Examples of the the word, taxonomy , in a Sentence Context

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  1. See also interpersonal compatibility and friendliness. * Affinity (, taxonomy ,) - mainly in natural history - resemblance suggesting a common descent or type
  2. Cladistics in taxonomy Phylogenetic nomenclature contrasted with traditional, taxonomy ,Most taxonomists have used the traditional approaches of Linnaeus taxonomy and
  3. Taxonomy Most taxonomists have used the traditional approaches of Linnaeus, taxonomy ,and later Evolutionary taxonomy to organize life forms. These approaches use
  4. Preserved in fossils, are more likely to include extinct species. Cladistics in, taxonomy ,Phylogenetic nomenclature contrasted with traditional taxonomy Most taxonomists
  5. Is dependent on an accurate and complete catalog of plant systematic and, taxonomy , *Plant responses to ultraviolet radiation can help us monitor problems like
  6. Are categorized as the biological class Ave's in Linnaeus taxonomy . Phylogenetic, taxonomy ,places Ave's in the dinosaur clade Theropoda. Ave's and a sister group, the clade
  7. And that their genetic phytogeography does not correspond to their traditional, taxonomy , As of 2005,16 subspecies have been recognized. The subspecies have been
  8. History knowledge, Linnaeus also developed what became known as the Linnaeus, taxonomy ,; the system of scientific classification now widely used in the biological
  9. The modern scheme of binomial nomenclature. He is known as the father of modern, taxonomy , and is also considered one of the fathers of modern ecology. Many of his
  10. A way that is consistent with current knowledge. Example For example, Linnaean, taxonomy ,contains the taxon Tetrapoda, defined morphologically as vertebrates with four
  11. 1735) ), the Philosophic being simultaneously released in Stockholm. Linnaeus, taxonomy ,The establishment of universally accepted conventions for the naming of
  12. Uncertainties in Linnaeus systematic so that in combination they yield a, taxonomy ,that unambiguously places problematic groups in the evolutionary tree in a way
  13. Have been made to categorize the different types of creationism, and create a ", taxonomy ," of creationists. Creationism covers a spectrum of beliefs which have been
  14. It is intended for use by both those who would like to abandon Linnaeus, taxonomy ,and those who would like to use taxa and clades side by side. In several
  15. Other prehistoric species and genera of Tubulidentata are known. Naming and, taxonomy ,It is sometimes colloquially called" antsier "," anteater ", or the" Cape
  16. That are formally placed in Amphibian in Linnaeus taxonomy , but not in cladistic, taxonomy , All recent amphibians are included in the subclass Lissamphibia, superorder
  17. Sits on location ". This conceptual scheme entails no specific hierarchical, taxonomy ,(such as the one mentioned involving cats and mammals),only a progressive
  18. Structure. Credit characters were displayed in the skeleton. Current, taxonomy ,of animals once classified in Amblyopia Few authorities recognize Amblyopia in
  19. The long history of morphological studies. This classification, like any other, taxonomy ,based on phylogenetic research is in a state of flux. Recent morphological and
  20. To pay for healthcare * Classification of Pharmaco-Therapeutic Referrals, taxonomy ,to define situations requiring a referral from pharmacists to physicians * CPR
  21. Late twentieth century, a commonly used methodology was phonetics (" numerical, taxonomy ,"). This can be seen as a predecessor to some methods of today's cladistics (
  22. The modern scheme of Binomial nomenclature. He is known as the father of modern, taxonomy , and is also considered one of the fathers of modern ecology. *Gregor Johann
  23. Clades are not divided into several non-overlapping taxa (as in traditional, taxonomy ,), rather the clade is split into two clades at the first branching, a process
  24. Of organisms by measuring changes in their DNA, rather than through physical, taxonomy ,or physiological observations alone, * more recently, compare entire genomes
  25. In use. Birds are categorized as the biological class Ave's in Linnaeus, taxonomy , Phylogenetic taxonomy places Ave's in the dinosaur clade Theropoda. Ave's and a
  26. Habitat types Major Habitats,Non-Global 200 (WWF) Summary - Ecological, taxonomy ,(WWF) *** Continental Shelf Biomes (Major Habitat Types,5) Example ***
  27. To a cladogram),it also retains the traditional ranks used in Linnaeus, taxonomy , ** Subphylum Tunicata (Urochordata) — (tunicates; 3,000 species) **
  28. Was new was a refusal to credit the higher status of certain types, where the, taxonomy ,implied a preference for tragedy and the sublime to comedy and the Rococo.
