Examples of the the word, posit , in a Sentence Context
The word ( posit ), is the 11718 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Work, police functions or firefighting. Some science fiction universes, posit ,that techs are the primary means of combat, with conflicts sometimes being
- Became widespread at the same time as capitalism, leading many theorists to, posit ,a causal relationship between them, or that each affects the other. However, in
- And op posit ion of sexist ideologies, films made by women have the potential to, posit ,an alternative to traditional Hollywood films. In reaction to this article
- From the upper to the lower chambers of the heart. As proof, one could, posit ,that atrial fibrillation almost never deteriorates to ventricular fibrillation.
- Give up causality Another approach is to accept special relativity, but to, posit ,that mechanisms allowed by general relativity (e.g., wormholes ) will allow
- Of symptoms and treatment between the two conditions, leading researchers to, posit ,that the conditions share the same etiology and pathology. ICI or ICI may mean:
- Thereafter saving the life of Christopher Marlowe. Many works of fantasy, posit ,a world in which known practitioners of magic were able to make it function
- Of international law. 16th century Alberio Gentile used historical examples to, posit ,that posit ive law (just voluntarism) was determined by general consent.
- Of the pioneers in the field of quantum mechanics that it is undesirable to, posit ,anything that goes beyond the mathematical formulae and the kinds of physical
- The roof of the mouth, and place Hit chakra below the heart. Many traditions, posit ,a number of higher chakras in the head, which from lowest to highest are:
- By fundamental principles (such as in economic determinism),or theories that, posit ,historical changes as result of random chance. The Austrian-English philosopher
- Least two major dialect groups – Southwestern and Western (in addition we may, posit ,additional dialects, such as Eastern Brythonic, spoken in what is now Eastern
- Focal points for the reception and transmission of energies. Different systems, posit ,a varying number of chakras; the most well known system in the West is that of
- Of the visual system. Unlike dual-aspect theory, neutral monism does not, posit ,a more fundamental substance of which mind and body are aspects. The most
- By American feminist academics. She believes that it is harmful to, posit ,collective identity above individual identity, and this political assertion of
- Emergentism Emergencies theories, such as MacWhinney's competition model, posit ,that language acquisition is a cognitive process that emerges from the
- And cosmological scales, without any regard to the quantum scale. Both, posit ,that gravity behaves differently at different scales of the universe, making
- Of some factual alternative over another. The anthropic principles implicitly, posit ,that our ability to ponder cosmology at all is contingent on one or more
- It is, properly speaking, the most universal mathematics of all. Through the, posit ,of certain indeterminate objects (formal-ontological categories) as well as
- Of alternate history from this period (and arguably the first to explicitly, posit ,cross-time travel from one universe to another as anything more than a
- It is a foundational element of logic and human reasoning. Generalizations, posit ,the existence of a domain or set of elements, as well as one or more common
- May yield different conclusions. While all theories of language acquisition, posit ,some degree of innateness, a less convoluted theory might involve less innate
- As full a union with God as is possible. Both rabbinic and kabbalist works, posit ,that there are a few additional, non-permanent states of the soul that people
- Such as Stoicism and some forms of Platonism used language that seems to, posit ,a transcendent single deity. Different cities often worshiped the same deities
- True, another paradox arises. Another reaction to the paradox of (A) is to, posit , as Graham Priest has, that the statement is both true and false. Nevertheless
- Were composed during this period, and historians have analyzed these to, posit ,a Vedic culture in the Punjab region and the upper Ganges Plain. Most
- Lawsuit with Marconi's company regarding radio, leading observers to, posit ,that the government nullified Marconi's other patents to render moot claims
- Molecules that could eventually lead to the emergence of life. Some researchers, posit ,environments of ammonia, or more likely, water-ammonia mixtures. A third
- Nature of numbers led him to affirm a belief in the freedom of mathematics to, posit ,and prove concepts apart from the realm of physical phenomena, as expressions
- Are epistemological theories. * Most moral epistemologies, of course, posit ,that moral knowledge is somehow possible, as opposed to moral skepticism. **
- And intentionally avoid identifying the intelligent agent (or agents) they, posit , Although they do not state that God is the designer, the designer is often
- At no time, are considered to be entities. Dependent origination goes on to, posit ,that certain specific events, concepts,or realities are always dependent on
- As social constructivism (see social constructivism). Social constructivists, posit ,that knowledge is constructed when individuals engage socially in talk and
- Many have argued, if such a thing exists beyond experience then one cannot, posit ,that it affects us causally, since that would entail stretching the category
- Rejections of all views, which is a form of philosophy, but it is reluctant to, posit ,its own. Only knowledge that is useful in achieving enlightenment is valued.
- Must be considered suspect. " A number of other models have been proposed which, posit ,greater control over the tradition, to varying degrees. For example, largely in
- Individual visions. *Parsimonious versus Adequate. Should a metaphysical system, posit ,as little as possible, or as much as needed? *Descriptive versus revisionary.
- Fitness. Evolutionary approaches to depression and evolutionary psychology, posit ,specific mechanisms by which depression may have been genetically incorporated
- Magnetic monopolies Maxwell's equations provide for an electric charge, but, posit , no magnetic charge. Magnetic charge has never been seen and may not exist.
- Aretaic moral theories such as virtue ethics. Whereas consequentialism theories, posit ,that consequences of action should be the primary focus of our thinking about
- Has a history somewhat similar to our own world, but with magic added. Some, posit ,points of divergence, but some also feature magic altering history all along.
- Is oral, pagan,Germanic, heroic,and tribal. On the other hand, one might, posit ,a poem which is composed by a literate scribe, who acquired literacy by way of
- That is neurons and synapses). Philosophers such as Patricia Church land, posit ,that the drug-mind interaction is indicative of an intimate connection between
- The role of imitation in learning and that it is not at all necessary to, posit ,the existence of an innate grammar module to explain human language acquisition
- Away their energy and spiraling towards the center. Thus, the new theory had to, posit ,the existence of unintuitive concepts such as energy levels, quanta and
- Boiled in water (some sources hold that oil and wax were used as well, others, posit , the use of ammonia from fermented animal urine). The boiling causes the
- And are influenced by accounts of domain-specific information processing, which, posit , that development is guided by innate evolutionarily-specified and
- Inducing conditions. Geology Some theories relating to diamond formation, posit ,a possible rôle for cavitation—namely cavitation in the timberline pipes
- Models predict the existence of Q stars. Some extensions of the standard model, posit ,the existence of prions as fundamental building blocks of quarks and leptons
- As point particles, although some particle theories such as string theory, posit ,a physical dimension. Layman's overview There are 36 kinds of elementary
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