Examples of the the word, foregoing , in a Sentence Context
The word ( foregoing ), is the 10140 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Terrorism, as well as in certain cases attempts or conspiracies to commit the, foregoing ,) subject to retrial after acquittal (including acquittals obtained before
- Disclosure statement: Although Soda Hakka retains the copyrights on the, foregoing ,three works and financed their publication, they show some deviation from
- Zorse/> zebra mule is an older term, but still used in some regions today. The, foregoing ,terms generally refer to hybrids produced by breeding a male zebra to a female
- All laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the, foregoing ,powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of
- For their immoral practices. Theodore, in his account of the sect, repeats the, foregoing ,statement of Clement, and charges the Nicolaitans with false dealing in
- Are examples of transfer-rich economies. Adam Smith on trade deficits" In the, foregoing ,part of this chapter I have endeavored to show, even upon the principles of
- Who is not a Mormon, who sees any scientific justification for believing the, foregoing ,to be true, and I would like to state that there are quite a few Mormons
- Basic understanding of their rights and an appreciation of the consequences of, foregoing ,those rights. The focus of the analysis is directly on the personal
- Form of indecent assault" ( Article 4. e),and" Threats to commit any of the, foregoing ,acts" ( Article 4. h). Clauses in other articles implore humane treatment of
- For serious human rights violations during the former regime; proof of the, foregoing ,is the abolition of the death penalty and the high number of former guardsmen
- An Honorary Doctorate in Science at Oxford University. (In the light of the, foregoing , the deafening silence with which J. M. Baldwin was later treated in Oxford
- Is one type of maritime distress signals. " The use or exhibition of the, foregoing ,signals as a hand flare showing a style" color:red/JJ"> red">red light or
- St. Matthew whose identity with Levi the publican (5:7) he conceals. If the, foregoing ,argument holds good, Mary of Bethany and the" sinner" are one and the same.
- Combustion products of the fuel/air mixture is taken at approximately 1.3. The, foregoing ,discussion implies that it is more efficient to have a high combustion ratio.
- A new starting point in the Church's relations with Judaism, in light of the, foregoing , can be appreciated from the vantage point of the passage of forty years. The
- Story specifically for Katharine Hepburn, who ended up backing the play, and, foregoing , a salary in return for a percentage of the play's profits. Hepburn selected
- To cease and to refrain from all such acts as may constitute breaches of the, foregoing ,legal obligations; #Decides that the United States of America is under an
- And code/command injection. It is to be immediately noted that all the, foregoing ,are specific instances of a general class of attacks, where situations in which
- It was read out. The acts of the council report:" After the reading of the, foregoing ,epistle, the most reverend bishops cried out: This is the faith of the fathers
- And closes with" the administration engages its responsibility" on the, foregoing , Deprived of Gaullist party support halfway into his seven-year term spanning
- All laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the, foregoing ,powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of
- Ashish a year and four months. * Another king of Path, probably grandson of the, foregoing , to whom the two servants of Shiva fled. This led Shiva to go to Path in
- Finns in those locales considered themselves to be" Copper Islanders. " As the, foregoing ,source indicates," Copper Island" has sometimes been used as a sobriquet for
- 2009-10-25|deader=yes} } Another copy of the, foregoing ,may be found at 'http://www.leepers.us/evelyn/ah101.htm' ( retrieved
- Significantly different from western values and included a sense of loyalty and, foregoing ,personal freedoms for the sake of social stability and prosperity, and
- All laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the, foregoing ,powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of
- A semi-rural appearance. Saratoga emphasizes its semi-rural appearance by, foregoing ,streetlights and sidewalks on most residential streets. This, in addition to
- Orange Book standard, the manufacturing process must be perfect. Despite the, foregoing , most CD-Rs on the market have an 80-minute capacity. There are also 90
- Resemblance. After discussing classification issues, Darwin concludes: All the, foregoing ,rules and aids and difficulties in classification are explained, if I do not
- Others of the United States, and of naturalized citizens of Mexico, are by this, foregoing ,capitulation cancelled; and every condition of said paroles from and after this
- Society of St. Pius X. *Bishops whose lineages derive from the, foregoing ,bishops, which essentially means the" Thus line" of bishops deriving from
- American Ginseng (), Goldenseal (), Bloodroot () and Black Cohosh (). The, foregoing ,trees, shrubs and herbs are also more widely distributed in less rich music
- Construction of the necessary and proper clause to read that Congress had" the, foregoing ,powers and all other powers ..." Article Two: Executive power Section analysis
- 1/742 (in fact,22/7 − π is just less than 1/790). The demonstration of the, foregoing ,properties is deduced from the fact that if we seek the difference between one
- All laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the, foregoing ,powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of
- Axon, activating synapses onto other neurons as it goes. Many neurons fit the, foregoing ,schema in every respect, but there are also exceptions to most parts of it.
- To the offense or the offender, and,without limiting the generality of the, foregoing , (i) evidence that the offense was motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based
- To me well known to be the person who executed the, foregoing ,instrument, and he/she acknowledged before me that he/she executed the same as
- Is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years ". According to the, foregoing , Apollo is a holy (good) angel, servant,and messenger of God; but in
- Or of the text that Eugenics read, are probably responsible. The smaller of the, foregoing ,two readings of Eugenics (4,080,000 Stadia) turns out to be exactly 100 times
- In which 20-k numbers can be chosen from a set of 80-n numbers. Combining the, foregoing , one finds that:: P_n (k) = \franc The payouts for each result can be read
- And provide defensive air cover for deployed battleships and cruisers. The, foregoing ,mission requirements limited use of fleet carriers′ unique offensive strike
- Simpler no (1 − n) = CBN. (See the paper of S. C. Won. ) (Note that in the, foregoing ,equation for n 0 and n 1 the expression and (1 − n) is to be understood as
- Texture by stabilizing and strengthening the gluten. Some artisan bakers are, foregoing ,early addition of salt to the dough, and are waiting until after a 20-minute "
- Articles and letters in the Press whenever possible, putting forward the, foregoing ,aims. #To arrange concerts and entertainments with a Cornish-Celtic flavor
- Donations beyond the normal 10 percent tithe, which represents the cost of, foregoing ,two meals on monthly Fast Sundays. Money from the program is used to operate
- Is further legalized for medicinal use, it is possible that some, foregoing ,compound medicines, whose formulas have been copied exactly as published, may
- State Socialism and Anarchism ", which stated" Forty years ago, when the, foregoing ,essay was written, the denial of competition had not yet effected the enormous
- Investment and detracts from future growth. Future growth is made possible by, foregoing ,present consumption to increase investment. However, savings kept in a mattress
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