Examples of the the word, ur , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ur ), is the 11739 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ualraubu BA AR soon o AMISOM | | money' at oakum on art hear f ur NIU album on, ur , i far Mir HRI autumn auk TU Mir on up Dakar RAI | | carrier in Urdu i still
  2. Chief of General Staff, Major P. K. Saga as Military Secretary, Major Habit, ur , Rahman as commandant of the Officers' Training School and Lt. Col. A. C.
  3. Land of the straits" ( slang means" straits" in the Malay language and, ur , means " town" in Tamil. ) AUR (which sounds similar to yo ur ) also means river
  4. The e-grade, the latter from the zero-grade. (Zero-grade followed by r becomes, ur , in Germanic. ) Ableist also explains vowel differences between cognates in
  5. Holl dud. Poll ha skint ZO Delhi ha debut a rent began an as want exile en, ur , spered a genvreude ur iezh. Notes Color or color (see spelling differences) is
  6. n. Q dog’m. Ng silver, ju. Un summer, n. Am. Ur autumn, u. Ul winter, heu., ur , spring,tau. l. a rabbit’t. q. a hen and m. g. o=snake). There is no doubt
  7. O UI r * UK * air * lieu * Rita * i (f)it × fa yo ur × sin: born * fast i: mo, ur , * sin: o month * Kristi * r ... near * LOTR ok Grotto ok Cuvier ok are let
  8. You),mad and Maier (about you),etc., and into possessive pronouns do and, ur , ( yo ur ). Irish In Irish, the use of Sikh as an address to one person has
  9. Rector-University of Management & Technology Lahore Pakistan * Prof. Dr. Alta, ur , Rahman,Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, awarded a Doctorate of Science by
  10. Before and after 1991: Engagements and Implications«, In: SEASON, Orlin (, ur , ), Quality press in Southeast E ur ope, ( The media in Southeast E ur ope),1st
  11. Described by the eyewitness reports feat ur ed in Doran's film. It quoted Aziz, ur , Rahman Razed, director of the Afghan Organization of Human Rights, asserting "
  12. Of two Tamil/Sanskrit words, மலை/मलै Malay or Malay (hill) and ஊர்/उर्, ur , ( town),meaning hill town. The name came into use when several Indian Kingdoms
  13. To algebraic c ur ves, write f (x, y ) as: f=u_n+u_+\dots+u_1+u_0\, where each, ur , is the sum of all terms of degree r. The homogeneous equation of the c ur ve is
  14. I word, : an vary faders word!: Din bombing, sluten an i Knapp, : Small Mona, ur , sitt tang;: Se, ur var Karl small GA opp: Diet us, din glans, din frond
  15. Remains only in idiomatic expressions like till joss (genitive) or man, ur , huse (dative singular),though some of these are still quite common. Swedish
  16. From a Trip to America),published in 1901. Books by August Palm *Agra drag, ur , mitt if (" Some Excerpts from My Life" ),1899 *Ögonblicksbilder Fran en
  17. S ur l'affairs Dreyfus days l'historiography Slovene«, in: CAUDAL, Patrick (, ur , ), MOČNIK, Rastko (yo ur . ), ZUPANC ECONOMIC, Paula (yo ur . ), ROTAR, Drago B. (
  18. And electronic music. Present released his second album, Me 'talc'h Lennon, ur , fulenn fo ur (I keep in myself a golden spark),in 1997. He wrote all the
  19. Here with his repeated use of Ursprache, or on the story's own definition of ", ur ," in one of Tlön's languages as" a thing produced by suggestion, an object
  20. Is the unit vector pointing from the origin to the point mass. The direction of, ur , is described by θ, the angle between the x-axis and the unit vector, meas ur ed
  21. Uilin is at KNO anti | | Gatun Jilin is at (n) (i) (t) alum | | making, ur , sibi unaware UL NIR R This is a transcription of the runes in early 9th
  22. Dans l'historiography Slovene«, in: CAUDAL, Patrick (yo ur . ), MOČNIK, Rastko (, ur , ), ZUPANC ECONOMIC, Paula (yo ur . ), ROTAR, Drago B. (yo ur . ). History de
  23. Theory and Application; Torsten Hägerstrand's (1953) Innovationsförloppet, ur , Korologisk Spunky; Edgar S. Dunn's (1954)The Location of Agricult ur al
  24. Unit vectors in the x and y directions, denoted i and j respectively::, ur , = cost i + sing j and: up = -sing i + cost j. We differentiate to find velocity
  25. Fäders word!: Din bombing, sluten an i Knapp, : Small Mona yo ur site tang;: Se, ur , vår Karl small GA opp: Diet us, din glans, din frond, ditt hope.: Och ogre
