Examples of the the word, remuneration , in a Sentence Context

The word ( remuneration ), is the 11645 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or to cope better with problems of life. Psychotherapists usually receive, remuneration ,in some form in return for their time and skills. This is one way in which the
  2. Consumers' councils utilizing self-managerial methods for making decisions, *, remuneration , according to effort and sacrifice, and Albert and Channel stress that pardon is
  3. 140 police officers. All able-bodied men who own firearms must serve, without, remuneration , in the army, which is unique in that all of its men are treated as officers.
  4. To double his fees; however, it is likely that rich clients provided Holmes a, remuneration ,greatly in excess of his standard fee. For example, in " The Adventure of the
  5. Activities with a specifically mercenary motive or with a mercenary level of, remuneration ,.; South Africa In 1998 South Africa passed the" Foreign Military Assistance
  6. Utilizing self-managerial methods for decision-making, balanced job complexes, remuneration ,according to effort and sacrifice, and Participatory Planning. Under Pardon
  7. The market anomalies that are a source of hedge fund performance. Second,the, remuneration ,model is attracting more managers, which may dilute the talent available in the
  8. Have been eliminated. Individuals strive for self-betterment rather than fiscal, remuneration , This condition probably does not extend to the outer reaches of the Federation
  9. Market economy in which workers manage the firms and democratically determine, remuneration ,levels and labor divisions. Productive resources would be legally owned by the
  10. A gift economy does not necessarily involve an immediate return (such as with, remuneration ,); compensation comes in the form of whatever the person decides is of equal
  11. Each day in purpose-built theaters),and the“ big time” ( possible, remuneration ,of several thousand dollars per week in large, urban theaters largely
  12. GMI + TP & M – SP & M * Compensation of employees (COE) measures the total, remuneration ,to employees for work done. It includes wages and salaries, as well as employer
  13. Statute which makes it improper for anyone to solicit, receive,offer or pay, remuneration ,(monetary or otherwise) in exchange for referring patients to receive certain
  14. They treat their members. Non-members are also given the right to individual, remuneration , i.e. royalty payment, by the collecting society, and the right to exclude
  15. Because the end of mutuality brought joint stock company (Plc) style, remuneration ,committee pay standards and share options. Share options for management of
  16. Enjoy cooking. Generally speaking, the person who does something for fun, not, remuneration , is called an amateur (or hobbyist),as distinct from a professional. Amateur
  17. Australian captain, Ian Chappell fought with Brahman over the issue of player, remuneration ,in the early 1970s and has suggested that Brahman was parsimonious: I ...
  18. Liberties (The Libertarian) in 1895. The collectivist anarchists advocated, remuneration ,for the type and amount of labor adhering to the principle" to each according
  19. Fan accused Bradley of copying the fan's work, and demanded writing credit and, remuneration , After several years,Lackey's policy permitted offline fanfic, but only if
  20. If anybody wants to put me into perpetual servitude on the basis of that, remuneration , I shall prepare to consider it. " The British press offered little support to
  21. And not by law) which produce or aggravate the disparities in the, remuneration ,of different kinds of labor, operate similarly between different employments
  22. Chess club, on St James street, in London, was created and Philip obtained a, remuneration ,as a chess master every year, for a regular season from February to June.
  23. Who had previously argued were contractually forbidden from disclosing their, remuneration , revealed their salaries. The Government news release stated that the
  24. To be decided by the Parliament and is renewed from time to time. The original, remuneration ,for prime minister and other ministers were specified in the Part B of the
  25. And encouraged more women to enter the labor market by receiving fair, remuneration ,to help to raise families and children. The labor force participation rate can
  26. The form of percentage. Efficiency factors are used in performance rating and, remuneration ,calculation exercises. The efficiency factor is an index that extremely simple
  27. In the oil sector whereby the contractor provided project finance then received, remuneration ,from the National Iranian Oil Company (IOC) in the form of an allocated
  28. Counties. Sister states A minimum wage is the lowest hourly, daily or monthly, remuneration ,that employers may legally pay to workers. Equivalently, it is the lowest wage
  29. Palestine played a short match as a favor to Gaffe, without financial, remuneration , Alekhine's second for the 1935 match with Max Ewe was the master Sale Landau
  30. Oath of secrecy: Remuneration By Article 75 of the constitution of India, remuneration ,of the prime minister as well as other ministers are to be decided by the
  31. Compulsory licenses of copyrighted works for specific uses. In many cases the, remuneration ,or royalties received for a copyrighted work under compulsory license are
  32. Profession when the reward for years of careful schooling and study is not fair, remuneration , but rather, patients who feel entitled to one’s efforts, and a government that
  33. To be a concept for independent software writers to receive a degree of, remuneration ,for their labor. However, after that the shareware model began to degrade as
  34. Had overgrown to such an extent as to diminish considerably the individual, remuneration , and, as a consequence, able and competent men no longer sought the office, and
  35. For equal work. * (3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favorable, remuneration ,ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and
  36. Action by Communication Workers Union members following disputes over pay and, remuneration , though unrelated to earlier job losses as part of the reorganization. This was
  37. His career, carefully managing the rights to his work in order to maximize his, remuneration , Still living with his mother in relative poverty, his first published novel
  38. Of Roman legal provisions strongly suggest that midwives enjoyed status and, remuneration ,comparable to that of male doctors. In antiquity, it was believed by both
  39. The mayor of New York, Bloomberg declines to receive a city salary, accepting, remuneration , of $1.00 annually for his services. He maintains a public listing in the New
  40. Incident of the Indian Airlines Flight 814. Bachchan did not receive any, remuneration ,for this film. Health 2005 hospitalization In November 2005,Amitabh Bachchan
  41. For the borough during his year of office and the next year. He received such, remuneration ,as the council thought reasonable. These provisions have now been repealed. The
  42. And from those she is permitted to follow, she receives but a scanty, remuneration , *He closes against her all the avenues to wealth and distinction, which he
  43. Licensing model the copyright owner authorizes the use of the work against, remuneration ,and under the conditions specified by the license. The conditions of the
  44. States-General may be member of the States (Subarticle 2). Law regulates the, remuneration ,of the members; delegation is possible; such law can only be approved by a two
  45. Han if Alan, became one of the very few UK financial directors whose annual, remuneration ,exceeds £1 million. He became CEO of BT Global Services in October 2008 and was
  46. Content with what was strictly necessary, they renounced all other professional, remuneration , This equality was always maintained with scrupulous care; the Soon repeated
  47. Specifically the level of experience of the individual. A 2010 survey of the, remuneration ,and benefits of those occupying jobs in construction and the built environment
  48. And defense force than others. They reject collectivist economics arguing that, remuneration ,would require a type of currency, which,again, anarcho-communists reject as an
  49. Flooded the market, in fact, that James M. Cain believed he deserved credit and, remuneration , Unfortunately for Cain, he could not copyright the market on murder. Instead
  50. His annual salary of £985,000 and other payments of £448,000 this gives a total, remuneration ,of over £4 million. Accounting In July 2007,Cadbury Schweppes announced that

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