Examples of the the word, diligence , in a Sentence Context
The word ( diligence ), is the 10832 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Transcendental wisdom, insight # Oriya (also spelled Oriya) parade: energy, diligence , vigor, effort # Khanti parade: patience, tolerance,forbearance, acceptance
- Because capture is dependent on substantially random encounter) because due, diligence ,is not sufficient to avoid the infractions that would generate them, except by
- Combustion and a peak fire-temperature. Commandant Host was impressed by the, diligence ,of the Sonderkommando prisoners, despite their being" well aware that... they
- Conservatory San Pietro a Mariella in Naples, where he quickly demonstrated his, diligence ,and precocious talent, earning a gold medal from the Minister Della Public
- Juridically proved. And Saint Cyprian (died 258) recommended that the utmost, diligence ,be observed in investigating the claims of those who were said to have died for
- Steps to help protect the company, its resources, and employees. " And, Due, diligence , are the" continual activities that make sure the protection mechanisms are
- Into a false sense of security. The Minister of Industry indicated that if due, diligence ,were performed by the investors and the banks, the current laws governing
- To pursue his scientific research and his diverse studies with unabated, diligence , He was admitted as a member of the Institute in 1814. Ampère's fame mainly
- Available to the public and SEC) detailing the supply chain due, diligence ,efforts undertaken and the results of the audit. Of course, the chain of
- Only when the victim is close to the age of consent or the accused can show due, diligence ,in determining the age of the victim (e.g., a 15-year-old who used a fake
- he enrolled in the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University). Through, diligence ,and long hours of study that may have damaged his health, Madison graduated in
- Management. Process The terms reasonable and prudent person, due care and due, diligence ,have been used in the fields of Finance, Securities,and Law for many years. In
- Evidence that came to light only after the trial and could not, in all, diligence , have been presented in the lower court. The general rule, however,is that an
- Of two men. The corresponding noun diligent, however,has the meaning of ", diligence ," or" carefulness," and has little semantic overlap with the verb. Observer
- Achievement of fame After his return to the monastery, his fame for piety, diligence , and obedience quickly grew. When Anchorite, king of Area, founded a new
- To hold corporate officers liable for failing to exercise due care and due, diligence ,in the management of their information systems. In the business world
- Hidden there, wherein it is stated that Napier should" ... do his utmost, diligence ,to search and seek out, and by all craft and engine to find out the same, or
- Been:" All composite things pass away. Strive for your own liberation with, diligence , " His body was cremated, and the relics were placed in monuments or steps
- On completion of his studies, the young student noted," Patience, diligence , persistence, and sincerity will lead to success," which reflects upon
- Then to death ', as many of his contemporaries did, in their great accuracy and, diligence ,whether requested by their clients or not. 'An unusual manner of painting, all
- Disputants have the ability to select the mediator: they should exercise due, diligence , Anyone can act as a mediator, with no licensing required. Some mediator
- Information security is the ongoing process of exercising due care and due, diligence ,to protect information, and information systems, from unauthorized access, use
- Entrepreneurs considering buying a turnkey business should always do their due, diligence ,and be sure they know exactly what a particular turnkey operation includes; not
- The BSA requires financial institutions to engage in customer due, diligence , which is sometimes known in the parlance as“ know your customer. ” This
- Who, he wrote," won me over with love, humble loyalty, economy of household, diligence , and the love she gave the stepchildren. " The first three children of this
- And as producers of honey, their social nature, and their reputation for, diligence , Bees are one of the few insects regularly used on advertisements, being used
- Ingenious and appropriate ... his treatment combines a great deal of firmness, diligence ,and neatness ... the ingenious watercolor ... is also worthy of praise. "
- Security, Harris offers the following definitions of due care and due, diligence ,:" Due care are steps that are taken to show that a company has taken
- Virtues are humility, charity,kindness, patience,chastity, temperance,and, diligence , Historical and modern definitions of the deadly sins Lust or lechery (
- Director of the observatory and to" apply himself with the most exact care and, diligence ,to the rectifying of the tables of the motions of the heavens, and the places
- So many of his generation, Adenauer was committed to bourgeois common-sense, diligence , order, Christian morals and values, and was dedicated to rooting out disorder
- Two companies, for example, there may not be benchmarks for performing due, diligence ,and risk analysis. Large notional value Derivatives typically have a large
- This suited his contemplative temperament, and he became well known for his, diligence ,among the wool traders who had dealings with his master. A constant obsession
- Omphalos In the months following Emily's death, Gosse worked with remarkable, diligence ,on a book that he may have viewed as the most important of his career. Although
- A tenuous arrangement into a solid feudal state. With brilliance and, diligence , he established a strong monarchy, conquered the Palestinian coast, reconciled
- Trials of Job, but that by the application of his mighty will, tenacity,and, diligence , he would ultimately prevail ". Biographer Elizabeth Drew summarized Nixon as a
- In Equitable Fire related only to skill, and not to diligence . With respect to, diligence , what was required was::" such care as an ordinary man might be expected to
- Is no place appointed to any ”, and they“ with oath promise to do their utmost, diligence , that the laws may be observed ”. He creates an image of disparate individuals
- Law can be clearer than case law when the legislature has had the foresight and, diligence ,to address the precise set of facts applicable to a particular situation. For
- And those of foreign government officials, are subjected to enhanced due, diligence ,because the law deems that those types of accounts are a higher risk for money
- To relieve us of a bodily ill, we have gone as far as our own understanding and, diligence ,permit. ... We have faith, and confidence, and belief. ... If medicine at times
- Can be verified, measured,or even produce tangible artifacts. Second, in due, diligence , there are continual activities - this means that people are actually doing
- Level. More recently, it has been suggested that both the tests of skill and, diligence ,should be assessed objectively and subjectively; in the United Kingdom, the
- That may arise from an investment, investors commonly employ operational due, diligence ,to assess the risk that error or fraud at a hedge fund might result in loss to
- From the financial field were acquisition premium, bidding process, and due, diligence , Three different ways in order to best measure post M&A performance are
- Forbearance, acceptance,endurance (忍辱波羅蜜, bzod-pa) # Very parasite: energy, diligence , vigor, effort (精進波羅蜜, brtson-’Grus) # Dayana parasite: one-pointed
- S good ideas were discarded along with the bad ones of others. Nevertheless, diligence ,persisted during the entire period. The chemistry of the 13 was excellent. "
- Towards his bed ". They would then watch over him as he slept. King Edward's, diligence ,appeared to bear fruit, as Dominic Mancini reported of the young Edward V: As
- Court held that the rule in Equitable Fire related only to skill, and not to, diligence , With respect to diligence , what was required was::" such care as an ordinary
- Civil Procedure and similar state rules require that an attorney perform a due, diligence ,investigation concerning the factual basis for any claim or defense.
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