Examples of the the word, ark , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ark ), is the 10167 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The covenant. " Says the prophet saw God's temple in heaven opened," and the, ark ,of his covenant was seen within his temple. " A number of Roman Catholics
  2. In Ezra holds that the word indicates the task and not just the shape of the, ark ,cover; since the blood of the Yom Kippur sacrifice was sprinkled in its
  3. Congregants traditionally stand when the Torah is brought out of the, ark ,to be read (although they sit during the reading itself. ) Biblical law The
  4. Nile. A Levite woman saves her baby by setting him adrift on the river in an, ark ,of bulrushes. Pharaoh's daughter finds the child, names him Moses, and brings
  5. The Ethiopian government and church deny all requests to view the alleged, ark , Some classical-era Rabbis, attacking Solomon's moral character, have claimed
  6. Israelites cross the Jordan through the miraculous intervention of God and his, ark ,and are circumcised at Gibeath-Haaraloth (translated as hill of foreskins)
  7. To the entire ceremony of removing the Torah scroll (or scrolls) from the, ark , chanting the appropriate excerpt with special scintillation, and returning the
  8. Jeremiah, having received an oracle of the Lord, ordered that the tent and the, ark ,and the altar of incense should follow him to the mountain of God where he
  9. Our'panic account differs slightly from the Biblical account in that the sacred, ark ,was recaptured in the Bible before Saul's accession and the test by drinking
  10. Gave Moses the instructions for building the Tabernacle, he said to" make an, ark ," and" a table of acacia wood" ( Exodus 25:10 & 23,Revised Standard Version
  11. A temporary boat used in river transport in eastern North America * Ark (, ark , Com),a website empowering people to spread acts of random kindness.
  12. And prophet over Israel. This source includes the Eli narrative and part of the, ark ,narrative. *Ark narrative (1 Samuel 4:1b-7:1 and 2 Samuel 6:1-20): the ark 's
  13. The ark and the staves thereof above. And they drew out the staves of the, ark , that the ends of the staves were seen from the ark before the oracle but they
  14. How Moses writes" Torah" ( instruction) on a scroll and lays it beside the, ark ,of the Covenant. Similar passages include, for example, Exodus 17:14," And
  15. Legends made OG a survivor of the flood, suggesting the had sat on the, ark ,and was fed by Noah. The Israelites fight with Og's forces at Edna, on the
  16. Unclear meaning, is mentioned in the Bible as the building material for Noah's, ark ,* Gopher Plant or Paper Spurge (Euphoria lathers) * The SA-13" Gopher "
  17. Bahá'í belief, only Noah's followers were spiritually alive, preserved in the, ark ,of his teachings, as others were spiritually dead. The Bahá'í scripture
  18. The author of Genesis," The story of Eve and the serpent, and of Noah and his, ark , drops to a level with the Arabian tales, without the merit of being
  19. Book is as intriguing for the themes it leaves out as for what it includes: the, ark ,of the covenant, which is given so much importance in the stories of Moses and
  20. Life, but instructed Noah, a man" righteous in his generation," to build an, ark ,and save a remnant of life from the Flood. After the Flood," Noah was the
  21. Drew out the staves of the ark , that the ends of the staves were seen from the, ark ,before the oracle, but they were not seen without. And there it is unto this day
  22. Excerpt with special scintillation, and returning the scroll (s) to the, ark , It is distinct from academic Torah study. Regular public reading of the Torah
  23. 6:41 Now therefore arise, O LORD God, into thy resting place, thou,and the, ark ,of thy strength: let thy priests, O LORD God, be clothed with salvation, and
  24. Record was formed by the Great Flood described in the story of Noah's, ark , Fossils and fossil fuels are believed to have formed from animal and plant
  25. Is glorified as a hero for his epic deeds of building and loading the, ark , whereas Genesis simply says,“ Noah did all that the LORD commanded him. ”
  26. Empowering people to spread acts of random kindness. Agriculture * Chicken, ark , a mobile shelter for domestic chickens Narratives * Ark (Transformers),a
  27. A reference to Oracle in II Chronicles 5:7-9" And the priests brought in the, ark ,of the covenant of the LORD unto his palace, to the oracle of the house, into
  28. It is enough to say b ark (a or the barge),Nova b ark ('Noah's, ark ,'). The gender is known in this case to be feminine. In declensions, endings
  29. Drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the, ark , until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the
  30. Of the choice of Saul to be king and is mentioned as descending with the, ark ,of the covenant, here the word is used to mean" security" and is derived from
  31. The Seven bowls (11:15-19) ####The temple of God opens in heaven, where the, ark ,of His covenant can be seen. There are lightnings, noises,thundering, an
  32. Of his method, it may be mentioned that he regards the three stories of Noah's, ark ,as symbolic of the three sciences mathematics, physics,and metaphysics. As
  33. Men look at constitutions with sanctimonious reverence and deem them like the, ark ,of the covenant, too sacred to be touched. " But he saw imperfections and
  34. Wine seller; he is forewarned of the flood (this time by Zeus); he builds an, ark ,and staffs it with creatures - and when he completes his voyage, gives thanks
  35. Ark is often closed with an ornate curtain (prophet) outside or inside the, ark ,doors); * The elevated reader's platform (called birth by Ashkenazim and
  36. On the Ark while investigating it; in the second, he returns to seize the, ark ,for use by his home planet. Koenig was discredited as" Keening" in the
  37. The cherubim: For the cherubim spread forth their wings over the place of the, ark , and the cherubim covered the ark and the staves thereof above. And they drew
  38. Forth their wings over the place of the ark , and the cherubim covered the, ark ,and the staves thereof above. And they drew out the staves of the ark , that the
  39. Supremacy of Yahweh. The Philistines are afflicted with plagues and return the, ark ,to the Israelites, but to the territory of the tribe of Benjamin rather than to
  40. Ark narrative. *Ark narrative (1 Samuel 4:1b-7:1 and 2 Samuel 6:1-20): the, ark ,'s capture by the Philistines in the time of Eli and its transfer to Jerusalem
  41. A son, he will be dedicated to Yahweh. Eli, the priest of Shiloh (where the, ark ,of the covenant is located),blesses her, and a child named Samuel is born.
  42. Who led a rebellion against an English occupation Technology * Interstellar, ark , a conceptual multi-lifetime space vehicle * Ark (river boat),a temporary
  43. Landing site, in folkloric elaborations of the biblical account of Noah, of his, ark ,*Gonna Shan (7,556 m),the highest peak in Sichuan, China - also known as Min ya
  44. Are Noah's family saved, but many others also heed Noah's call. There is no, ark ,in this account; instead Noah and the others hide in a" luminous cloud ".
  45. Authors/editors drew on earlier sources, including (but not limited to) an ", ark ,narrative" ( 1 Samuel 4:1-7:1 and part of 2 Samuel 6),a" Saul cycle" (
  46. Star systems. Generation ships A generation ship is a type of interstellar, ark ,in which the crew which arrives at the destination is descended from those who
  47. By Ashkenazim and heal by Sephardi) where the Torah scrolls are kept (the, ark ,is often closed with an ornate curtain (prophet) outside or inside the ark
  48. Before concluding the Sabbath USAF service with the daily psalm. The, ark ,is opened for the duration of the song. Busch ARI refers to the order of the
  49. Synagogues as temples. Some traditional features of a synagogue are: * The, ark ,(called Aron ha-kodesh by Ashkenazim and heal by Sephardi) where the Torah
  50. Of each) and" unclean animals" ( two of each) when loading animals onto the, ark , which indicates some existence of food laws before the Law of Moses. According

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