Examples of the the word, fabrication , in a Sentence Context
The word ( fabrication ), is the 10162 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of the Holocaust … Many French studies have proven that this is no more than a, fabrication , a lie, and a fraud!! That is, it is a 'scenario' the plot of which was
- The cement content used in the concrete mix; 900 kg of CO2 are emitted for the, fabrication ,of every ton of cement. Cement manufacture contributes greenhouse gases both
- For the centralized unemployment and social services complex. *Armed – Chip, fabrication , Formerly Honeywell. Recently laid off 245 workers. *Cypress Semiconductor
- In 2001. This isotope was finally created in 2010 and the data confirmed the, fabrication ,of previous data. 270Hs: prospects for a deformed doubly magic nucleus
- Diamonds. The col tan is a major source of tantalum, which is used in the, fabrication ,of electronic components in computers and mobile phones. In 2002,tin was
- This increased density. Manufacturers moved to smaller design rules and cleaner, fabrication ,facilities, so that they could make chips with more transistors and maintain
- The associated office buildings went to Intel as part of the Hudson, Mass., fabrication ,site. * Printer business was sold in 1997 to GEICO (now TallyGenicom)
- The final episodes of the series, the city is implied to have been an elaborate, fabrication ,produced by an unknown power. The city is characterized by severe class
- Were weaving, the manual production of basic pottery and, more rarely,the, fabrication ,of iron tools, especially weapons. Julius Caesar describes the Germans in his
- Tubes and by mid-20th-century technology advancements in semiconductor device, fabrication , The integration of large numbers of tiny transistors into a small chip was an
- Details from information that had not been made public, and was therefore a, fabrication , Brown, undeterred,continued peddling the story long after Coffee died in
- Needing large circuit design teams and access to the state-of-the-art, fabrication ,process) account for the high cost of design for this type of chip. The design
- Scanning can also be used. Test cost can account for over 25 % of the cost of, fabrication ,on lower cost products, but can be negligible on low yielding, larger,and/or
- Primarily used for quality control and failure analysis in semiconductor device, fabrication , The advantages of electron microscopy over X-ray crystallography are that the
- Into a nanostructure fractal surface. Many papers have since presented, fabrication ,methods for producing super hydrophobic surfaces including particle deposition
- He had organized. Many scholars deem part or all of Williams's work to be, fabrication , and purportedly many of the documents are of his own fabrication , but a large
- The AMD Performance Library and the AMD Core Math Library. Production and, fabrication ,Ever since the spinoff of AMD's fabrication plants in early 2009
- The partnership was announced by AMD to be extended to 2011 for 32 nm and 22 nm, fabrication ,related technologies. Further, AMD is loosely partnered with end-user companies
- Was discovered. Hafnium is used in filaments and electrodes. Some semiconductor, fabrication ,processes use its oxide for integrated circuits at 45 nm and smaller feature
- Properties of the solid. Ion implantation is used in semiconductor device, fabrication ,and in metal finishing, as well as various applications in materials science
- S house to Parliament, although this story may have been a government, fabrication ,; no evidence for the existence of a tunnel was presented by the prosecution
- Yttrium garnet (Gd: Y3Al5O12); it has microwave applications and is used in, fabrication ,of various optical components and as substrate material for magneto–optical
- Published 24 May 1976 However, according to Solzhenitsyn the report is a, fabrication ,by the KGB. He claimed that the report is dated 20 January 1952 while all
- Creating a" virtual gorilla" that would enable AMD to compete with Intel on, fabrication ,capacity while limiting AMD's financial outlay for new facilities. This
- The project was delayed by the need to develop the stainless steel, fabrication ,techniques; this would have been gained in building the Afro 730 but that had
- Which his brother Alexander dismissed as" an inexcusable though innocent, fabrication , " Chekhov also enjoyed a series of love affairs, one with the wife of a
- Including automobile manufacturing, mineral extraction, steel production and, fabrication , According to the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis, the 2008 total
- Science in Surgery for a thesis entitled," The aortic valve - problems in the, fabrication ,and testing of a prosthetic valve ". The same year he was awarded Doctor of
- But not goddess ship, headmistressship, willless and bulllike. In some, fabrication ,plants, scrap is called off fall (non-OED),though a hyphen (off-fall) is
- Core Math Library. Production and fabrication Ever since the spinoff of AMD's, fabrication ,plants in early 2009,GlobalFoundries has been responsible for producing AMD's
- Microscopes are essential tools for a process engineer who might be debugging a, fabrication ,process. Each device is tested before packaging using automated test equipment
- And few deny that the known Italian text contains substantial elements of late, fabrication , Nevertheless, Muslim writers are gratified to note those elements of the
- Safety, efficiency,economy, reliability and constructability or ease of, fabrication , as well as legal considerations such as patent infringement or liability in
- And Pentium II chips. As part of a settlement, much of DEC's chip design and, fabrication ,business was sold to Intel. This included DEC's Strong ARM implementation of
- Which is our only security for law and liberty .... The very idea of the, fabrication ,of a new government, is enough to fill us with disgust and horror. We wished at
- Still very popular and oxyacetylene cutting is utilized in nearly every metal, fabrication ,shop. For use in welding and cutting, the working pressures must be controlled
- Solved only by renormalizing fluctuating hydrodynamics equations. Semiconductor, fabrication ,applications IC Fabrication technologies, model processes like CVD, Thermal
- Of doing so. Modern historians have dismissed the claim that they did so as a, fabrication ,of Irving's. The only denial published at the time came from Zachariah Lilia, a
- Initially had overheating problems and was moved to the 0.8 micrometer, fabrication ,process. However, problems continued when the 486DX-50 was installed in local
- Negligible on low yielding, larger,and/or higher cost devices. As of 2005,a, fabrication ,facility (commonly known as a semiconductor fab) costs over $1 billion to
- They do. Electrical engineers may be found in the pristine lab environment of a, fabrication ,plant, the offices of a consulting firm or on site at a mine. During their
- Monarchy would be overthrown during his reign. This story is, however,a, fabrication , and a similar story is told of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Hieronymus
- And notorious Holocaust denier, David Irving, has dismissed this claim as pure, fabrication , Because he committed suicide, his dead body was displayed by the gallows for
- Laid off 245 workers. *Cypress Semiconductor Colorado Design Center – Chip, fabrication ,R&D site *Sanmina-SCI Closing facility around December 2007 to January 2008 (
- Push Philips to accept 120 mm, so that Philips' Polygamy lost its edge on disc, fabrication , Typical of long-playing (LP) vinyl albums, was often used to the CD's
- S work to be fabrication , and purportedly many of the documents are of his own, fabrication , but a large portion of the work has indeed been collected from neo-pagan
- Forward, due to Newton's Third Law. This monocolored design promotes the, fabrication ,of micrometer- or nanometer- scaled light mills, for it is difficult to pattern
- Emission coefficient. The identity factor n varies from 1 to 2 depending on the, fabrication ,process and semiconductor material and in many cases is assumed to be
- Art history, archaeology,studio art, and anthropology. They also have design, fabrication , artistic, and other special skills necessary for the practical application of
- Trial in 1934 and 1935. Nevertheless, it has been established that it was a, fabrication ,created by the Tsar's secret police, the Khorana. Furthermore, it has been
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