Examples of the the word, romans , in a Sentence Context
The word ( romans ), is the 11722 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And James Cavell are another source. In French, such novels are called, romans , de gare," railway station novels ", suggesting that writers in France were
- In other literary genres and art forms, notably the film à clef. Notable, romans , à clef Prose * Le Juvenile (1466),based on the life of Jean V de Dual
- 352 p. -6 f. de pl.: ill.; 18 × 12 cm (rel. ). – (Collection DES grands, romans , contemporains). *Les families particulars: roman / Roger Parasite. –
- Respectively, as well as some of the most celebrated of the Anglo-Norman, romans ’d'adventure. It is important to keep this fact in mind when studying the
- This was translated into French about 1210 by a trouvère named Herbert as Li, romans , de Dolopathos; another French version, Li Romans DES Sept sages, was based on a
- Steticist beliefs. However, he had to write undercover for serialized popular, romans , During a row with a fellow writer his wrist was wounded and became infected
- La Valerie et de l'equitation, and had a share in editing the Collections DES, romans , grecs. He also projected a translation of Herodotus, and published a specimen
- Prison facility, and once more in the same episode to fool several fake, romans , into thinking she's Cleopatra. Hand of Elora In the Fourth Doctor serial The
- Books are more likely to be set with state-of-the-art serif fed" text, romans ," or" book Romans" with design values echoing present-day design arts, which
- Egypt or Persia, used historical characters (for this reason they are called, romans , héroiques) and told the adventures of a series of perfect lovers sent (by
- Which the Renaissance novel lacked. Many of these novels were actually, romans , à CLE which described actual contemporary relationships under disguised
- 1847: First performance of comedy" Pierrot costume" * 1852: Un Trio de, romans , | Caprices et zigzag | Em aux et camels | Italia * 1858-9: History de l’art
- The catholicity of Chapelain's taste is shown by his De la lecture DES Food, romans , ( printed 1870),in which he praises the chanson de get, forgotten by his
- Vagabondage and power, serve as prototypes for the protagonists of Simenon's, romans , durs. ' Career's beginnings In January 1919,the sixteen-year-old Simenon took
- 1998),by Jean Rolling. Ed. Mirandese. ISBN 978-2-912965-10-3 * La prominence, romans , ( 1999),by Jean Rolling. Belles letters. ISBN 978-2-251-49137-0 * Vie set
- A big difference in keeping the people safe and to keep out the invaders mainly, romans , and others who might have tried to lay siege to the fort. There is however, no
- Helped launch a wave of what the French called Romans noir black novels, or,Romans, frénétiques frantic novels, which became the first sub-genre of popular
- Benoît's famous poem was an aristocratic one, for whom this retelling, and the, romans , antiques in general, served a moral purpose, a " mirror for princes" within
- Year. She also worked for William Randolph Hearst. She published two novels, romans , a clef, Glass Houses (1926) and Fall Flight (1928),part of her feud with
- More likely to be set with state-of-the-art serif fed" text Romans" or" book, romans ," with design values echoing present-day design arts, which are closely based
- 7 vols.,1836-1848) *Les Romans du Gain LE Lorain, précédé d'un examen DES, romans , carlovingiens (1883-1885) *Le Romancer Français, histoire de queues
- Web site *http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/9809/23/ylva.html Regeringens heat, romans ,- Article in Aftonbladet, September 23, 1998 on Alva Johansson's and Erik
- http://www.limag.com/Volumes/Djebar.htm LIMAG-DJEBAR, le 25 join 2005 * -: Les, romans ’d’Asia Debar. Algiers: Offices DES publications universities,1990 * -:
- 1788. Many bibliophiles value the editions known as" D'Artist" ( Rectal de, romans , français,64 volumes) and" Du Dauphin ", a collection of French classics in
- Proof of this there is a small work of edification, composed in 1250,titled LI, romans , as images DES point de note for, where Joinville makes a brief commentary on
