Examples of the the word, ware , in a Sentence Context

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  1. In which only the central portion is directly heated. From the cool entrance, ware ,is slowly transported through the kiln, and its temperature is increased
  2. Or when they are in the reduction chamber. The glaze firing times for Baku, ware ,are short: an hour or two as opposed to up to 16 hours for high-temperature
  3. Contextualisation under the year 1283:: Lytic John and Robyn Huge: Watchmen, ware ,commended guide: In Yngil-wode and Barksdale: Thai OSD all this time their
  4. Rarely attained the standards of the Gaulish industries although the Castor, ware ,of the Nine Valley was able to withstand comparison with the imports. Most
  5. Including table ware , cook ware ,wall tiles, pottery products and sanitary, ware ,*Technical, is also known as engineering, advanced,special, and in Japan, fine
  6. To machine application. Gold: Decoration with gold is used on some high quality, ware , Different methods exist for its application, including: *Best gold - a
  7. The comb ceramic pottery found on the site dates to about 3000 BC and corded, ware ,pottery c. 2500 BC. In 1050 the first fortress was built on Tallinn Tromped. As
  8. The rotary shaping tool is a shallow cone having the same diameter as the, ware ,being formed and shaped to the desired form of the back of the article being
  9. Word" JU). Similarly, the sentence can be reordered to speak about seller, ware , or buyer. Modifications for time, location,actor, type of action, and others
  10. Pottery of a class now known immediately to precede the typical late Aegean, ware , and many stone and metal objects, were found. These were dated by the
  11. The kneeling posture of the images of Damian and Amnesia, of the use of native, ware ,instead of Athenian in their worship, and of the change in women's dress at
  12. Traded in the region, has colors and designs which may derive from earlier, ware ,by both Anasazi and Mongolian peoples. (Cordell, p. 142-143) The Ancestral
  13. Changes are rapid during the Baku process, clay bodies used for Baku, ware ,must be able to cope with significant thermal stress. The usual way to add
  14. In Kyoto, and by professional and amateur potters around Japan. Baku, ware ,marked an important point in the historical development of Japanese ceramics
  15. Were a part of Phoenician wealth, and Phoenician glass was another export, ware , They traded unrefined, prick-eared hunting dogs of Asian or African origin
  16. To the present 15th generation (Kichizaemon). The name and the style of, ware ,has become influential in both Japanese culture and literature. In Japan, there
  17. Tonga as the oldest known site in Polynesia for the distinctive Lupita ceramic, ware , at 2800–2750 years before present. Vanuatu In the history of Vanuatu, the
  18. Gold. The process demands great skill and is used for the decoration only of, ware ,of the highest class. *Bright Gold – consists of a solution of gold
  19. RAM pressing: A factory process for shaping table ware s and decorative, ware ,by pressing a bat of prepared clay body into a required shape between two
  20. Common in table ware and tile manufacture, is the roller-hearth kiln, in which, ware ,placed on bats is carried through the kiln on rollers. Kiln technology is very
  21. Built around 2800 BC. The people who built Ashore were users of grooved, ware , a distinctive type of pottery that spread throughout the British Isles from
  22. Head family's studio. One of the most well-known of these is Ōhi-yaki (OHI, ware ,). After the publication of a manual in the 18th century, raku ware was also
  23. Firing times to be used. In a Western adaptation of traditional Japanese Baku, ware ,firing, ware s are removed from the kiln while hot and smothered in ashes, paper
  24. For good views of the city. The bazaar is also known for its traditional, ware ,; fine jewelry and clothes can be found in the local markets. There are a
  25. Other sites of the region. They were followed by the extension of Sherbet Merak, ware ,cultures, showing affinities with the Caucasus, and possibly linked to the
  26. Of distributed systems (e.g., web applications) where the client, middle, ware , and data tiers ran on physically separate platforms. Whereas MVC comes from the
  27. Precious metal found outside Mycenae. E. Chanter in 1894 picked up lustreless, ware , like that of Hissariik, in central Phrygia and at Persia, and the English
  28. Has no air force. However, 18 NATO Airborne Warning And Control System airplanes, ware ,registered as aircraft of Luxembourg as a matter of political and aviation
  29. Of Greek pottery with Corinthian and Attic ware . The distinctive Red Damian, ware ,of the Early Roman Empire was copied by regional potters throughout the Empire.
  30. Tradition traces its history to pagan times, connected with neolithic corded, ware ,culture. Lithuanian folk music is archaic, evolved for ritual purposes. Sports
  31. Included: coin; pottery, particularly red-gloss Terra titillate (Damian, ware ,) from southern, central and eastern Gaul, as well as various other ware s from
  32. Other liquids. Glaze may be applied by dusting the unfixed composition over the, ware ,or by spraying, dipping,trailing or brushing on a thin slurry composed of the
  33. Temperatures cause the salt to volatile, depositing it on the surface of the, ware ,to react with the body to form a sodium aluminosilicate glaze. In the 17th and
  34. OHI ware ). After the publication of a manual in the 18th century, raku, ware ,was also made in numerous workshops by amateur potters and tea practitioners in
  35. To a schedule. After the firing process is completed, both the kiln and the, ware ,are cooled. A continuous kiln, sometimes called a tunnel kiln, is a long
  36. The Land of Valencia, like Alcoa, Ontinyent or Violent. Raku-yaki (楽焼) (Baku, ware ,) is a type of Japanese pottery that is traditionally used in the Japanese tea
  37. Because heat given off during cooling is recycled to pre-heat the incoming, ware , A special type of kiln, common in table ware and tile manufacture, is the
  38. I, with black and red decorations on white slip known as Philistine Bichrome, ware , Also, of particular interest is a large, well-constructed building covering
  39. Made by Choir were initially referred to as" Ibaraki" (" contemporary, ware ,") and were also distinguished as Juraku-yaki, from the red clay (Burak)
  40. She obtained key stratified data for the study of Eastern Terra similar, ware , In 1934 Kenyon was closely associated with the Wheelers in the foundation of
  41. Experience are required to throw pots of an acceptable standard and, while the, ware ,may have high artistic merit, the reproducibility of the method is poor.
  42. In the ditch-fill. Dating evidence is provided by the late Neolithic grooved, ware ,pottery that has been found in connection with the features from this phase.
  43. An intermittent kiln of a type sometimes used in the firing of pottery. The, ware ,is set on a refractory hearth, or plinth, over which a box-shaped cover is then
  44. Controlled inner temperature and atmosphere. In using an intermittent kiln,the, ware ,to be fired is loaded into the kiln. The kiln is sealed, and the internal
  45. Of the Korean campaigns, not only were large quantities of prized ceramic, ware ,confiscated, many Korean artisans were forcibly relocated to Japan. Inspired by
  46. Bisected long-standing trans-Saharan routes. The Portuguese brought in copper, ware , cloth, tools,wine and horses. Trade goods soon also included arms and
  47. Seen until the later developments of Greek pottery with Corinthian and Attic, ware , The distinctive Red Damian ware of the Early Roman Empire was copied by
  48. many Orkney–Primary chambered cairns, these were built by instant, ware ,people. Snap of Howard on the Orkney island of Papa We stray, is a well-preserved
  49. Point in the historical development of Japanese ceramics, as it was the first, ware ,to use a seal mark and the first to focus on close collaboration between potter
  50. The Dutch traders bought Japanese copper, silver,camphor, porcelain,lacquer, ware ,and rice. To this was added the personal trade of VOC employees on Decimal

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