Examples of the the word, emanate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( emanate ), is the 11076 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. But the individual photons would have no common phase relationship and would, emanate ,in random directions. This is the mechanism of fluorescence and thermal
  2. In mammals all of these" tissue clocks" are kept in synchrony by signals that, emanate ,from a master timekeeper in a tiny part of the brain called the suprachiasmatic
  3. Sunshine abounds and enables the Audios to produce quality wine. Many wines, emanate ,from the department, ranging in quality from table wines to AOC's, passing
  4. Residential stock catering largely to students. Arts and cultural offerings, emanate ,from Eastern New Mexico University, the third-largest state university in New
  5. Opposite side of a wooden door Röntgen had noted the same blue glow, seeming to, emanate ,from the eye itself, but thought his observations to be spurious because he
  6. Cannot exist without the simple. The" less perfect" must, of necessity,", emanate ,", or issue forth, from the" perfect" or" more perfect ". Thus, all of "
  7. The Bay Area, and like the hub and spokes of a wheel, surrounding communities, emanate ,outwards from the valley. This growth in part, has shaped the greater Bay Area
  8. A new colony. They also exhibit positive robotaxis, moving towards sounds that, emanate ,from the reef and away from open water. High failure rates afflict many stages
  9. Known to be underlain with natural asbestos. Much of the asbestos is known to, emanate ,from fibrous remote or crinoline. Approximately 20 years ago, when the
  10. Texts with the hermaphroditic Barbels, from which successive pairs of eons, emanate , often in male-female pairings called synergies; the numbers of these pairings
  11. Follows the Platonic tradition that vision is caused by discrete rays which, emanate ,from the eye. One important definition is the fourth:" Things seen under a
  12. Of them,Gauss's law and Gauss's law for magnetism, describe how the fields, emanate ,from charges. (For the magnetic field there is no magnetic charge and
  13. Economy and ... support, without reference to the party from which they, emanate , all serviceable measures ". Events such as the Pent ridge Rising, the March of
  14. That under girds it, that matter has an absolute existence which causes it to, emanate ,certain phenomena, had historically been subjected to criticism. George
  15. Longing of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution said that" the intricate drawings, emanate ,1950s futuristic pizzazz like a David Hockney scenes cape ", and that the show is
  16. Scale for measurement is developed, then a potential maximum or minimum will, emanate ,from this scale. This is called the potential (crude) range. Of course this
  17. Concrète, by contrast, strives to start with the" concrete" sounds that, emanate ,from base phenomena and then abstracts them into a composition. The term
  18. Between certain lightning events and the mysterious gamma ray emissions that, emanate ,from the Earth's own atmosphere, in light of newer observations of TFS made
  19. So that over time there are fewer and fewer places from which barbarians will, emanate , Before the game begins, the player chooses which historical civilization to
  20. That there is a similarity to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Steam would, emanate ,from below, deep within the earth, and bestow clairvoyance. Vasconcelos also
  21. Ram, or a chariot pulled by goats or, more rarely, parrots. Seven rays of light, emanate ,from his body. One of his names is Saptajihva," having seven tongues ". All
  22. Control: By treating the center of balance as the point from which movements, emanate , it becomes possible to maintain balance and control while executing movements
  23. Chest, also called sound box or resonator, as opposed to the lyre, whose strings, emanate ,from a more or less common point off the soundboard, such as a tailpiece.
  24. To be both masculine and feminine simultaneously All creation was thought to, emanate ,from the god and to exist within the god. In particular, the god was not
  25. Or in deeper water marine conglomerates. Name "/NP"> Boggs"/> They are, emanate ,under conditions that produce large volumes of unstable material, derived from
  26. On the power of the authorities to arrest and detain individuals also, emanate ,from article 2, paragraph 2 of the Constitution which guarantees liberty and
  27. Science fiction. Indeed, pop science is disseminated to, and can also easily, emanate ,from, persons not accountable to scientific methodology and expert peer review.
  28. As eolian beaches or shelf environments. Name "/NP"> Boggs"/> Quartz armies, emanate ,from multiple recycling of quarts grains, generally as sedimentary source rocks
  29. The noise of an engine or of wheels on rails. Such noise as there is tends to, emanate ,from auxiliary systems such as power steering pumps and air conditioning. Early
  30. First Principle from which the two equal-but-opposite entities then, emanate , This is also true for the lesser-known Christian Gnostic religions, such as
  31. Lasers or radio waves, to guide the missile onto its target. This radiation may, emanate ,from the target (such as the heat of an engine or the radio waves from an
  32. For Derr's family members, as those streets are consecutively parallel, and, emanate , from what was then Derr's home, and the location of the first available lot
  33. Initiation is the result of a strong hammer blow. At impact, concenctric radii, emanate ,from the point of percussion, but unlike conchoidal fracture, the force travels
  34. Monster. Sometimes the mirror was shown on his chest, and sometimes smoke would, emanate ,from the mirror. Tezcatlipoca's annual, his animal counterpart, was the jaguar
  35. Uterus and bladder were recognized, and that the blood vessels were known to, emanate ,from the heart. Other vessels are described, some carrying air, some mucus, and
  36. Empire as Neo-Platonism, and with it the concept that not only do all existent, emanate ,from a" primary essence" but that the mind plays an active role in shaping or
  37. As well as other prayer wheels. As the GIF image turns, waves of compassion, emanate ,in all directions to the surrounding area. Some have suggested that the
  38. Limpopo and the Orange. Most of the springs from which many of these streams, emanate ,are now covered in concrete and canalized, accounting for the fact that the
  39. 1900 Born reported some experiments in which he noticed that radium compounds, emanate ,a radioactive gas which he named Radium Emanation (Ra Em). Before that, in
  40. To fit personality or self concept but allowing personality and self concept to, emanate ,from the experience. This results in excitement, daring,adaptability
  41. By many philosophies: Shiva Siddhartha believes that new souls constantly, emanate ,from God like sparks from a fire; Other explanations include souls moving
  42. Arts such as take drumming) do not 'use ', but rather allow, ones I to, emanate ,from their Tandem (Hara) while executing a technique. It also erroneously
  43. Is one of the most magnificent pieces of serious popular entertainment ever to, emanate ,from Hollywood. " Owen Lieberman of Entertainment Weekly described the film as
  44. Indicates the founder's illumination that all possible cuts with the sword, emanate ,from and are contained in one original essential cut. The Mutō-ryu (swordless
  45. La mer (Toilers of the Sea). As a metaphor Due to having numerous arms that, emanate ,from a common center, the octopus is often used as a metaphor for a group or
  46. Antiparticle, called an antineutrino. Most neutrinos passing through the Earth, emanate ,from the Sun. About 65 billion () solar neutrinos per second pass through
  47. Mind, but more of a symptom. Historical overview Influences on thinking that, emanate ,from outside the individual's self-generated consciousness are reflected in
  48. The government-in-charge of the country in question. Clandestine broadcasts may, emanate ,from transmitters located in rebel-controlled territory or from outside the
  49. A cross-link suggests a branch point from which four or more distinct chains, emanate , A polymer molecule with a high degree of crosslinking is referred to as a
  50. Then. Some individuals, notably Joseph Stalin, have stated that all problems, emanate ,from man, and absent man, no problems ensue. Hence, violence could

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