Examples of the the word, bourgeois , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bourgeois ), is the 10834 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Life, French Bohemian dandies sought to convey contempt for and superiority to, bourgeois ,society. In the latter 19th century, this fancy-dress bohemianism was a major
  2. Red Terror, made life very precarious in those years, particularly for the ", bourgeois ," intelligentsia. In a letter written to Pasternak from abroad in the twenties
  3. The sciences, the engineering professions, the Protestant churches, and in many, bourgeois ,lifestyles. Social policy, says Ritter, became a critical legitimization tool
  4. Became popular in the 1940s,and which interpreted the English Civil War as a, bourgeois ,revolution. According to Marxist historian Christopher Hill: In the 1970s,a
  5. From Virginia Woolf to professors criticized the 11th edition for having, bourgeois ,and old-fashioned opinions on art, literature,and social sciences. A
  6. To the war. Many Dadaists believed that the 'reason' and 'logic' of, bourgeois ,capitalist society had led people into war. They expressed their rejection of
  7. In 1815. The 1830 Belgian Revolution led to the establishment of a Catholic and, bourgeois , officially French-speaking and neutral, independent Belgium under a
  8. Of a thorough bourgeois and partly puritanical republic. It had renounced its, bourgeois ,origins and elaborated and painfully rationalized its institutional, legal
  9. Panatella pasta factory. His mother, Ida Barbing (1896–1984),came from a, bourgeois ,Catholic family of Roman merchants. Despite her family’s vehement disapproval
  10. Traditional, aristocratic,premodern society battled an emerging capitalist, bourgeois , modernizing society. Recognizing the importance of modernizing forces in
  11. Hierarchy, spirit and will. In economics, fascists oppose liberalism (as a, bourgeois ,movement) and Marxism (as a proletarian movement) for being class-based
  12. Refused to co-operate with liberal or radical parties, viewing them as ", bourgeois ," parties, or even eventually other socialist organizations, although Lenin
  13. Near Piazza Della Station and San Lorenzo Market, with palaces typically, bourgeois ,where lived Guido Mobile and Theodosius Borrow Trollope wife of the writer
  14. And financial companies and other institutions or ones formed jointly with, bourgeois ,and revisionist capitalist monopolies and states as well as obtaining credits
  15. Trade-union movement was reformist and even conservative, citing as essentially, bourgeois ,and anti-worker the phenomenon of professional union officials. Latest
  16. Agro-tourism and the Guide Michelin helped to acquaint people with the rich, bourgeois ,and peasant cuisine of the French countryside starting in the 20th century.
  17. Had grown up and miraculously flourished in the heart of a thoroughly, bourgeois ,and partly puritanical republic. It had renounced its bourgeois origins and
  18. Concentration camps) were established in 1965 as a way to eliminate alleged ", bourgeois ," and" counter-revolutionary" values in the Cuban population. In July 1968
  19. His response to the spiritual uncertainties of the time, his criticisms of the, bourgeois , and his advocacy of modern music and painting (e.g., Wagner,Delacroix)
  20. Have argued that the underlying reason was because of the power struggle of the, bourgeois ,in the cities against the ruling nobility. The Cod faction generally consisted
  21. Neglect of her religious beliefs, and the misrepresentation of her as a, bourgeois ,liberal, which together have resulted in the displacement of a religiously
  22. That had sprung up since the 1860s. From the beginning the BDF was a, bourgeois ,organization, its members working toward equality with men in such areas as
  23. Arose from African rhythms and European ballroom dancing, mixed with Haiti's, bourgeois ,culture. It is a refined music, played with an underpinning of topics, and
  24. First son of Leisure Le Pottering and Gustave de Maupassant, both from prosperous, bourgeois ,families. When Maupassant was eleven and his brother Here was five, his mother
  25. Her the Nobel Prize for Literature for 1926. Biography Born in Nor, into a, bourgeois ,family, she attended elementary school and then was educated by a private tutor
  26. The new rich. And yet, the nobles clung stubbornly to power, and they, not the, bourgeois , continued to be the model that everyone wanted to imitate. In imperial Germany
  27. Theatre. Today his own works appear as prototypes of the latter developed, bourgeois ,German drama. Scholars generally see Mid Sara Sampson and Emilia Glottis as the
  28. Of the entire society. Class In many ways the Rights of Woman is inflected by a, bourgeois ,view of the world, as is its direct predecessor the Rights of Men.
