Examples of the the word, yorker , in a Sentence Context

The word ( yorker ), is the 10137 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Through and potentially go on to hit the wicket, getting the batsman out. The, yorker , might also not even hit the bat but hit the pads in front of the wicket
  2. From the commentary team was" What else would you call it? " Bowling a, yorker , A worker is usually delivered very late in the action with the hand almost
  3. Usually recommended delivering the ball with some in swing but an away-swinging, yorker , aimed at the pads can be just as effective. Because workers are quite difficult
  4. Confusing the batsman into playing the wrong shot. For example, bowling a, yorker , at a new batsman who will likely be expecting bouncers or at least standard
  5. Successfully playing this type of delivery is also known as digging out a, yorker , Bowling a worker requires pinpoint accuracy since bowling it slightly too long
  6. Nigh-on unplayable balls in the hands of a bowler of any speed. The in swinging, yorker , is seen as particularly deadly. Bouncer A bouncer is a ball which is aimed to
  7. The commentary team was" What else would you call it? " Bowling a worker A, yorker , is usually delivered very late in the action with the hand almost pointing
  8. Batsman onto the back foot to defend with a high bat, and then fire in a fast, yorker , aimed at the base of the stumps. If the batsman is expecting to play a high
  9. Of delivery causes the ball to drop dramatically in flight and arrive at a, yorker , length. This was most famously used by Chris Cairns to Chris Read causing him
  10. Yorker" length and will" jam" their bat down to" dig out" the worker. A ", yorker ," is a difficult delivery to bowl as a mistimed delivery can either result in a
  11. A" worker" but which does not" York" the batsman is known as an" attempted, yorker ,". Use of the worker Bowling workers is a tactic used most often by fast
  12. Is of" worker" length and will" jam" their bat down to" dig out" the, yorker , A" worker" is a difficult delivery to bowl as a mistimed delivery can either
  13. Out dipper A dipper is a swinging ball which is deliberately bowled as a, yorker , or a full toss; the latter not normally being a ball that a fast bowler would
  14. Africa is also very good at this sort of delivery and uses the out swinging, yorker , to much effect in all forms of the game. Despite the effectiveness of workers
  15. It. My mother's heart attack while we were hiking in the mountains hit like a, yorker , we were far from any medical help. From Worker another type of cricket
  16. And not with the bat speed necessary to defend against a worker. As such,a, yorker , is frequently bowled quickly to give the batsman less time to react and
  17. Does not" York" the batsman is known as an" attempted worker ". Use of the, yorker , Bowling workers is a tactic used most often by fast bowlers. A fast worker is
  18. In the slips. In swingers have their place too, especially combined with the, yorker , as the in swinger can catch the inside edge and break the wicket, or hit the
  19. Tail-end" batsmen, who often lack the skill to defend even a non-swinging, yorker , and who are sometimes less susceptible to other bowling tactics. It is also
  20. Much after bouncing off the seam. Closer still to the batsman's feet is the, yorker , a very effective length if bowled correctly. If the ball fails to bounce at
  21. Difficult to play especially if the bowler is very accurate and manages the, yorker , rather than a genuine full toss. Intimidate bowling Intimidate or
  22. If the batsman misjudges the swing on the ball. An in swinger combined with a, yorker , can be especially difficult for the batsman to defend against, especially if
  23. Underneath his bat or on his toes, in the block hole. A perfectly-pitched fast, yorker , is almost impossible to keep out; a bad worker can turn into a half-volley (
  24. In particular was well known for his fast in swinging arm-ball, often bowled at, yorker , length. Daniel Vector and Derek Underwood are other examples of left arm
  25. During a sequence of several overs. A slight variation in length can mean the, yorker , will pitch just short of the batsman—making the ball into a half volley that is
  26. Frequently the result of an unintentional error made while attempting to bowl a, yorker , A worker usually bounces at the batsmen's feet. Occasionally a full toss can
  27. An element of surprise by suddenly throwing down the opposite kind of ball - a, yorker , after a succession of short balls or a bouncer after a succession of full balls
  28. Dev of India is credited with the invention or re-discovery of the in-swinging, yorker , in an era of short balls bowled by the tall West Indian, English and Australian
  29. Bowled quickly to give the batsman less time to react and position his bat. The, yorker , is regarded as particularly effective against weak" tail-end" batsmen, who
  30. Batsman to alter the height of his or her bat very quickly after detecting a, yorker , has been bowled. This is difficult, and the worker can often squeeze through
  31. Quickly after detecting a worker has been bowled. This is difficult, and the, yorker , can often squeeze through the gap and break the wicket. Successfully playing
  32. At or around their feet and may thus cause themselves to be" worked ". A ", yorker ," is any delivery having the features described above and a batsman who has
  33. The worker Bowling workers is a tactic used most often by fast bowlers. A fast, yorker , is one of the most difficult types of delivery in cricket to play successfully
  34. Playing this type of delivery is also known as digging out a worker. Bowling a, yorker , requires pinpoint accuracy since bowling it slightly too long will result in a
  35. Causing him to duck into a full length ball which sent stumps flying. Worker A, yorker , is a ball which bounces off the pitch right in front of (or is aimed at the
  36. Of the series. Put into bat by Has sett, Hutton was bowled second ball by a, yorker , from Lind wall. England never recovered, and after Australia established a lead
  37. batsman's feet. A batsman may only realize very late that the delivery is of ", yorker ," length and will" jam" their bat down to" dig out" the worker. A" worker
  38. Cricket, batters seek to attack every ball bowled. In such circumstances,the, yorker , is a particularly effective delivery, both in taking wickets and preventing
  39. Of his wickets were gained through lbw or bowled, often with the in swinging, yorker , delivery. Golf retired at the end of the 2008 cricket season with Justin
  40. Main strike bowler for most of his career. He also developed a fine in swinging, yorker , during the 1980s,which he used very effectively against tail-enders. As a
  41. In 98 matches he took 146 wickets. He had the ability to unleash a devastating, yorker , as well as the ability to generate more bounce. He is one of only two players
  42. Getting the batsman out. They may be bowled or caught LBW either by speed,the, yorker , or by seam or swing causing the ball to move in toward them, in which case
  43. Stance will raise his bat (backlight) as the bowler bowls which can make ", yorker ," difficult to play when it arrives at the batsman's feet. A batsman may only
  44. Near the ground while the batsman prepares to strike the ball, so playing a, yorker , requires the batsman to alter the height of his or her bat very quickly after
  45. Hole. A perfectly-pitched fast worker is almost impossible to keep out; a bad, yorker , can turn into a half-volley (too short) or a full toss (too full).
  46. Both in taking wickets and preventing boundaries from being hit. Therefore,the, yorker , is very frequently bowled in these circumstances, and bowlers who can bowl
  47. The pitch. It is because the three effective lengths (good length, bouncer and, yorker , ) are all interspersed by lengths which are easy for the batsman to hit that
  48. Shorter-pitched balls and not with the bat speed necessary to defend against a, yorker , As such, a worker is frequently bowled quickly to give the batsman less time
  49. Can easily be played by the batsman. A delivery which is intended to be a ", yorker ," but which does not" York" the batsman is known as an" attempted worker ".
  50. Focus his bowling attack on the stumps and had a particularly lethal in swinging, yorker , Of his 414 Test wickets,193 were taken caught,119 were taken leg before

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