Examples of the the word, ore , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ore ), is the 11074 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Production The extraction of antimony from ore s depends on the quality of the, ore , which is usually a sulfide. The sulfide is converted to an oxide and advantage
  2. Place grew rapidly in population owing to the abundance of its coal and iron, ore , and the population of the whole parish (which was only 1,486 in 1801)
  3. Iron, copper,titanium, chromium,manganese, cobalt,molybdenum, complex, ore , and antimony. Meanwhile, the State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan was established as an
  4. Uranium is extracted from its ore s in various ways. In one method,the, ore ,is burned and then reacted with nitric acid to convert uranium into a dissolved
  5. Is dominated by mining and petroleum industries. Most of Australia's iron, ore ,is also mined in the Pillar, and it also has one of the world's major
  6. For tool making in Ancient Egypt and was smelted in furnaces from malachite, ore ,mined in the Sinai. Workers collected gold by washing the nuggets out of
  7. As sulfur as cosmetic substances. The Egyptians worked deposits of the lead, ore ,galena at Rebel Rosa's to make net sinkers, plumb bobs, and small figurines.
  8. Properties of actinium and lanthanum makes separation of actinium from the, ore ,impractical. Instead, the element is prepared, in milligram amounts, by the
  9. Producer of beryllium and beryllium products. This company smelts its beryllium, ore , which contains the mineral Bertrandt, and which comes mostly from the
  10. And difficult for ancient people to work. Iron is usually found as iron, ore ,on Earth, except for one deposit of native iron in Greenland, which was used by
  11. Abundant in actinium-bearing ore s, render separation of actinium from the, ore ,impractical, and complete separation was never achieved. Instead, actinium is
  12. Zinc oxide) was found on the walls of furnaces used to heat either zinc, ore ,or brass and explaining that it can then be used to make brass. By the first
  13. Over the last 50 years, Australia has become a major producer of bauxite, ore ,and a major producer and exporter of alumina (bef ore being overtaken by China
  14. Sites A memorial stone at the Schillerlinde tree above Wasseralfingen’s, ore ,pit reminds of four prisoners of the subcamp of Natzweiler-Struthof
  15. The following estimated deposits of metallic minerals: 207 million tons of iron, ore , 127 million tons of manganese ore ,936 million tons of copper ore ,238 million
  16. Steel works, Carnegie had purchased at low cost the most valuable of the iron, ore ,fields around Lake Superior. The same year Carnegie became a figure of
  17. With oxygen. Compared to most other metals, it is difficult to extract from, ore , such as bauxite, due to the energy required to reduce aluminum oxide (Al2O3
  18. Sources of the metal. Almost all metallic aluminum is produced from the, ore ,bauxite (Alex (OH)3-2x). Bauxite occurs as a weathering product of low iron
  19. Petroleum and natural gas, petroleum products, oilfield equipment; steel, iron, ore , cement; chemicals, petrochemicals,textiles, machinery,cotton, foodstuffs.;
  20. Demands. Other natural resources include coal, bauxite,copper and iron, ore , Agriculture is the most significant sector, employing some 58 % of the labor
  21. Of manganese ore ,936 million tons of copper ore ,238 million tons of chromium, ore , and 150 million tons of gold ore . Several of Bulgaria’s minerals are extracted
  22. Authority. Brass was produced by the cementation process where copper and zinc, ore ,are heated together until zinc vapor is produced which reacts with the copper.
