Examples of the the word, clutter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( clutter ), is the 10843 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mickey Mouse references and weird books wedged into the many shelves that, clutter ,the catalogs. " IKEA Family In common with some other retailers, IKEA has
  2. Detecting and neutralizing clutter . Many of these methods rely on the fact that, clutter ,tends to appear static between radar scans. Therefore, when comparing
  3. Which gender is the messiest. The strategy behind the campaign is that domestic, clutter ,leads to arguments, leading to an unhappy home, which Ikea wants to prove can
  4. Other items (e.g. small toys on children's graves) re-introduces some, clutter ,to the cemetery and makes it difficult to use the larger mowers. While cemetery
  5. Effective clutter reduction technique is pulse-Doppler radar. Doppler separates, clutter ,from aircraft and spacecraft using a frequency spectrum, so individual signals
  6. A form of Automatic Gain Control, or AGC) is a method relying on the fact that, clutter ,returns far outnumber echoes from targets of interest. The receiver's gain is
  7. In developed countries, there has been a backlash against excessive human-made, clutter ,in the visual environment, such as signposts, signs,and hoardings. Other
  8. Station at all but gives the viewer information without unnecessary visual, clutter , A schematic diagram of a chemical process uses symbols to represent the
  9. By the direct effect of the light itself on the eye. ) Light clutter Light, clutter ,refers to excessive groupings of lights. Groupings of lights may generate
  10. Motets of Lasses"—a most esoteric field, for which Holmes would have had to ", clutter ,his memory" with an enormous amount of information which had absolutely
  11. Radar operators who were preferably short in stature. The additional external, clutter ,imposed surprisingly little penalty on the P-38M's performance, and it
  12. In a low- clutter environment, and in down look employs a medium PRF for heavy, clutter ,environments. It has four operating frequencies within the X band, and provides
  13. E.g. filename is most likely a string. So naming it sFirstName only adds, clutter ,to the code. Notable opinions * Linus Torvalds (against systems Hungarian): "
  14. Which he drew: strong compositions, loose pencils, yet complete; detail without, clutter , I loved his stuff ". Ditko's known assistant work includes aiding inner
  15. Methods attempt to increase the signal-to- clutter ratio. The most effective, clutter ,reduction technique is pulse-Doppler radar. Doppler separates clutter from
  16. Network shares using several protocols including SFTP, SMB,and FTP. Window, clutter ,was reduced by merging all file progress dialog boxes into a single dialog. The
  17. Areas, most notably in the Baltic. The close confines of the Baltic and ground, clutter ,effectively negated the range benefits of early ASM's. Operating close to shore
  18. Targets and down at low-flying targets without being confused by ground, clutter , It can detect and track aircraft and small high-speed targets at distances
  19. If only a single radar is used. One notable area of interest is in sea, clutter , and how diversity in reflectivity and Doppler shift might prove beneficial for
  20. Targets will appear to move, and all stationary echoes can be eliminated. Sea, clutter ,can be reduced by using horizontal polarization, while rain is reduced with
  21. Except to separate multiple instructions on a line. This results in less, clutter ,on the program page. There is no nesting of feature and class declarations. As
  22. Species live, tend to have more debris; a more directional transmission reduces, clutter ,in reception. These sounds are reflected by the dense concave bone of the
  23. Gain is automatically adjusted to maintain a constant level of overall visible, clutter , While this does not help detect targets masked by stronger surrounding clutter
  24. To being external. This added to the size of the machine, but reduced cable, clutter ,in the back. However, the joystick/mouse ports, formerly on the right side of
  25. New focal plane array sensor to improve the missile's effectiveness in" high, clutter ," environments and increase the engagement range to about 25,000 feet (7,600 m
  26. Without an MDI frame window, floating toolbars from one application can, clutter ,the workspace of other applications, potentially confusing users with the
  27. By a diffused transmit pulse reflected before it leaves the antenna. While some, clutter ,sources may be undesirable for some radar applications (such as storm clouds
  28. As buildings and, intentionally,by radar countermeasures such as chaff. Some, clutter ,may also be caused by a long radar waveguide between the radar transceiver and
  29. Or ionospheric reflection/refraction (e.g. Anomalous propagation). This, clutter ,type is especially bothersome, since it appears to move and behave like other
  30. Of light pollution include light trespass, over-illumination,glare, light, clutter , and sky glow. A single offending light source often falls into more than one of
  31. Management System as an option with a touchscreen interface to reduce button, clutter , Booster 987 Gen II model history:; MY 2009:: Limited editions RS60 Spider In
  32. Were admitted, probably because it was thought that this would cause too much, clutter , It was the 15-star,15-stripe flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to write "
  33. Which is caused by the direct effect of the light itself on the eye. ) Light, clutter ,Light clutter refers to excessive groupings of lights. Groupings of lights may
  34. Feared. *Sanitation: Inside the camp, squalor and lack of sanitation reigned:, clutter , blood, vomit and bodies filled the barracks, which were also full of pests and
  35. As white elephants, imposing cost for upkeep and storage and contributing to, clutter , In mathematics, a contraction mapping, or contraction, on a metric space (M
  36. A single menu bar and/or toolbar is shared between all child windows, reducing, clutter , and increasing efficient use of screen space. This argument is less relevant on
  37. Role in Steerpike's eventual unmasking as a traitor. Mr. Flay appeared to, clutter ,up the doorway as he stood revealed, his arms folded .... It did not look as
  38. Own in a traditional session, where its brighter tone cuts through the sonic, clutter ,of a pub. Greatly preferred for formal performance and recording are
  39. The pilot's visibility was still restricted by the heavy frames and the, clutter ,of equipment under the rear canopy; from August 1943,as an interim measure
  40. The maximums of the vertical and horizontal components. (To minimize visual, clutter ,these are the only helix vectors displayed. ) To appreciate how this quadrature
  41. Birth. In the Northern Hemisphere a special foaling stall that is large and, clutter ,free is frequently used, particularly by major breeding farms. Originally, this
  42. Aircraft, even over land, which was previously impractical due to ground, clutter , Contracts were issued to Boeing, Douglas and Lockheed, the latter being
  43. Clutter. While this does not help detect targets masked by stronger surrounding, clutter , it does help to distinguish strong target sources. In the past, radar AGC was
  44. Radar that can distinguish low-flying moving targets from ground, clutter , The F-15 would use computer technology with new controls and displays to lower
  45. To do exactly that, providing it with what Simmons and Stein (1980) call a ", clutter ,rejection strategy. " This strategy is further improved by the use of harmonics
  46. Sent by the radar. There are several methods of detecting and neutralizing, clutter , Many of these methods rely on the fact that clutter tends to appear static
  47. As reducing sky glow, reducing glare, reducing light trespass, and reducing, clutter , The method for best reducing light pollution, therefore,depends on exactly
  48. Simplicity and clarity of form, open-plan interiors, and the absence of, clutter , Modernism reversed the 19th-century relationship of public and private: in the
  49. Combined with the developers' wish to keep the user interface free of ", clutter ," such as on-screen menus, made it necessary for most users to use a keyboard
  50. They could survive an attack against modern warships, protected by radar ground, clutter ,from the Islands and by using a late pop-up profile. Meanwhile, other Argentine

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