- Because many war prisoners were of Muscular, Camillus headed the, romans , thither and the city was bloodlessly adjoined with the Romans whereas its
- Travel literature, with Gel ya Bogyatishcheva),2009 *Hard fate. Handed, romans , ( short fiction),2010 English translations * Rupert: A Confession,2009 (
- Wrote a tale called Diane de Castro, and gave with his Trieste de l'origin DES, romans , ( 1670),his Treatise on the Origin of Romances the first world history of
- The English gothic writers helped launch a wave of what the French called, romans , noirs black novels, or Romans frenemies frantic novels, which became the
- The Morality of Mrs. Tulsa) in March and the all-talking Niebezpieczny, romans , ( Dangerous Love Affair) in October. In Italy, whose once vibrant film
- Love had largely disappeared, as tastes returned to longer adventure novels (, romans ’d'adventures) and their clichés (pirates, storms,kidnapped maidens) that had
- Several novels based on his own life and his family history. These were not, romans , à clef—most characters were identified by their real names—but they were
- Of French and English literature can be studied in the Breton romances and the, romans ’d'adventure even better than in the epic poetry of the period. The Lay of
- Texts * Béatrice Gonzalés-Vangell, Kaddish et Renaissance, La Shoah days LES, romans , viennois de Schindler, Menasse et Rabinovitz, Septentrion, Valenciennes,2005
- Case forms, small caps (Romans only),old style figure. Separate small caps (, romans , only ) and old style figure faces were also released for each weight in
- Small caps. Italic fonts include italic type features instead of just tilted, romans , Even in roman fonts, letters such as Q,a, f are redesigned. The overall
- Of Tristan and Result, but nevertheless of considerable interest, are the two, romans ’d'adventure of Hugh of Jutland, Ipomedon (published by Eugen Holding and
- Liliputskaya labor' ( Midget Love) and" Московский романс" Moskovskiy, romans , ( The Moscow Romance),the latter with an award-winning video presenting
- Loathes his condition but is a slave to it. From the mid-1820s until the 1840s,Romans, à clef, fashionable novels depicting the lives of the upper class in an
- 2 character set. OpenType features include alternates, case forms, small caps (, romans , only ), old style figure. Separate small caps (Romans only) and old style
- Under the Macy's West division. Romance of Horn is an Anglo-Norman literature, romans ’d'adventure (" adventure story" ) tale written around 1170 by an author
- Re-dire l’History. Travail fictional et recherche histories days trios, romans ’d’Asia Debar (L’Amour, la fantasia – Vast est la prison – Le Blanc de
- Sun spider. In Southern Africa they are known by a host of names including red, romans , and, the latter two relating to the belief they use their formidable jaws to
- An ancient breed of dog originating in Tibet * Roman Rottweiler, used by the, romans , to herd and guard cattle Mastiff may also refer to: *Taiwan Mastiff, a
- Palgrave Macmillan *Vanessa Gunnery. (2009) Cecil n’est pas one fiction. Les, romans , vrais de B. S. Johnson. Paris: Presses de l’University Paris-Sorbonne
- Couplet, the most common verse form used in verse chronicles, romances (the, romans , ),lies, and its. They are generally short, a few hundred lines; Down de
- ISBN 90-420-1226-9,p.165-72. *Camille Osman," Le Traits de l'origin DES, romans , de Pierre-Daniel Duet, apologie Du roman baroque of boutique Du roman plastique
- Of inserted stories and tale-within-a-tale dialogues as d'Urge. Often called, romans , de tongue balance (or" deep-breath books" ), they usually took place in
- 952–954. Namibia *Augusta, King of Namibia 117 to 105 BC, captured in war by, romans , and executed in Rome 104 BC. *HEMPAS II, King of Namibia 88 to 60 BC, deposed
- Of Old French literature. The poems that were written on them were called the, romans ’d'antiquity, the " romances of antiquity. " This name presages the
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