Examples of the the word, cyclone , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cyclone ), is the 10848 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Days are the norm year round. The ocean near Cape Verde is an area of tropical, cyclone ,formation; since these storms have the whole Atlantic over which to develop as
  2. Lake-effect snowfall can be locally heavy. Thunder snow is possible within a, cyclone ,'s comma head and within lake effect precipitation bands. In mountainous areas
  3. Was formerly complete, but was breached by a violent storm (probably a, cyclone ,) in 1480. Geology More than 85 % of Sri Lanka's surface lies on Precambrian
  4. That" Northwestern might as well have tried to play football with an Iowa, cyclone ,as with the Iowa team it met yesterday. " The nickname stuck and the Iowa State
  5. The fences that he had destroyed using his fastball. The fences looked like a, cyclone ,(tornado) had hit them. Reporters later shortened the name to" CY ", which
  6. Of meteorologists in Norway led by Wilhelm Bjerknes developed the Norwegian, cyclone ,model that explains the generation, intensification and ultimate decay (the
  7. Called Buys-Ballot's law. In the atmosphere, the pattern of flow is called a, cyclone , In the Northern Hemisphere the direction of movement around a low-pressure
  8. Cyclone center, small scale or message bands of heavy snow can occur within a, cyclone ,'s comma head pattern. The cyclone 's comma head pattern is a comma-shaped area
  9. Has since become a multiagency operation building roads, culverts,embankments, cyclone ,shelters, toilets and ponds, as well as distributing land to settlers. By fall
  10. Regions and the study of specific phenomena or time periods e.g. tropical, cyclone ,rainfall climatology and paleo climatology. * Meteorology is the
  11. And temperature across North America, as well as affecting tropical, cyclone ,development across the eastern Pacific and Atlantic basins. Combined with the
  12. Inaugurated as the President of Mozambique on February 2,2005. In early 2000 a, cyclone ,caused widespread flooding in the country, killing hundreds and devastating the
  13. To the now infamous" exploding whale" incident. * 1970 – The 1970 Bola, cyclone ,makes landfall on the coast of East Pakistan becoming the deadliest tropical
  14. Zeta forms in the open Atlantic Ocean, tying the record for the latest tropical, cyclone ,ever to form in the North Atlantic basin. *2006 – Madrid Barajas International
  15. For the private sector, which was spent on helping businesses devastated by the, cyclone , and on the construction of the Fonuakula Industrial Park. This industrial park
  16. Public Library damages or destroys 400,000 books and other items. *1991 – A, cyclone ,strikes the Chittagong district of southeastern Bangladesh with winds of around
  17. Of the Fourth Republic. *1962 – The Pacific Northwest experiences a, cyclone ,the equal of a Cat 3 hurricane. Winds measured above 150 mph at several
  18. Decade. Recent history In January 2004,Nice was struck by a devastating, cyclone ,(Cyclone Heat) which left 200 of the islands' 1600 inhabitants homeless. As
  19. From the lakes to fuel them. Also observed in 1996,was a rare subtropical, cyclone ,forming in Lake Huron, dubbed the 1996 Lake Huron cyclone . Ecology Ecological
  20. Trifle, a waitress, and Astoria, a streetcar operator, were added as fellow, cyclone ,victims. The Wicked Witch of the West was eliminated entirely in the script
  21. Into cyclone s and air flow In 1494,Christopher Columbus experiences a tropical, cyclone , leads to the first written European account of a hurricane. In 1686,Edmund
  22. Of Japan and Korea tend to experience much fewer September–November tropical, cyclone ,impacts during El Niño and neutral years. During El Niño years, the break in
  23. To hold general elections at the end of 1970. On the eve of the elections,a, cyclone ,struck East Pakistan killing approximately 500,000 people. Despite the tragedy
  24. Cardinal and gold. The mascot is CY the Cardinal, introduced in 1954. Since a, cyclone ,was determined to be difficult to depict in costume, the cardinal was chosen in
  25. Motion of air around a type of low-pressure system known as an extratropical, cyclone , Snow can fall poleward of these systems' associated warm fronts and within
