Examples of the the word, treason , in a Sentence Context

The word ( treason ), is the 11642 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As Brazil, allow for capital punishment only in exceptional situations, such as, treason ,committed during wartime. The United States (the federal government and 34 of
  2. For Croatia, was imprisoned in 1933 and sentenced to three years in jail for, treason , However, Maček was released following Alexander's assassination in Marseille
  3. London at 7:12 am, making him the last person to be executed at the Tower for, treason , *1942 – World War II: Operation Pedestal – The reaches the island of Malta
  4. Made fun of the Germans, Milne accused Wodehouse of committing an act of near, treason ,by cooperating with his country's enemy. Wodehouse got some revenge on his
  5. Been strained, and some of them instituted criminal charges against Smith for, treason , Smith surrendered to police in the nearby Carthage, Illinois,and while in
  6. Of so many soldiers from their ranks. Another strong point against Gallup ', treason ,is the fact that he adopted Hostility, the younger son of Delius, after
  7. Conspirators guilty, but it was not a unanimous verdict. Sentenced to death for, treason , all the accused were executed as soon as they were captured without ever
  8. And founder of the Armenian nation. * 355 – Claudius Silva nus, accused of, treason , proclaims himself Roman Emperor against Constantius II. *1332 – Wars of
  9. For Capri in AD 26 and Caligula's accession. Additionally,Tiberius's, treason ,trials had eliminated a number of pro-Julian senators such as Sirius Gallup.
  10. Expected to be hanged, but British authorities declined to take the next step:, treason ,trials and executions. The dilemma was that tens of thousands of Loyalists were
  11. Example, in England in 1587,Mary, Queen of Scots was tried and executed for, treason ,for her involvement in three plots to assassinate Elizabeth I of England which
  12. The vital principles of a free government, and as an avowal of contemplated, treason , which it is the imperative duty of an indignant people sternly to rebuke and
  13. Assembly to send away the Swiss guards, he refused, and was arrested for, treason ,to the nation and sent to Orléans to be tried. At the end of August the
  14. Games, Caligula ordered written evidence of the court cases from Tiberius ’, treason ,trials to be brought to the Forum to be burnt, first being the cases of
  15. Soldiers in American hands. Therefore, no Americans were put on trial for, treason , The British maltreated the prisoners they held, resulting in more deaths to
  16. The prosecution could not prove the poisoning charge, but other charges of, treason ,seemed likely to stick and Peso committed suicide. Time in Rome, downfall and
  17. And terms of imprisonment. A renowned Boer, Jopie Fourier, was executed for, treason ,in 1914. He was convicted as a rebel when, as an officer in the Union Defense
  18. Military coup against Hadar Alien, but Human was arrested and charged with, treason , In 1995,another coup attempt against Alien, by the commander of the MON
  19. For miscellaneous issues, which was put under Polybius until his execution for, treason , The freedmen could also officially speak for the Emperor, as when Narcissus
  20. In London, Wallace is brought before the English magistrates, tried for high, treason ,and after refusing to confess, sentenced to execution by public torture and
  21. And in their 1860 platform they denounced threats of disunion as avowals of, treason , After a Republican victory, but before the new administration took office on
  22. Of the Parliamentarians, particularly that of John Pym, went on trial for high, treason , The incident provided a new departure for Irish politics whereby Old English
  23. Being. The six assassins caught by Austria-Hungary were tried and convicted for, treason , The leader, Danilo Ilia, was hanged. The remaining assassins in custody were
  24. Were murdered by a mob in Carthage, Illinois,while being held on charges of, treason , Because Drum was Joseph's successor, their deaths caused a succession crisis
  25. Sharif, giving them control over most of Northern Afghanistan. Because of this, treason , Dos tum was forced to flee to Turkey. However, Malik quickly realized that the
  26. While awaiting trial – and eventual horrific execution – for the crime of, treason ,under the Ostrogothic King Theodoric the Great. Boethius was at the very
  27. Wars. *1834 – The generals in the Greek War of Independence stand trial for, treason , *1860 – The first successful United States Pony Express run from Saint Joseph
  28. Places that practice capital punishment it is reserved for murder, espionage, treason , or as part of military justice. In some countries sexual crimes, such as rape
  29. Die. With my utmost effort, with my latest breath, will I oppose the ‘ veiled, treason ,’ which attempts by sordid means and mercenary proffers to lure our people from
  30. England, crimes were classified as either treason , felony or misdemeanor, with, treason , sometimes being included with the felonies. This system was based on the
  31. To his masonic connection with President Andrew Johnson, who pardoned Pike for, treason ,after the American Civil War. Biography Pike was born in Boston, Massachusetts
  32. Anglican liturgy. The controversy eventually led to Laud's impeachment for, treason ,by a bill of attainder in 1645,and subsequent execution. Charles also
  33. With the Scots was considered particularly unpardonable;" a more prodigious, treason ,", said Cromwell," than any that had been perfected before; because the former
  34. Common law Under the common law of England, crimes were classified as either, treason , felony or misdemeanor, with treason sometimes being included with the
  35. British-American" ( an accusation tantamount, at that time, to a charge of, treason ,), and it was only through the intervention of director Yasujiro Oz, who
  36. The Union. The Republican national platform of 1860 warned that disunion was, treason ,and would not be tolerated:: we denounce those threats of disunion ... as
  37. High-ranking members of government in the event they are charged with high, treason ,or harming national security. Human rights organizations accuse police and
  38. Is still active. " Although Carrel himself died before he could be tried for, treason , most members of his team did move to the INED, which was led by famous
  39. Nation). If these allegiances come into conflict, he or she may be guilty of, treason ,against one or both. If the demands of these two sovereigns upon his duty of
  40. To London, Gloucester had the Woodpiles executed, without trial, on charges of, treason , On 13 June, Gloucester accused Hastings of plotting with the Woodpiles and
  41. Day Saints from Missouri in 1838. While in jail awaiting trial for alleged, treason ,charges, Joseph Smith, president of the church, was killed by an armed mob in
  42. Without overt sedition. (In 1803 Blake was charged at Colchester with high, treason ,for having 'uttered seditious and treason able expressions' but was acquitted.
  43. Charles, who was subsequently captured, tried,convicted, and executed for high, treason , The monarchy was then abolished, and a republic called the Commonwealth of
  44. In 1867. In the United Kingdom, it was abolished for murder (leaving only, treason , piracy with violence, Arson in royal dockyards and a number of wartime
  45. As common criminals and preparations were made to bring them to trial for, treason , American Secretary Lord German and First Lord of the Admiralty Lord Sandwich
  46. Inspirational powers and a technique as unfaltering as Rejane's. If it is, treason ,to Art to say this, then let those exalted persons who allow culture to be
  47. Carolina, the President declared, stood on" the brink of insurrection and, treason ," and he appealed to the people of the state to reassert their allegiance to
  48. The caliphate army in 939 at the Battle of Finances, most likely, in part, to, treason , from Arabic elements in the caliph's army. After this defeat, Abd-ar-Rahman
  49. 1204. Brought back to Constantinople, Alexios V was condemned to death for, treason ,against Alexios IV, and was thrown from the top of the Column of Theodosius. He
  50. A panel discussion saying:" From my perspective, I see what you have done as, treason , " Julian Assange calls Adrian Lamp" a very disreputable character ", and says

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