brightening: Fronting of non-nasal a, ā to, æ , ǣ when not followed by n or m *Metathesis of CTV into CVR, where C represents
  40. A larval stage in crustacean development. Those who write using the ligature ", æ ," may consider the singular to have only three vowels (zo æ a). Capitalized
  41. Some adaptations of the Latin alphabet are augmented with ligatures, such as, æ ,in Old English and Icelandic and Ȣ in Algonquian; by borrowings from other
  42. Script in the Nordic countries was to spell the letter combination" eye" as, æ ,– and sometimes as a' – though it varied between persons and regions. The
  43. Finnish is that Hungarian does not observe the difference between Finnish 'ä ', æ ,and 'e' e the Hungarian front vowel 'e' æ is the same as the Finnish front
  44. But the ligature was used in medieval and early modern writings in part because, æ ,was reduced to the simple vowel in the imperial period. In some medieval
  45. And encyclopaedia as equal alternatives (in that order),and notes the, æ ,would be obsolete except that it is preserved in works that have Latin titles.
  46. Having the diphthong αι (alpha iota). French In the modern French alphabet, æ ,is used to spell Latin and Greek borrowings like t æ nia and ex æ quo. Germanic
  47. Section, while the ligatures (combined letters, such as" ff "," phi ",", æ ," etc.) are in various locations about the exterior. In addition to placing
  48. In Swedish, that grew on the family homestead. This name was spelled with the, æ ,ligature. When Carl was born, he was named Carl Linn æ us, with his father's
  49. The difference between Finnish 'ä' æ and 'e' e the Hungarian front vowel 'e ', æ ,is the same as the Finnish front vowel 'ä '. Behavior of neutral vowels
  50. German spelling, which leads to confusion with for. * usually represents, æ , and can also represent ə or ɛ, especially around Bern. * represents PA

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