Examples of the the word, intestinal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intestinal ), is the 11650 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Water contains health-endangering bacteria to which Georgia's high rate of, intestinal ,disease is attributed. The war in Abkhazia did substantial damage to the
  2. Candida species are frequently part of the human body's normal oral and, intestinal ,flora. Treatment with antibiotics can lead to eliminating the yeast's natural
  3. Examination. Flatulence is not poisonous; it is a natural component of various, intestinal ,contents. However, discomfort may develop from the build-up of gas pressure if
  4. Which may be useful in reducing flatulence. L. acidophilus may make the, intestinal ,environment more acidic, supporting a natural balance of the fermentation
  5. The sash provided warmth and support as well as (supposedly) preventing, intestinal ,diseases. White linen trousers tucked into short leather leggings were
  6. Hand, fermented bean products such as miss are less likely to produce as much, intestinal ,gas. Fermentation lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus case and
  7. Cells, such as those responsible for hair growth and for replacement of the, intestinal ,epithelium (lining),are also often affected. However, some drugs have a
  8. Philosophy degree for his dissertation entitled" The etiology of congenital, intestinal ,amnesia ". Barnard described the two years he spent in the US as" the most
  9. Wife Mary Ann Crane had just died on the operating table from complications of, intestinal ,or stomach cancer – reputed by their daughter Dorothy May Cole to be" the
  10. The colon. This cholesterol originates from the diet, bile,and desquamated, intestinal ,cells, and can be metabolized by the colonic bacteria. Cholesterol is mainly
  11. From malaria and debilitating schistosomiasis parasites, which caused liver and, intestinal ,damage. Dangerous wildlife such as crocodiles and hippos were also a common
  12. Manufacture in response to the changed chemical surroundings. On reaching the, intestinal ,wall, V. cholera start producing the toxic proteins that give the infected
  13. Themselves through the thick mucus that lines the small intestine to get to the, intestinal ,walls, where they can thrive. V. cholera bacteria start up production of the
  14. And bacterial resistance Ciprofloxacin is commonly used for urinary tract and, intestinal ,infections (traveler's diarrhea) and was once considered a powerful
  15. But at a cost of also leaching out other water-soluble nutrients. Also, intestinal ,gas can be reduced by fermenting the beans, and making them less gas-inducing
  16. Works to kill the parasites, and parasites are expelled through the increased, intestinal ,motility that is caused by these alkaloids. Dietary taboos are often associated
  17. The purpose is to repopulate the intestines with the normal gut flora (, intestinal ,bacteria) to decimate the clostridium. The healthy stool is administered by
  18. Artificial constructs, but are also found in normal humans (anti-vasoactive, intestinal ,peptide autoantibodies) and in patients with autoimmune diseases such as
  19. Dietary Certain spices have been reported to counteract the production of, intestinal ,gas, most notably the closely related cumin, coriander,caraway and others such
  20. Initially hoped to be safer than previous NSAIDs, due to its reduced risk of, intestinal ,tract bleeding. However, a number of pre- and post-marketing studies suggested
  21. Breeding. Malabsorption, or immunoproliferative osteopathy, is an autoimmune, intestinal ,disease that leads to anorexia, chronic diarrhea, and even death. A special
  22. In mycorrhizae have naturally poly nucleated cells. Other examples include the, intestinal ,parasites in the genus Guardian, which have two nuclei per cell. In humans
  23. Diarrhea caused by the microorganism E. coli, may reduce both the production of, intestinal ,gas and the frequency of flatus events. While not affecting the production of
  24. To the intestines. In order for the nutrients to be absorbed through the, intestinal ,wall, an alkaline environment is needed, so the pancreas produce an antacid
  25. Layer in a cake. Agar-agar is approximately 80 % fiber, so it can serve as an, intestinal ,regulator. Its bulk quality is behind one of the latest fad diets in Asia, the
