Examples of the the word, sacrament , in a Sentence Context
The word ( sacrament ), is the 11652 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Other than the Roman, have a variety of other forms for celebrating the, sacrament , Eastern Orthodox Church The teaching of the Eastern Orthodox Church on the
- Forgiveness of sins, if the sick person was not able to obtain it through the, sacrament ,of penance; *the restoration of health, if it is conducive to the salvation of
- Christians, who have now been baptized, a sermon in which I would explain the, sacrament ,of the Lord’s Table.... That bread which you see on the altar, having been
- And also membership of a particular church tradition. Baptism has been called a, sacrament ,and an ordinance of Jesus Christ. In some traditions, baptism is also called.
- Visit; but if the sick person must confess during the celebration of the, sacrament ,of anointing, this confession replaces the penitential rite A passage of
- To the sick is one of the eight sacrament s. In the Community of Christ the, sacrament ,of administration to the sick has also been known to be used for people seeking
- Graces The Catholic Church sees the effects of the sacrament as follows. As the, sacrament ,of Marriage gives grace for the married state, the sacrament of Anointing of
- Forms of it in their rites of Baptism, which they consider to be the first, sacrament ,of initiation into the Church. Roman Catholic Church Rite of Baptism An
- By which those preparing for baptism who die before actually receiving the, sacrament ,are considered saved. As evidenced also in the common Christian practice of
- Christian hope in God's justice, truth and salvation. The special grace of the, sacrament ,of the Anointing of the Sick has as its effects: *the uniting of the sick
- As follows. As the sacrament of Marriage gives grace for the married state,the, sacrament ,of Anointing of the Sick gives grace for the state into which people enter
- Authority to so administer such sacrament s is passed on only through the, sacrament ,of Holy Orders, a rite by which a priest is ordained (ordination can be
- Some Christian groups assert baptism is a requirement for salvation and a, sacrament , and speak of" baptismal regeneration ". Its importance may be understood by
- It. If oil blessed by the bishop is not available, the priest administering the, sacrament ,may bless the oil, but only within the framework of the celebration. Current
- Can always be white, beneath the chasuble, especially when administering the, sacrament ,of holy orders, blessing an abbot or abbess, and dedicating a church or an
- The first illness enables a person to receive the sacrament a further time. The, sacrament ,can be administered within Mass, which is the preferred manner. If the
- To the salvation of his soul; Sacramental oil The duly blessed oil used in the, sacrament ,is, as laid down in the Apostolic Constitution
- Form From the early Middle Ages until after the Second Vatican Council the, sacrament ,was administered, within the Latin Church, only when death was approaching and
- Chorbishops are not generally ordained bishops – they are not given the, sacrament ,of Holy Orders in that degree – but function as assistants to the diocesan
- Church too, especially through the Neocatechumenal Way. In some churches the, sacrament ,is reserved in a tabernacle or Aubrey with a lighted candle or lamp nearby.
- Communion and Liberal Catholic communion only a bishop may administer this, sacrament , However, in Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches Christian is
- The latter term, while not outlawing the former. This is to emphasize that the, sacrament ,is available, and recommended, to all those suffering from any serious illness
- Gives grace for the state into which people enter through sickness. Through the, sacrament ,a gift of the Holy Spirit is given, that renews confidence and faith in God and
- Orthodox and Coptic and Old Catholic Churches consider this anointing to be a, sacrament , Other Christians too, in particular Anglicans, Lutherans and some Protestant
- John the Baptist John the Baptist adopted baptismal immersion as the central, sacrament ,in his messianic movement, seen as a forerunner of Christianity. Early
- parish's union with the bishop. The bishop is also the proper minister of the, sacrament ,of confirmation, and in the Anglican Communion and Liberal Catholic communion
- Some Low Church Anglicans take a strict memorialist (Zwinglian) view of the, sacrament , In other words, they see Holy Communion as a memorial to Christ's suffering
- Members of the UNIDO do Vegetal (UV) church in Brazil who use ayahuasca as a, sacrament , Which in May 2008 held a 3-day conference under the title The globalization of
- Of the sick. " Sacramental graces The Catholic Church sees the effects of the, sacrament ,as follows. As the sacrament of Marriage gives grace for the married state, the
- At or very near the point of death. Extreme Unction was the usual name for the, sacrament ,in the West from the late twelfth century until 1972,and was thus used at the
- Or a renewal or worsening of the first illness enables a person to receive the, sacrament ,a further time. The sacrament can be administered within Mass, which is the
- Term" last rites" refers to administration to a dying person not only of this, sacrament ,but also of Penance and Holy Communion, the last of which, when administered in
- Is administered by the couple to each other) are passed on only through the, sacrament ,of Holy Orders, and an unbroken line of ordination of bishops to the Apostles
- In 1972,puts greater stress than in the immediately preceding centuries on the, sacrament ,'s aspect of healing, and points to the place sickness holds in the normal life
- The holy oil with him, so that in a case of necessity he can administer the, sacrament ,of anointing of the sick. " Sacramental graces The Catholic Church sees the
- Act, as at the beginning of Mass. If the sick person wishes to receive the, sacrament ,of penance, it is preferable that the priest make himself available for this
- Church The teaching of the Eastern Orthodox Church on the Holy Mystery (, sacrament ,) of Unction is similar to that of the Roman Catholic Church. However, the
- By the Lollard's. A famous Anglican aphorism regarding Christ's presence in the, sacrament ,is found in a poem by John Donne:: He was the Word that spake it;: He took the
- Baptism as necessary for salvation. For Roman Catholics, baptism by water is a, sacrament ,of initiation into the life of the children of God (Catechism of the Catholic
- The Church. Also, a Catholic bishop may delegate a priest to administer the, sacrament ,in his place; these men are called episcopal vicars and are usually responsible
- Conjugal acts. The virtue of continence is achieved thanks to the grace of the, sacrament ,of Christian marriage, which becomes therefore a remedium concupiscence -
- Person has reached the use of reason, or is dangerously ill, or is dead, this, sacrament , is to be administered ". There is an obligation to administer it to the sick
- Reformation In the 16th century, Martin Luther considered baptism to be a, sacrament , For the Lutherans, baptism is a" means of grace" through which God creates
- Of Nyasa (c.335-after 394). The 12th century saw the meaning of the word ", sacrament ," narrowed down and restricted to seven rites, among them that of baptism
- Who are Catholics. The Catholic and Orthodox Churches consider invalid as a, sacrament ,the administration of Anointing of the Sick by such chaplains, who in the eyes
- Scholasticism referred to these two elements as the matter and the form of the, sacrament , employing terms taken from the then prevailing Aristotelian philosophy. The
- And the Pauline epistles. Christians consider Jesus to have instituted the, sacrament ,of baptism. How explicit Jesus' intentions were and whether he envisioned a
- Orthodox, Anglican,Methodist and Lutheran Churches teach that baptism is a, sacrament ,that has actual spiritual and calcific effects, certain key criteria must be
- Their blessing. Anointing is considered to be a public rather than a private, sacrament , and so as many of the faithful who are able to are encouraged to attend. It
- Use a rite of anointing the sick, without necessarily classifying it as a, sacrament , In the Churches mentioned here by name, the oil used (called" oil of the
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