  29. Had supported Mao in mass campaigns of the 1950s,in which they attacked the, bourgeois ,and capitalists, and promoted the ideology of Maoism. However, the economic
  30. To deal" strictly with those inside the party with serious tendencies toward, bourgeois ,liberalization" and more than 30,000 communist officers were deployed to the
  31. 5) In line with Marx's thought, he thus criticized the individualist, bourgeois ,philosophy of the subject, which founds itself on the voluntary and conscious
  32. Cubits got his inspiration from the stage work of Max Reinhardt, both in, bourgeois ,comedy and in spectacle, and applied this to his films, culminating in his die
  33. Friedrich Schiller, who became her perennial favorites. Along with many other ", bourgeois ," students, Rand was purged from the university shortly before graduating.
  34. With Waterloo. *1982 – Estonian Communist Party bureau declares" fight against, bourgeois ,TV" — meaning Finnish TV — a top priority of the propagandists of Estonian SSR
  35. Ideas of that time. The dadaists believed those ideas to be a byproduct of, bourgeois ,society, a society so apathetic it would rather fight a war against itself than
  36. Subject—as in his own plays—he tried to contribute to the development of a new, bourgeois ,theater in Germany. With this he especially turned against the then predominant
  37. She was shocked to hear a party official refer to free speech as a ", bourgeois ,superstition ". As she and Bergman traveled around the country, they found
  38. Is a square in the center of Florence, location of the cultural cafés and, bourgeois ,palaces. Among the square's cafés (like Cafe Gill, Paszkowski or the Hard
  39. Loud and sometimes inconsiderate man by nature and his relationship with the, bourgeois ,Belgian is one of the stranger aspects of Poirot’s world. He first met Poirot
  40. Eugène. Education Morison was born in Bourges, Cher,France into a successful, bourgeois ,family. Both she and her sister, Edma Morison, chose to become painters. Once
  41. The" Kino-Pravda" series, Vertov focused on everyday experiences, eschewing, bourgeois , concerns and filming marketplaces, bars,and schools instead, sometimes with a
  42. Life Rand was born Alisa Minor'Evan Rosenbaum () on February 2,1905,to a, bourgeois ,family living in Saint Petersburg. She was the eldest of the three daughters of
  43. Unbridled capitalism, the frontier just as much so. The only difference is that, bourgeois ,civility and civilization has yet to occupy the frontier, and thus there is no
  44. City was also intended to be a parable of capitalism stripped of its veneer of, bourgeois ,respectability, as it" arose to meet the needs and desires of the people, and
  45. Of World War I. For many participants, the movement was a protest against the, bourgeois ,nationalist and colonialist interests, which many Dadaists believed were the
  46. Tendencies. It is an ever-renewed struggle against the insidious effects of, bourgeois ,ideology on the thought of the proletariat. Marxist orthodoxy is no guardian of
  47. Had played the liberal against the English oligarchy—was an out-and-out vulgar, bourgeois , " The laws of commerce are the laws of Nature, and therefore the laws of God.
  48. Drama. Scholars generally see Mid Sara Sampson and Emilia Glottis as the first, bourgeois ,tragedies, Minna von Barn helm (Manna of Barn helm) as the model for many
  49. The theme was based on revolt against materialism, rationalism,positivism, bourgeois ,society and liberal democracy. The fin-de-siècle generation supported
  50. Grierson's views align with Vertov's contempt for dramatic fiction as ", bourgeois ,excess ", though with considerably more subtlety. Grierson's definition of

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