Examples of the the word, vascular , in a Sentence Context
The word ( vascular ), is the 10175 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Challenged, and manic-depressive illness with periodic psychosis, followed by, vascular ,dementia was put forward by Cybulska prior Schain's; and Sax's studies;. North
- With mangrove swamps along its shores. Only 165 of the island's current 1000, vascular , plant species are considered native, and of those 15,including the cedar, are
- Joints but there is no cure for the illness. Lupus This is a common collagen, vascular ,disorder that can be present with severe arthritis. Other features of lupus
- Acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL). Biosynthesis In, vascular ,plants cellulose is synthesized at the plasma membrane by rosette terminal
- Skin. The feet are powered by another unique feature of echinoderms, a water, vascular ,system of canals that also function as a" lung" and are surrounded by muscles
- Nature in the strikes of mantis shrimps and pistol shrimps, as well as in the, vascular ,tissues of plants. In man-made objects, it can occur in control valves, pumps
- Neural activity and by increasing blood flow via receptors located on, vascular ,smooth muscle. Unlike most neurotransmitters, adenosine does not seem to be
- The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. He developed new techniques in, vascular ,sutures and was a pioneer in transplantology and thoracic surgery. Alexis
- And veins based on Doppler effect is an effective tool for diagnosis of, vascular ,problems like stenosis. Flow measurement Instruments such as the laser Doppler
- Are part of the human cardio vascular system. Normally, the arteries in the, vascular ,system carry oxygen-rich blood, except in the case of the pulmonary artery.
- The United States—by President Barack Obama. Bush has developed Parkinsonism,a, vascular ,disorder which has weakened his legs. In April 2011 he said he was not
- Of oxygen homeostasis, and is a transcription factor that targets angiogenesis, vascular ,remodeling, glucose utilization, iron transport and apoptosis. HIF is
- In a process called 'anomalous secondary growth ', they are able to create new, vascular ,bundles around which thickening growth occurs. Agave, Yucca,Aloe, Dracaena
- Surgery specialists. However, general surgeons are capable of treating minor, vascular ,disorders. Endocrine surgery General Surgeons are trained to remove all or part
- Placenta **Plant development: seed — cotyledon — meristem — apical meristem —, vascular ,cambium — cork cambium **Techniques: electrophysiology — electron microscopy
- For at least 50 % of sampled early pregnancy losses. Other causes include, vascular ,disease (such as lupus),diabetes, other hormonal problems, infection,and
- Was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1912 for pioneering, vascular ,suturing techniques. He invented the first perfusion pump with Charles A.
- Grown by two months per year. Death is in Belgium mainly due to heart and, vascular ,disorders, neoplasms,disorders of the respiratory system and unnatural causes
- Part of their water budget from cloud, and support a rich abundance of, vascular ,and non vascular epiphytes. Mangrove forests also fall within this broad
- Deficit **May be caused by mass effect or ischemia resulting from local, vascular ,steal phenomenon. Presence and nature of deficit depend on location of lesion
- Biggest cause of plant loss. Cacti are subject to Uranium infections in their, vascular ,cambium (the bundle of fibers and the" ring" inside the center of a cactus
- Animals, performed every feat and developed every technique known to, vascular ,surgery today. " He had great success in reconnecting arteries and veins, and
- Cells, fibroblast-like cells, and a complex extracellular matrix. The, vascular ,wall consists of several layers known as the tunica Adventist, tunica media
- Exposed, a bird's beak is primarily bone covered in a layer of keratin over a, vascular ,layer containing blood vessels and nerve endings. Terminology Several terms are
- Course, for instance individuals may develop new-onset mania associated with, vascular ,changes, or become manic only after recurrent depressive episodes, or may have
- And described. The five most common types are: *Collagen I: skin, tendon, vascular , ligature,organs, bone (main component of bone) *Collagen II: cartilage (
- Plant species are any of conservation concern at present. Of the 36 native, vascular ,plants on Diego Garcia, there are 12 trees, five shrubs, seven dicotyledon
- Study found it also effective for healing limb ulcers caused by peripheral, vascular ,disease. The boot checks the heart rhythm and compresses the limb between
- There he collaborated with American physician Charles Claude Guthrie in work on, vascular ,suture and the transplantation of blood vessels and organs as well as the head
- The slopes near the virtually lifeless Atacama Desert. About 30,000 species of, vascular ,plants live in the Andes with roughly half being endemic to the region
- Perform vascular surgery if they receive special training and certification in, vascular ,surgery. Otherwise, these procedures are performed by vascular surgery
- Allotrope that is diamond. Vascular plants Cavitation occurs in the xylem of, vascular ,plants when the tension of water within the xylem becomes so great that
- Heart attacks in the general population of those who have no diagnosed heart or, vascular ,problems. Secondary prevention concerns patients with known cardio vascular
- Smoking cessation, acute stroke, stroke rehabilitation, tennis elbow, and, vascular , dementia. Positive results from some studies on the efficacy of acupuncture may
- Did not have roots or leaves like the plants most common today and many had no, vascular ,tissue at all. They probably spread largely by vegetative growth, and did not
- A number of endemic and sub-endemic species with 27 endemic and 160 subendemic, vascular ,plants present in the country. The total number of plants is over 3250 species
- Plants, or leaves, roots,and other organs that are found in tracheophytes (, vascular ,plants). Many are photoautotrophic, although some groups contain members that
- Alteration of molecular mechanisms in blood vessels, reducing susceptibility to, vascular ,damage * Decreased activity of angiotensin, a systemic hormone causing blood
- Certification in vascular surgery. Otherwise, these procedures are performed by, vascular ,surgery specialists. However, general surgeons are capable of treating minor
- Extracellular matrix are quantitatively the largest components of the aortic, vascular ,wall. The fundamental unit of the aorta is the elastic Pamela, which consists
- Glands, and glands within the gastrointestinal tract, tend to be much less, vascular ,and have ducts or a hollow lumen. In addition to the specialized endocrine
- With a late age of onset, and have led to the development of the theory of, vascular ,depression. There may be a link between depression and neurogenesis of the
- Blood via arachnoid granulations. It had been thought that CSF returns to the, vascular ,system by entering the rural venous sinuses via the arachnoid granulations (or
- In the US, the majority of new amputations occur due to complications of the, vascular ,system (of or pertaining to the blood vessels),especially from diabetes.
- The aster, daisy,or sunflower family),comprise the largest family of, vascular ,plants. The family has more than 22,750 currently accepted species, spread
- And diagnosis, of breast cancer. Vascular surgery General Surgeons can perform, vascular ,surgery if they receive special training and certification in vascular surgery.
- Has not demonstrated a decreased risk of heart attacks or other coronary, vascular ,diseases. Since the 1990s the search for new treatment options for coronary
- Between chiropractic neck manipulation beyond the normal range of motion and, vascular ,accidents is probable Chiropractors, like other primary care providers
- Rapid decrease in blood pressure in humans; it is also used as a vasodilator in, vascular ,research. The cobalt in artificial vitamin B12 contains a cyanide ligand as an
- Process leads to myocardial infarction (heart attack),stroke, and peripheral, vascular ,disease. Since higher blood LDL, especially higher LDL particle concentrations
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