  26. Nightclub fire in Sweden claims 63 lives and injures 200. *1999 – A large, cyclone ,devastates Odessa, India. *2002 – Ho Chi Minh City ITC Inferno, a fire destroys
  27. In Washington’D. C. stage a symbolic March Against Death. *1970 – Bola, cyclone ,: A 150-mph tropical cyclone hits the densely populated Ganges Delta region of
  28. Sumatra, producing a massive tsunami all along the Indonesian coast. *1839 – A, cyclone ,slams India with high winds and a 40-foot storm surge, destroying the port city
  29. British. *1864 – The Indian city of Calcutta is almost totally destroyed by a, cyclone ,; 60,000 dice. *1869 – The Sax by Gale devastates the Bay of Fundy region of
  30. The South Pole, or south. Within the cold sector, poleward and west of the, cyclone ,center, small scale or message bands of heavy snow can occur within a cyclone
  31. Eruptions, land slides and (ii) climatic origin such as drought, flood, cyclone , locust, forest fire. Though it may not be possible to control nature and to
  32. And erosion. The cyclone s of 1970 and 1991 were particularly devastating. A, cyclone ,that struck Bangladesh in 1991 killed some 140,000 people. In September 1998
  33. Is sunk during the Falklands War. *1985 – Bangladesh is hit by a tropical, cyclone ,and storm surge, which kills approximately 10,000 people. *1997 – A military
  34. Stage a symbolic March Against Death. *1970 – Bola cyclone : A 150-mph tropical, cyclone ,hits the densely populated Ganges Delta region of East Pakistan (now
  35. The heatand evenings are pleasantly cool. The wet season sees the occasional, cyclone ,hitting the islands. Ecology New Caledonia is considered one of the world's
  36. Makes landfall on the coast of East Pakistan becoming the deadliest tropical, cyclone ,in history. *1971 – Vietnam War: as part of Vietnamization, US President
  37. The India Meteorological Department (1875) was established following tropical, cyclone ,and monsoon related famines in the previous decades. The Finnish Meteorological
  38. Months, but the temperature seldom exceeds. Most of the islands lie outside the, cyclone ,belt, so high winds are rare. Economy During the plantation era, cinnamon
  39. Typhoon Nancy, with possibly the strongest winds ever measured in a tropical, cyclone , makes landfall in Osaka, Japan,killing 173 people. *1975 – Papua New Guinea
  40. It a B+ rating, the magazine declared it" Bob Rock's preeminent speed-metal, cyclone ,", while thinking that" Metallica may have invented a new genre: progressive
  41. Ridge position shifts due to El Niño, so will the preferred tropical, cyclone ,tracks. Areas west of Japan and Korea tend to experience much fewer
  42. a million so far. * IKEA Social Initiative provided soft toys to children in, cyclone ,affected Myanmar. * Starting in June 2009,for every Yunnan solar-powered lamp
  43. Mid-Atlantic, Columbus risked either being becalmed or running into a tropical, cyclone , both of which he luckily avoided. File: Columbus Fleet 1893 Issue.
  44. Mankato. *1864 – Nevada is admitted as the 36th U. S. state. *1876 – A monster, cyclone ,ravages India, resulting in over 200,000 deaths. *1913 – Dedication of the
  45. Coast of the Gulf of Bengal led by Tristan the Cuba. The expedition ran into a, cyclone ,and was forced to change course. Thus, the ship ‘’ Circe’ ’ of the captain
  46. Confederates. *1882 – More than 100,000 inhabitants of Bombay are killed as a, cyclone ,in the Arabian Sea pushes huge waves into the harbor. *1882 – The Shewn
  47. Members; in many cases, they are both Science and computing * Bar (tropical, cyclone ,), a layer of dark cloud near the horizon * Base Address Register, a concept in
  48. A rare subtropical cyclone forming in Lake Huron, dubbed the 1996 Lake Huron, cyclone , Ecology Ecological challenges The ecological history of the Great Lakes
  49. Work. In 1882,Grinned College was struck by a tornado — then called a, cyclone , after which the college yearbook was named. The storm devastated the campus
  50. Within the Atlantic tropics below what is normal, and increases tropical, cyclone ,activity across the eastern Pacific. In the Southern Hemisphere, the

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