  26. The x-axis. The other unit vector for polar coordinates, uθ is perpendicular to, ur , and points in the direction of increasing θ. These polar unit vectors can be
  27. The stone. For example, the stone of Firing in Denmark had the inscription, ur , uiki ISI KUL, which translates into English as" May Thor hallow this memorial
  28. Parivartan Party: *Bharat Krantikari DAL (National President: Mr. Mujeeb, ur , Rehman): *Bharat Krantikari Command Party: *Bharat Labo ur Party:
  29. Tree to the attention of nat ur al products chemists. He was preceded by Alta, ur , Rahman,UNESCO la ur eate, and Naveen Died, organic chemist being the first
  30. The sub ur bs Are of Oran (apart from the districts). It is the fut ur e c?, ur , beating Iranian agglomeration. It includes several buildings which are the
  31. Malay language and yo ur means" town" in Tamil. ) AUR (which sounds similar to, ur , ) also means river in Malay. Hence, Selangor may mean 'river straits '. Another
  32. Of the witches) *Christen Oman:" Hello, bönder och brigade. Berättelser, ur , den Svenja historian" ( Saints, peasants and warriors. Stories from the
  33. Commission on Biotechnology Pakistan, Founding president ABA *Prof. Dr. Alta, ur , Rahman,Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, awarded a Doctorate of Science by
  34. Liutr * UK * ROTC * UK * o UI r * UK * air * lieu * Rita * i (f)it × fa, ur , × sin: born * fast i: mo yo ur * sin: o month * Kristi * r ... near * LOTR ok
  35. MONK, Rastko (yo ur . ), ZUPANC ECONOMIC, Paula (yo ur . ), ROTAR, Drago B. (, ur , ). History de l'public en contexts postsocialiste et postcolonial, (
  36. Troop strength. An officer’ Training School for INA officers, led by Habit, ur , Rahman,and the Azad School for the civilian volunteers were set up to provide
  37. Of each p ur ple c ur tain. " (This example also contains assonance around the ", ur ," sound. ) Another example of consonance is the word" vigilance" itself.
  38. As Raheem Sham shad,26,and Taiwan Harder,22. A third person, Muhammad Bad, ur , Rehman, was struck and killed by a U. S. consulate car responding to the
  39. To Afghanistan upon the invitation of the Northern Alliance leader Abdul Rabbi, ur , Rasool SAAF. When the Taliban came to power, bin Laden was able to forge an
  40. Of both women and men. In Summer, they were given the cuneiform names of, ur , Sal (" dog/man-woman" ) and o ur . Gar. Ra (also described as a man-woman).
  41. Television at this time. Two works of note were Scenes from a Marriage (Scene, ur , ett äktenskap – 1973) and The Magic Flute (Trollflöjten – 1975). After his
  42. In: CAUDAL, Patrick (yo ur . ), MOČNIK, Rastko (yo ur . ), ZUPANC ECONOMIC, Paula (, ur , ), ROTAR, Drago B. (yo ur . ). History de l'public en contexts postsocialiste et
  43. hundred’m. R horse, im. A goat, n. Q dog’m. Ng silver, ju. Un summer, n. Am., ur , autumn,u. Ul winter, heu. Ur spring, tau. l. a rabbit’t. q. a hen and m. g.
  44. Let r (t) = R·yo ur , where R is a constant (the radius of the circle) and, ur , is the unit vector pointing from the origin to the point mass. The direction of
  45. 5 fighter (flown by Squadron Leader Nair Meh mood and Wing Commander Alta, ur , Rehman respectively) practiced landing, refuelling and take-off operations
  46. In the process, and several" iron factories moved by water" were founded (", ur ,", water and" OLA ", factory are the two components of the river Role
  47. To part ways. Stay tuned for my next projects already in the works. Thanks 4,yo ur , support!!! " Line up Change & Upcoming 8th Studio Album (2011-Present) On
  48. Of B is in the set KER r + I'm u; since for all b in B, b (b - yo ur (b) ) +, ur , ( b),which is in KER r + I'm u. The intersection of KER r and I'm u is 0,since
  49. Any member of B is in the set KER r + I'm u; since for all b in B, b (b -, ur , ( b) ) + yo ur (b),which is in KER r + I'm u. The intersection of KER r and I'm
  50. Mathbf has been determined. The regulator Suppose that u1,..., ur , are a set of generators for the unit group modulo roots of unity. If u is an

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