Examples of the the word, deterrence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deterrence ), is the 11651 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 19" to explain to the public the facts about the Government's policy on, deterrence ,and multilateral disarmament ". Gerald Vaughan, a government minister, tried to
  2. About how the criminal activity affected them, in the hope of rehabilitation or, deterrence , Consequences of crimes Emotional distress as the result of crime is a
  3. Would block German aggression anywhere in Europe by creating such a formidable, deterrence ,to aggression that Hitler could not rationally choose that option. Underlying
  4. Of a military presence in the West Bank to reduce Palestinian terrorism by, deterrence ,or by armed intervention, while relinquishing some degree of political control;
  5. Figure of the Persian Gulf nations. Iran's military doctrine is based on, deterrence , Since the Iranian Revolution, to overcome foreign embargo, Iran has developed
  6. And Air Force. The nation's philosophy of defense is one of diplomacy and, deterrence , This principle translates into the culture, involving all citizens in the
  7. Development of long range bombers in the 1950s. The need to maintain a credible, deterrence ,when early warning and intercept times were massively reduced led to the
  8. Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). Considered vital to the nuclear, deterrence ,posture, accurate determination of the SLBM launch position was a force
  9. Political analyst. * Scott Sagan - Stanford professor and notable critic of, deterrence ,theory. * Slogan Samaria - Research includes political ideas and
  10. Major Soviet targets, Polaris was developed to increase the level of nuclear, deterrence , At this time there was little threat of counterforce strikes, as few systems
  11. Oriented economists and economically oriented lawyers emphasized incentives and, deterrence , and identified the aim of tort as being the efficient distribution of risk.
  12. The practical possibility of a war, as it decisively strengthens the factor of, deterrence , * Make money through new forms of space commercialization such as solar power
  13. But is shorter by 3 feet. Ohio's were specifically designed for extended, deterrence ,patrols. Each submarine is complemented by two crews, Blue and Gold (standard
  14. Divided into Deployable and Reserve Forces. Their main functions include, deterrence , defense, peace support and crisis management, humanitarian and rescue missions
  15. Arsenal, what the French called the force de frappé, was enough to ensure, deterrence , and thus concluded that the spread of nuclear weapons could increase
  16. The only means to take nuclear weapons to enemy targets, and had the role of, deterrence , With the advent of guided air-to-air missiles, bombers needed to avoid
  17. By enemies. The strategic task of the navy also may incorporate nuclear, deterrence ,by use of nuclear missiles. Etymology First attested in English c.1600,the
  18. Much better equipped for fulfilling its civil roles as opposed to providing a, deterrence ,against would-be aggressors or in defending the nation during a war.
  19. Force the dynamic of organized criminal operations to adjust, as will, deterrence ,measures (reducing demand),and the restriction of resources (controlling
  20. Is developing a nuclear triad capability as a part of its" minimum credible, deterrence ," doctrine. It is also developing a ballistic missile defense shield and, in
  21. And technological methods of protection and understanding their roles in, deterrence , detection and mitigation. * Determining and prioritizing security needs and
  22. Strikes were likely part of these conflicts. In order to have a credible, deterrence ,against other groups (as well as on an individual level),it was important to
  23. With China to end the Korean War. His New Look, a policy of nuclear, deterrence , gave priority to inexpensive nuclear weapons while reducing the funding for
  24. Accidentally. Critics of nuclear disarmament say that it would undermine, deterrence , History After the Partial Test Ban Treaty (1963),which prohibited
  25. Of the 1948 war. Response in Israel Though the war reinforced Israel’s military, deterrence , it had a stunning effect on the population in Israel. Following their victory
  26. Bombings of Israeli targets by members of Palestinian groups for" creating a, deterrence ,and equalizing fear. " Parallax stated that" in occupied Palestine, there is
  27. Is a major goal of criminal punishment. Browne argues," Bringing in, deterrence ,at the level of justification detracts from the law’s engagement in a moral
  28. In light of the events in Chechnya. Previously, financing of strategic nuclear, deterrence ,forces had been a priority, and up to 80 % of assignments for the state defense
  29. Issue 1:2,2001. *Ivanov, Henry,‘ Country Briefing: Russia—Austere, deterrence ,’, Jane’s Defense Weekly,28 April 2006 *Turberville, G., ‘ Organized crime and
  30. Military doctrine is based on the concepts of national independence, nuclear, deterrence , ( see Force de frappé),and military self-sufficiency. France is a charter
  31. Divided into Active and Reserve Forces. Their main functions include, deterrence , defense, peace support and crisis management, humanitarian and rescue missions
  32. Both preferred a small standing army under civilian control for defensive, deterrence ,and to prosecute foreign wars, a large navy as the first line of national
  33. Accidentally. Critics of nuclear disarmament say that it would undermine, deterrence ,and could lead to increased global instability. Various American government
  34. To back down without losing face. As part of a dual strategy to avoid war via, deterrence ,and appeasement of Germany, British leaders warned that they would go to war if
  35. Fernandes, said that India's nuclear program was necessary as it provided a, deterrence ,to potential Chinese nuclear threat. Most of the sanctions imposed on India
  36. Of the UK's entire nuclear deterrent. The financial costs attached to nuclear, deterrence ,became an increasingly significant issue for the navy. The Navy began plans to
  37. Nuclear terrorism by non-state organizations is an unknown factor in nuclear, deterrence ,thinking, as states possessing nuclear weapons are susceptible to retaliation
  38. Order would comprise two priority directions: assignments for the nuclear, deterrence ,forces, and assignments for purchase of conventional arms including the
  39. Public opinion. However, Powell would later criticize this theory of nuclear, deterrence , Powell had voted against the Schumann plan during 1950 and had supported entry
  40. The offender his just deserts, achieving crime control via incapacitation and, deterrence ,is a major goal of criminal punishment. Browne argues," Bringing in
  41. For the injuries suffered, while remaining indifferent to a possible desire for, deterrence , * Fear of retaliation may deter victims or witnesses of crimes from taking any
  42. A large conventional military, the government pursued a doctrine of nuclear, deterrence , This initially consisted of free-fall bombs operated by the RAF, but these
  43. His skill in debate, caused Britain to embrace appeasement instead of effective, deterrence , Parker also suggested that had Churchill held high office in the second half
  44. Against nuclear proliferation, while Buckley promoted the concept of nuclear, deterrence , Sagan described the arms race in the following terms:" Imagine a room awash
  45. Goal. " Arguing a year later that" with nuclear weapons more widely available, deterrence ,is decreasingly effective and increasingly hazardous," the authors concluded
  46. Unintentionally in 2007. Surveys have suggested that guns are used in crime, deterrence ,or prevention around 2.5 million times a year in the United States. The
  47. Is, might actually use nuclear weapons, as opposed to merely subscribing to, deterrence ,). Johnson himself did not mention Goldwater in his own acceptance speech at
  48. Saw four possible bases on which different torts rested: appeasement, justice, deterrence , and compensation. From the late 1950s a group of legally oriented economists
  49. Preventing him from being able to carry out his primary mission of strategic, deterrence , As a result, LeMay was relieved when the Korean War ended in 1953, and he was
  50. Switzerland remained independent and neutral through a combination of military, deterrence , economic concessions to Germany, and good fortune as larger events during the

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