  26. The body via the anus. When the partial pressure of any gas component of the, intestinal ,lumen is higher than its partial pressure in the blood, that component enters
  27. Enzyme and acid production, facilitating normal digestion and perhaps limiting, intestinal ,gas production. Ingestion of bromelain- or papain-containing supplements (such
  28. Baseness also suffer from Hypothyroidism, IPSID (immunoproliferative systemic, intestinal ,disease),and HA (Hemolytic Anemia). Baseness are also sensitive to
  29. Bile salts, which solubilize fats in the digestive tract and aid in the, intestinal ,absorption of fat molecules as well as the fat-soluble vitamins, A,D, E,and
  30. Are reputed to reduce flatulence when used to restore balance to the normal, intestinal ,flora. Live (bioactive) yogurt contains, among other lactic bacteria
  31. As Lactobacillus case and Lactobacillus plant arum reduce flatulence in human, intestinal ,tract. Probiotics (live yogurt, kefir,etc.) are reputed to reduce flatulence
  32. Coolie in the University Campus in Bangalore, Bachchan suffered a near fatal, intestinal ,injury during the filming of a fight scene with co-actor Punnet Issac. Bachchan
  33. The beans' softening. Fermented beans will usually not produce most of the, intestinal ,problems that unfermented beans will, since yeast can consume the offending
  34. In a reduced elimination rate of this molecule. Grapefruit juice reduces, intestinal ,3A4 and results in less metabolism and higher plasma concentrations of
  35. Form a five-membered ring that binds to GM1 gangliosides on the surface of the, intestinal ,epithelium cells. The A1 portion of the A subunit is an enzyme that
  36. The stomach, through the mucous layer of the small intestine, and on to the, intestinal ,wall. Of particular interest have been the genetic mechanisms by which cholera
  37. Copious amounts of flatus. In the case of people who have lactose intolerance, intestinal ,bacteria feeding on lactose can give rise to excessive gas production when milk
  38. The bloodstream. Phytosterols can compete with cholesterol reabsorption in the, intestinal ,tract, thus reducing cholesterol reabsorption. Function Cholesterol is required
  39. Practice in cases of ulcerative colitis, especially where the patient's own, intestinal ,flora has been significantly depleted by antibiotic therapy applied for other
  40. Treats such diseases as leprosy, sleeping sickness, malaria,filariasis, intestinal ,worms, and tuberculosis. Rates for immunization of children under the age of
  41. To the changing chemical environments of the stomach, mucous layers, and, intestinal , wall. Researchers have discovered there is a complex cascade of regulatory
  42. Which through osmosis can pull up to six liters of water per day through the, intestinal ,cells, creating the massive amounts of diarrhea. The host can become rapidly
  43. Pneumonia, polio,and influenza. Coprophagia also carries a risk of contracting, intestinal ,parasites. Lewin (2001) reports that" ... consumption of fresh, warm camel
  44. The small quantities of antibodies in milk are not absorbed in the human, intestinal ,tract," says Barbara Ingham,Ph.D., associate professor and extension food
  45. Through the mucus of the small intestine. Once the cholera bacteria reach the, intestinal ,wall, they no longer need the flagella propellers to move. The bacteria stop
  46. Of water-soluble oligosaccharide in beans that may contribute to production of, intestinal ,gas is reputed to be reduced by a long period of soaking followed by boiling
  47. Virulence determinants. In responding to the chemical environment at the, intestinal ,wall, the V. cholera bacteria produce the TCPIP/CPH proteins, which,together
  48. Pain relief is as an anti-diarrhoeal drug. Opioids have agonist actions on the, intestinal ,opioid receptors, which when activated cause constipation. Drugs such as
  49. Pressure in the blood, that component enters into the bloodstream of the, intestinal ,wall by the process of diffusion. As the blood passes through the lungs, this
  50. Attacks in 2001. The adverse effects included; tendon rupture, seizures, intestinal , problems,tendonitis, anxiety,insomnia, muscle aches, depression and meniscus

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