  29. In 1892. He helped improve the accuracy of her illustrations, taught her, taxonomy , and supplied her with live specimens to paint during the winter. Curious as to
  30. Relative merits of phylogenetic nomenclature versus Linnaeus or evolutionary, taxonomy , which has continued down to the present; however Henning did not advocate
  31. Of Linnaeus published in 1751. The book contained a complete survey of the, taxonomy ,system he had been using in his earlier works. It also contained information of
  32. Flowering plants. Such an order has been recognized by a few systems of plant, taxonomy , with a various placement. It appears that it always has had the same:
  33. Used the traditional approaches of Linnaeus taxonomy and later Evolutionary, taxonomy ,to organize life forms. These approaches use several fixed levels of a
  34. Previously thought. Accordingly, the radical and influential Sibley-Ahlquist, taxonomy ,greatly enlarged the Ciconiiformes, adding many more families, including most
  35. Deep trees with binary branching: each taxon corresponds to a clade. Linnaeus, taxonomy , while since the advent of evolutionary theory following phylogeny, also may
  36. A distinct species from modern European cattle (BOS Taurus),but more recent, taxonomy ,has rejected this distinction. The South Asian domestic cattle, or zebu
  37. Which deal with one piece of data for every instruction. Using Flynn's, taxonomy , these two schemes of dealing with data are generally referred to as SIMS (
  38. Additional polysaccharides in algal cells walls is used as a feature for algal, taxonomy , * Clinic acid: It is a common polysaccharide in the cell walls of brown algae
  39. So complex that it is inadvisable to set a fixed number of levels. Evolutionary, taxonomy ,insists that groups reflect phylogeny. In contrast, Linnaean taxonomy allows
  40. Classification Basal divergences of modern birds based on Sibley-Ahlquist, taxonomy ,This is a list of the taxonomic orders in the subclass Neornithes, or modern
  41. A type of carnosaurian theropod dinosaur. The genus has a complicated, taxonomy , and includes an uncertain number of valid species, the best known of which is
  42. Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey resulted in a modified version of the Thole, taxonomy ,with 24 different types. Both systems have three broad categories of C, S,and
  43. By human activities, though efforts are underway to protect them. Evolution and, taxonomy ,The first classification of birds was developed by Francis Willougbhy and John
  44. Amphibians” in biology, that are formally placed in Amphibian in Linnaeus, taxonomy , but not in cladistic taxonomy . All recent amphibians are included in the
  45. Hemicyonids). Taxonomic revisions of living bear species The giant panda's, taxonomy ,(subfamily Ailuropodinae) has long been debated. Its original classification
  46. In parallel. This area of research is known as parallel computing. In Flynn's, taxonomy , this strategy is known as Multiple Instructions-Multiple Data or MID. One
  47. Their journey was finished. Thanks to these students, the Linnaeus system of, taxonomy ,spread through the world without Linnaeus ever having to travel outside Sweden
  48. Few distinguishing characters among the 70 species included. This complicates, taxonomy ,and Amaranths has generally been considered among systematizes as a "
  49. Allies The radically different Sibley-Monroe classification (Sibley-Ahlquist, taxonomy ,), based on molecular data, found widespread adoption in a few aspects, as
  50. Taxonomy insists that groups reflect phylogeny. In contrast, Linnaean, taxonomy ,allows both monophyletic and paraplegic groups as taxa. Since the early 20th

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