  23. In 1998. The country's natural resources include: coal, copper,iron, ore , lithium, uranium,rare earth elements, chromite,gold, zinc,talc, barites
  24. In 1789 by the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth in pitchblende, ore , He named it after the planet Uranus, Only 60 years later, the French scientist
  25. It is found in the sulfide stibnite (Sb2S3) which is the predominant, ore ,mineral. Commercial forms of antimony are generally ingots, broken pieces
  26. Bridge Works, the Hartman Steel Works, the Brick Coke Company, and the Scotia, ore ,mines. Carnegie, through Keystone, supplied the steel for and owned shares in
  27. Early medieval times also a flourishing mining industry, especially on iron, ore ,and silver. Poland had and still has extensive salt mines. All this has
  28. In Australia, Brazil,Guinea and Jamaica and the primary mining areas for the, ore ,are in Australia, Brazil,China, India,Guinea, Indonesia,Jamaica, Russia and
  29. Deposits of plutonium and neptunium are produced by neutron capture in uranium, ore , Name of_cut/> The Earth contains approximately atoms. Name
  30. Aircraft, electrical equipment, automobiles,ethanol, textiles,footwear, iron, ore , steel, coffee,orange juice, soybeans and corned beef. The country has been
  31. As valuable as gold and Pliny describes how aurichalcum had come from Cypriot, ore ,deposits which had been exhausted by the 1st century AD. Brass making in the
  32. Berzelius, detected the presence of a new element while analyzing petalite, ore , This element formed compounds similar to those of sodium and potassium, though
  33. Of 21.773 years, predominantly emitting beta particles. One tonne of uranium, ore ,contains about 0.2 milligrams of actinium. The close similarity of physical and
  34. Instead, it is found combined in over 270 different minerals. The chief, ore ,of aluminum is bauxite. Aluminum is remarkable for the metal's low density
  35. In the 16th century referring to drift weed in South Wales: This kind of, ore ,they often gather and lay on great heaps, where it health and rotten, and
  36. Of copper ore ,238 million tons of chromium ore , and 150 million tons of gold, ore , Several of Bulgaria’s minerals are extracted commercially; 80 percent of
  37. A process that requires only 5 % of the energy used to produce aluminum from, ore , though a significant part (up to 15 % of the input material) is lost as
  38. And yielded aluminum. Further, Pierre Bertie discovered aluminum in bauxite, ore ,and successfully extracted it. Frenchman Henri Étienne Sainte-Claire Seville
  39. Eventually, humans learned to smelt metals such as copper and tin from, ore , and, around 2500 BC, began alloying the two metals to form bronze, which is
  40. Protactinium from 60 tonnes of waste left after extraction of uranium from its, ore , Neptunium (named for the planet Neptune, the next planet out from Uranus
  41. With 3,986 MW. Natural resources include: bauxite, gold,iron, ore , manganese, nickel,phosphates, platinum,tin, uranium,petroleum, hydropower
  42. Tons of iron ore ,127 million tons of manganese ore ,936 million tons of copper, ore , 238 million tons of chromium ore , and 150 million tons of gold ore . Several of
  43. The production of brass in Germany and The Low Countries areas rich in calamine, ore ,which would remain important centers of brass making throughout the medieval
  44. Other rich resources await development: gold, f ore st products, fisheries,iron, ore , coffee, and fruits. This is a chart of trend of nominal gross domestic product
  45. Metallic minerals: 207 million tons of iron ore ,127 million tons of manganese, ore , 936 million tons of copper ore ,238 million tons of chromium ore , and 150
  46. And refining operation. The company now ships m ore than 2000 tons of refined, ore ,from Andersonville each week. In 1974,long-time mayor Lewis Eastern and a
  47. Belonging to the Late Triassic. On the Brandenburg hill, until 1939 iron, ore ,was mined (see Liefer Stolen section). Extent of the city’s territory The
  48. Reports show that the country has huge amounts of gold, copper,coal, iron, ore , and other minerals. In 2010,Pentagon officials along with geologists from the
  49. Resources and land use; Natural resources:: Petroleum, natural gas, iron, ore , nonferrous metals, bauxite,and underground water.; Land use::::; Irrigated
  50. Assimilations. Ore deposits and evaporates The Andes mountains host large, ore ,and salt deposits and some of its eastern fold and thrust belt acts as traps

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