Examples of the the word, seminary , in a Sentence Context
The word ( seminary ), is the 10155 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Jewish peers had deep reservations about his choice to work at JTS. The, seminary ,explicitly encouraged its faculty and students to study rabbinical literature
- On May 6,1542. There he was invited to head Saint Paul's College, a pioneer, seminary ,for the education of secular priests that became the first Jesuit headquarters
- Up in a staunchly Protestant milieu, his grandfather being the director of the, seminary ,in Gummersbach. He studied at the universities of Göttingen (1949/50),Zürich
- And skeptical) in their study of the Bible and Talmud, to establish a, seminary ,to train rabbis for immigrants from Eastern Europe. These left-wing Orthodox
- University of Olympic was established. The establishment of a special papal, seminary ,Collegium Nordicum made the university a center of re-Catholisation effort in
- A community college in Hartford, Connecticut * Capital Bible Seminary,the, seminary ,component of Washington Bible College with its main campus in Latham, Maryland
- Influence in contemporary society. Currently, all Latin-Rite Catholic, seminary ,students are expected to take courses in canon law (c. 252.3). Some
- Fond of fishing and outdoor activities. At age thirteen, he was sent to a small, seminary ,near Rouen for classical studies. In October 1868,at the age of 18,he saved
- Considerable number of“ artificial” names exists, for example, those given to, seminary ,graduates; such names were based on Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church or
- Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. caused him to quit. After leaving the, seminary , Thomas attended Episcopal services, and Danforth is an ordained Episcopal
- Colleges in Hamilton include: * McMaster Divinity College, a Christian, seminary ,affiliated with the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec since 1957.
- S. Vice Presidential candidate. In 2008,Indian Ultra from the world renowned, seminary ,of Demand have categorically issued a fatwa against terrorism and mentioned
- A new interpretation of the law is required. In the late 1980s the primary, seminary ,of the Reform movement, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
- Most Maori Rabbis are trained at Leo Back College, an inter-denominational, seminary ,which ordains non-Orthodox British Rabbis. Israel The first Maori communities
- Of the hospital, which had fallen into great disorder, and replaced it with a, seminary ,for the priestly education of seventy poor boys, under the name of the Colegio
- The proper application of galactic sources ". And maintains a Rabbinical, seminary , the Institute for Traditional Judaism. United Kingdom The Maori movement did
- Jewish state. The agreement granted future exemption of yeshiva (religious, seminary ,) students and orthodox women from military service, made the Sabbath the
- High school, he met the great author Gustave Flaubert. He first entered a, seminary ,at Veto, but deliberately got himself expelled. From his early education he
- S College and Seminary council 1965 became the first council attached to a, seminary , at what is now Mount St. Mary's University. In 1937,the University of
- Of Lubumbashi city. The Faculty Methodist de Théologie (FMT) is a Methodist, seminary ,which is accredited within the university system. TESOL, the English Language
- A year older than his stepmother, is feeling extremely frustrated. He is a, seminary ,student and everyone is always teasing him, never taking him seriously or
- Canons Regular of the Lateran was built in 1965 next to the already existing, seminary , The Roman Catholic parish of Bodmin includes a large area of North Cornwall
- When King and his allies returned to the south, they left Jesse Jackson,a, seminary ,student who had previously joined the movement in the South, in charge of their
- Seminary of Presley (then in Prussia, now Wrocław, Poland ). At the, seminary , Frankel taught that Jewish law was not static, but rather has always developed
- Taught: At present, the Book of Mormon is studied in our Sunday School and, seminary ,classes every fourth year. This four-year pattern, however,must not be
- Of them. In India, where Muslims form a large minority, the largest Islamic, seminary ,(Daryl Bloom Demand) has vehemently opposed recent government moves to
- Church. Gilmore is home to As bury University (a separate institution from the, seminary ,), which is associated with the Christian College Consortium. The University of
- Of Gabriel Bănulescu-Bodoni and Dimitri Julia a theological school and a, seminary ,were opened in Chisinau, and public schools throughout the region: in the
- At the age of eighteen Hegel entered the Tübingen Shift (a Protestant, seminary ,attached to the University of Tübingen),where two fellow students were to
- Peaceful methods of preserving the Islamic heritage and founded the DAR album, seminary ,in 1867 in the town of Demand. From the school developed the Demand movement
- To care for the widows and orphans left behind. He had to temporarily leave his, seminary ,studies to care for his family when his father died. In the late 19th century
- Universal gravitation. During his career, Kepler was a mathematics teacher at a, seminary ,school in Graz, Austria,where he became an associate of Prince Hans Ulrich on
- He originally studied music at Milk Abbey and philosophy at a Benedictine, seminary ,in Vienna and became one of the most learned and skillful contrapuntists of his
- Doll fuss by an unknown father. Doll fuss was educated at a Roman Catholic, seminary ,before deciding to study law at the University of Vienna and then economics at
- Cheese. Death and legacy He died leaving a sum of 600,000 ducats to endow the, seminary ,he had founded, and the residue of the immense wealth he had acquired in Spain
- Time's noblest offspring is the last. " A residential college and an Episcopal, seminary ,at Yale University also bear Berkeley's name, as does the Berkeley Library at
- Or University of the Nations. The Saint Stephen Diocesan Center is a, seminary ,of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu. Law and government The state
- Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville is the principal, seminary ,for the Southern Baptist Convention. Louisville is also the home of the
- Were later repeatedly to accuse him of having been educated at the Jesuit, seminary ,of St. Omer's and of harboring secret Catholic sympathies at a time when
- And forming a Social Democratic study circle. Shortly after leaving the, seminary , Stalin discovered the writings of Vladimir Lenin and decided to become a
- 500 per year) train as ministerial students. Many of these students go on to a, seminary ,after completing their undergraduate degree. Others take ministry positions
- And arranged formal music lessons for him. At one point, he briefly attended a, seminary ,with the idea of becoming a priest. When Rousseau reached 20,De Warns took
- Theological Seminary and the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards. And the, seminary ,'s former Chancellor, Rabbi Is mar Scorch, complained of the movement's "
- Only to word and service. In the United Methodist Church, for instance, seminary ,graduates are examined and approved by the Conference Board of Ordained
- Was eventually consecrated in 1965: it was built next to the already existing, seminary , Du Bombay retired in 1924 and was replaced by M. B. Williamson who served
- Deacon, priest,bishop. For Catholics, it is typically in the last year of, seminary ,training that a man will be ordained to the diagonal, called by Catholics in
- Mass. Orthodox seminarians are typically tonsured as readers before entering, seminary , and may later be made subdeacons or deacons; customs vary between seminaries
- The University of Judaism's (now the American Jewish University) rabbinical, seminary , In 1979 JTS Chancellor Gerson Cohen announced the creation of the Maori ("
- Of astronomy. In 1589,after moving through grammar school, Latin school, and, seminary , at Cauldron, Kepler attended Tübingen Shift at the University of Tübingen.
- After which he decided to change his career. After two years he left the, seminary ,to attend Teachers College, Columbia University, obtaining an MA in 1928 and a
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