Examples of the the word, imported , in a Sentence Context

The word ( imported ), is the 10153 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the twentieth century, as anti-Semitic propaganda and blood libels were, imported ,from Europe and as resentment against Zionist efforts in British Mandate of
  2. Some manufacturing was attempted; 90 % of the supply (2 million pounds) was, imported ,by the end of 1776,mostly from France. Patriots in New Hampshire had seized
  3. Against the backdrop of conflicting Jewish and Arab nationalism, and was, imported ,into the Arab world primarily by nationalistically minded Christian Arabs (and
  4. CHIP, and had to return to its former name. At that time MCP did also sell, imported ,home computers like the TRS-80,the Video Genie, ( another TRS-80 clone),the
  5. Widespread at Athens than in other Greek cities. Indeed, the extensive use of, imported ,non-Greeks (" barbarians" ) as chattel slaves seems to have been an Athenian
  6. Abacus In Japanese, the abacus is called Saroyan (, lit. " Counting tray" ), imported ,from China around 1600. The 1/4 abacus, which is suited to decimal calculation
  7. Are maximized. Once one knows what works in an ad, that idea or ideas can be, imported ,by any other market. Market research measures, such as provide insight into
  8. By the application of certain agglutinative affixes. The classical language, imported ,numerous words from Middle Iranian languages, primarily Parthia, and contains
  9. Sweet potatoes and peanuts. Non-poor whites in the uplands avoided crops, imported ,from Africa because of the perceived inferiority of crops of the African slaves
  10. Or chemically treated with propylene oxide. This does not apply to, imported ,almonds, or to almonds sold from the grower directly to the consumer in small
  11. More widely available after the rebuilding of roads and highways. They are, imported ,from the United Arab Emirates through Pakistan and Iran. Afghanistan's postal
  12. It is also unclear whether they made their own raw glass or merely, imported ,pre-made ingots, which they melted and finished. However, they did have
  13. Cultivars of sweet almond are produced, most notably the Jordan almond (, imported ,from Málaga) and the Valencia almond. In Greece, most of the production comes
  14. Particularly metal ores, timber and building stone, all of which had to be, imported , The spread of the Akkadian state as far as the" silver mountain" ( possibly
  15. Century, sugar had become Brazil's the most important export and the Portuguese, imported ,African slaves to cope with the increasing international demand. Through wars
  16. The U. S. imports 7 % of its oil from Angola, about three times as much as it, imported ,from Kuwait just prior to the Gulf War in 1991. The U. S. Government has
  17. Extensive. Throughout this period Ainu became increasingly dependent on goods, imported ,by Japanese, and suffered from epidemic diseases such as smallpox. Although
  18. The Africans who immigrated to that area as indentured servants (or who were, imported ,as slaves) in the 17th century, the more recent arrivals have mostly come from
  19. Known as Red legs; the descendants of indentured servants, and prisoners, imported ,to the island. Many additionally moved on to become the earliest settlers of
  20. Has evolved from the unaccompanied vocal music and oral traditions of slaves, imported ,from West Africa and rural blacks into a wide variety of styles and subgenres
  21. Rural areas, subsistence hunting and gathering is an essential activity because, imported ,food is prohibitively expensive. The cost of importing food to villages begins
  22. And livestock. Manufacturing is limited, with most foodstuffs and general goods, imported ,from elsewhere. Employment is primarily in government and industries such as
  23. Of £75,000). So much land was devoted to sugar that most food had to be, imported ,from New England. The poorer whites that were squeezed off the island went to
  24. On the eastern seaboard of what today is the United States began to cross, imported ,English Thoroughbred horses with assorted" native" horses such as the
  25. The ancient Egyptians prized the blue stone laps Pauli, which had to be, imported ,from far-away Afghanistan. Egypt's Mediterranean trade partners also included
  26. As obelisks and other relics were transported back to Rome. The Romans also, imported ,building materials from Egypt to erect Egyptian style structures. Early
  27. A globalized business around the turn of the 20th century: Idar-Oberstein, imported ,large quantities of agate from Brazil, as ship's ballast. Making use of a
  28. Is a quintessentially Native American art form, but ironically uses beads, imported ,from Europe and Asia. Glass beads have been in use for almost five centuries in
  29. Of Angolan culture is African, mostly Bantu, while Portuguese culture has been, imported , The diverse ethnic communities - the Ovimbundu, Ambundu, Bakongo, Chokwe, and
  30. Elsewhere in the canyon. Items such as macaws, turquoise,marine shells, and, imported , vessels prove the long-distance commercial relations Chico had with other
  31. Copper, zinc,gold and lead. The vast majority of energy is produced with, imported ,fuel, including gas and nuclear fuel (for its one nuclear power plant) from
  32. Her Roman equivalent is the goddess. Historically, her cult in Greece was, imported ,from, or influenced by, the cult of Astarte in Phoenicia. According to Hesiod
  33. As well as occasional high-level disputes with Russia over prices on core, imported ,natural resources such as oil and gas, Belarus aims to develop better relations
  34. Of words, spellings,terms and usages from North American English. The words, imported ,included some later considered to be typically Australian, such as dirt and
  35. Into the early blues instrumental vocabulary. The banjo seems to be directly, imported ,from western African music. It is similar to the musical instrument that riots
  36. New Kingdom, the Egyptians played on bells, cymbals,tambourines, and drums and, imported ,lutes and lyres from Asia. The sistrum was a rattle-like musical instrument
  37. Had been halted. As a result, Belize remains almost totally dependent on, imported ,petroleum for its energy needs. In 2006,the cultivation of newly discovered
  38. Ants, the Pharaoh ant, carpenter ants, Argentine ant, odorous house ants, red, imported , fire ant and European fire ant. Populations are controlled using insecticide
  39. In 2002,the United States exported $283 million of merchandise to Bolivia and, imported ,$162 million. Agriculture accounts for roughly 15 % of Bolivia's GDP. Soybeans
  40. Station horses that have run wild. Feral pigs, foxes,cats and rabbits are also, imported ,animals that degrade the environment, so time and money is spent eradicating
  41. These Student Version objects will" infect" a commercial version DWG file if, imported , The http://students.autodesk.com Autodesk student community provides
  42. Nile by about 4000 BC. As early as the Canada I Period, predynastic Egyptians, imported ,obsidian from Ethiopia, used to shape blades and other objects from flakes.
  43. The Western powers walked away from the region, leaving behind 40,000 militants, imported ,from several countries to wage the anti-Soviet jihad. Pakistan was left to face
  44. Enslaved labor was used most extensively, as planters brought with them or, imported ,slaves from the Upper South. On the eve of the Civil War in 1860,enslaved
  45. The 1990s,however, industrial production plunged because of decreases in, imported ,inputs, investment,and demand for exports from traditional trading partners.
  46. And 1521. All the supplies of grain of Natalia and Monomania had now to be, imported ,from the Turkish possessions, while corsairs rendered dangerous all traffic by
  47. Marine had 54 ships. Some portions of most products that were previously, imported ,from abroad have begun to be produced locally (among them are Coca-Cola by
  48. The French word artiste (which in French, simply means" artist" ) has been, imported ,into the English language where it means a performer (frequently in Music Hall
  49. Be unwilling to surrender the government help. Smith also supported tariffs on, imported ,goods to counteract an internal tax on the same good. Smith also fell to
  50. Who was the grandson of the Go dolphin Arabian. He was foaled in 1746,and, imported ,to colonial Virginia in 1756. The influence of Thoroughbreds like Janus

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