Examples of the the word, fao , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fao ), is the 9591 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On Congress-related topics and themes. Further reading * ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/010/ai143e/ai143e00. PDF World Congress on Communication for
  2. B. Davis, C. Azzurri, K. Covarrubias, L. Manicotti, and G. ANR¡quiz ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/011/aj303e/aj303e. PDF Rural Household Access to Assets and
  3. India published at FAO Q cache: GzCVfeeuoTUJ: www., fao , Org/AG/against/programs/en/pulp/doc arc/LSP303. PDF+ragacovas&hl enact
  4. No 1,Vol. 2. Roma, FAO. 269 pp. - A copy is available online at ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/009/x9293e/x9293e00. PDF FAO. Org *Leonard Company, Dando M.
  5. Synod., ( 125)Vol.4,Pt.1: 249 p. - A copy is available online at ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/009/ad122e/ad122e00. PDF FAO. Org *Leonard Company,1984b. FAO
  6. AIMS District Map *ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/country/Afghanistan/yakawlang. PDF Food Security Assessment in Afghan
  7. Pratt & Whitney R-1340 engine; W 34 FY: Armstrong Middle Panther engine; W 34,FAO, : 397 kW Siemens Sh 20 engine, only one was produced for tests with autopilot; W
  8. 125) Vol.4,Pt.2: 251-655 - A copy is available online at ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/009/ad123e/ad123e00. PDF FAO. Org *Leonard Company,1988.
  9. G/cm³. Name" FAO" /> It is used for firewood, charcoal,name ", fao ," /> floors, beams,posts, stakes,boat construction and general construction.
  10. T. Essay, B. Davis, A. Pizza, G. Canaletto, and K. Stimuli ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/011/aj301e/aj301e. PDF Rural Wage Employment in Developing
  11. Domesticated silkworm from China. Introduced into North America. Name ", fao , Org" /> The era silk moth from Assam is a subspecies of this moth (S. Cynthia
  12. Url_file=/DOC REP/003/X1703E/X1703E00. Htm Field manual for recognition, at,FAO, Org * http://www.vet.uga.edu/VPP/gray_book/FAD/pdp.htm Overview at vet. Uga.
  13. E. Quinones, A. Pizza, K. Stimuli, and S. Di Giuseppe ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/011/aj283e/aj283e00. PDF Patterns of Rural Development: A
  14. Stimuli, T. Kayaks, L. Manicotti, S. Di Giuseppe and G. Bono mi ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/010/ah853e/ah853e. PDF Rural Income Generating Activities: A
  15. Kpanlogo music uses three types of instruments: non (metal bell),FAO, ( gourd rattle),and kpanlogo drums. Non plays the timeline of the music
  16. March 2008 (report short version) A. Pizza and L. Manicotti ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/010/ai195e/ai195e00. PDF Rural income generating activities in
  17. June 2009 K. Covarrubias, A. P. de la O Campos, and A. Pizza ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/012/ak423e/ak423e00. PDF A Profile of the Rural Poor April 2009
  18. 2007 A. Pizza, G. Canaletto, B. Davis, K. Stimuli and P. Winters ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/010/ai197e/ai197e00. PDF Rural Income Generating Activities
  19. To follow-up World Food Conferences. External links * http://www. fao .org www., fao , Org In the context of the American Civil War, the border states were slave
  20. Wood is hard to very hard, and it has a density of 0.80-1.10 g/cm³. Name ", fao ," /> It is used for firewood, charcoal,name" FAO" /> floors, beams
  21. E. Quinones, K. Stimuli, L. Manicotti, and S. Di Giuseppe ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/011/aj304e/aj304e. PDF Does Urban Agriculture Enhance Dietary
  22. Those since the 1990s are available on the FAO Locust Watch website www., fao , Org/AG/locusts. FAO also provides information and training to affected
  23. A Challenge for North and South, in cooperation with the FAO ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/BS/ESN/FAQ_update/06. PDF *2004 47th Congress in Croatia and Italy; Topic:
  24. Several areas. Q cache: jYAmdz9-iwQJ: ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/009/w7191e/w7191e19. PDF+Placunidae&hl enact conked 11 They
  25. Org website and graphic material is available on a ftp: //ext-ftp., fao , Org/GI/data/Iii/1BH_TOOLKIT FTP server hosted by the FAO) and thereby alert
  26. G. Canaletto, K. Covarrubias, B. Davis’M. Kraus and P. Winters ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/010/ah854e/ah854e. PDF Rural Household Access to Assets and
  27. Seabirds. They are fished commercially in Russia. External links *ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/009/t0243e/t0243e00. PDF Agatiform fishes of the World (Order
  28. And kpanlogo drums. Non plays the timeline of the music, supported by the, fao , It is common to have three kpanlogo drums in an ensemble, in the roles of "
  29. 55 Independent Evaluation of the Food and Agriculture Organization ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/meeting/012/k0827e_rev1. PDF Andrew Mitchel DFID's Head about
  30. B. Davis’M. Kraus, K. Stimuli, P. Winters and A. Pizza ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/010/ai488e/ai488e00. PDF Rural Income Generating Activities:
  31. For Sustainable Development Initiative CSI Further reading *ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/010/ai143e/ai143e00. PDF World Congress on Communication for
  32. T. Hertz, B. Davis, A Pizza, K. Covarrubias, and K. Stimuli ftp: //ftp., fao , Org/doc rep/FAO/011/aj284e/aj284e00. PDF The Impact of Rising Food Prices on
  33. Prota article http://www. fao .org/docrep/v8929e/v8929e06.htm, fao ,article Julius Layer (April 26, 1841,Prague – January 29, 1901,Prague) was
  34. Ready" has inflected nominative singular garage or sometimes garner, while,FAO, FO" little" has inflected nominative singular fewer. Other examples of such

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