Examples of the the word, consequent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( consequent ), is the 11729 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Growth throughout history was the period of droughts in the hinterland and the, consequent ,escape to the capital city, known as rural exodus, as well as the search for
  2. Increase in the manufacture of reinforcement-grade fiberglass in Asia with a, consequent ,increase in demand for borates has offset the development of boron-free
  3. Units that restrict traffic and allow pedestrians to predominate. And fourth, consequent ,traffic control for predetermined maximum and minimum speeds. Through this, the
  4. Often incorrectly described a cable car. Examples of such operation, and the, consequent ,confusion, are: Even more confusingly, a hybrid cable car/funicular line once
  5. Communist regime. The dramatic drop of the price of oil in 1985 and 1986,and, consequent ,lack of foreign exchange reserves in following years to purchase grain
  6. Require that the CPA is actually true, only that if it is true it leads to the, consequent , Conditional proofs are of great importance in mathematics. Conditional proofs
  7. Are of limited modern utility, due to their enormous comparative mass,the, consequent ,foundation needs, and the time-consuming and skilled labor needed in their
  8. Classic ballparks, Fenway Park was constructed on an asymmetrical block, with, consequent , asymmetry in its field dimensions. Attendance at the park has not always been
  9. Edge website, Dennett gives his firsthand account of his health problems, his, consequent , feelings of gratitude towards the scientists, cardiologist,surgeons,EMT's
  10. And instigated an extremely costly nationwide track replacement program. The, consequent ,severe operational disruption to the national network and the company's
  11. 1996 Miss World beauty pageant, Bangalore but lost millions. The fiasco and the, consequent ,legal battles surrounding ABEL and various entities after the event, coupled
  12. first, the conception as true, then what could one conceive to be, consequent ,general modes of rational conduct by all who accept the conception as true? —
  13. The establishment of the modern State of Israel as a Jewish nation state,the, consequent ,displacement of the Palestinian people, as well as the adverse relationship
  14. Along the Dead Sea Transform, creating an extension of the crust with, consequent ,subsidence. Around three million years ago, what is now the valley of the
  15. Some animals also develop foot lesions, beginning with coronets, with, consequent , lameness. In sheep, this can lead to knee-walking. In cattle, constant changing
  16. Had decidedly mixed economic results. Following Mao's death in 1976 and the, consequent ,end of the Cultural Revolution, Deng Xiaoping and the new Chinese leadership
  17. Moreover, continued fears concerning the accession of a Catholic heir, and, consequent , persecution of the Protestant Church (as under Mary I),or foreign
  18. Polish annexation of Zombie and German occupation of Czechoslovakia and the, consequent ,disillusion with the Western response and gratitude for the liberation of the
  19. In the loss of practically all vowels following the main stress, and the, consequent ,rise of a very large number of monosyllabic words. Morphology The oldest
  20. And opinions). Other scholars stress the omnipotence of the State (with its, consequent ,suspension of rights) as the key element of a dictatorship and argue that such
  21. Large penalties in most jurisdictions, so user deception about purity and, consequent ,high profits for dealers are the norm. A study by the European Monitoring
  22. Rehabilitation programs. As a response to the increased global sedentary and, consequent ,overweight and obesity, one response that has been adopted by many
  23. 1933. On 27 February 1933 the Reichstag building went up in flames, and a, consequent ,emergency decree abrogated basic citizens' rights. An Enabling Act passed in
  24. The contemporaneous misconduct as a minister by Neil Hamilton (who lost a, consequent ,libel action against The Guardian),and the convictions of former Cabinet
  25. Has, however,had some less beneficial aspects. The massive property boom and, consequent ,rise in house prices has led to friction between the new arrivals and the old
  26. Been criticized for sustaining a consensus on issues when disagreement and the, consequent ,discussion would be more fruitful. To forge a consensus, the leaders of ruling
  27. Especially in Africa, that have led many countries to brutal civil wars and, consequent ,manifestations of authoritarianism. In Latin America the threat of either
  28. Other factors could account for Q (while P was false). The name affirming the, consequent ,derives from the premise Q, which affirms the" then" clause of the
  29. Control innovations in worship; but this only made the dilemma more acute, with, consequent , continual litigation in the secular and ecclesiastical courts. Over the same
  30. Anatomy relates to anatomic studies for artistic reasons. Affirming the, consequent , sometimes called converse error, is a formal fallacy, committed by reasoning
  31. Rational conduct by all who accept the conception as true? — the whole of such, consequent ,general modes is the whole meaning. His pragmatism does not equate a conception
  32. Following proposition and" \to\," for implication from antecedent to, consequent ,propositions: #\phi \to (\psi \to \phi) # (\phi \to (\psi \to \chi) ) \to
  33. The ministers were to remain in office for a fixed term of 18 months. Upon the, consequent ,resignation of Canvas del Castillo, he summoned Precedes Mateo Sagas ta, the
  34. Simeon, re-emphasised the importance of justification through faith and the, consequent ,importance of personal conversion. Some in this movement, such as Wesley and
  35. Relative to the center of the Galaxy varies over a very long timescale, and the, consequent ,change in aberration would be extremely difficult to observe. Therefore, this
  36. In energy prices may lead to greater use of insulation-grade fiberglass, with, consequent , growth in the boron consumption. Skill Consulting Group forecasts that world
  37. Was the giving of the vote to the Catholic peasants in Ireland, and the, consequent ,creation of an Irish Parliamentary Party led by Charles Stewart Parnell. In the
  38. Although only six species are currently widespread, glacial retreat and the, consequent ,connection of previously separate ice–free areas is providing opportunities for
  39. Of the system—arguably necessitated by its encyclopedic ambitions—and the, consequent ,difficulty in adding to the system by hand * Scalability problems, from
  40. The employers during 1915 and 1916,collapsed with the February Revolution. The, consequent ,decrease in production and economy led to unemployment and high inflation. For
  41. Their weapons from their vehicles for the mobility this method provided, with, consequent , casualties. This undoubtedly inspired their Morris C9/B (officially the "
  42. Form. Everyone was to be" adjudged a Papist" who refused this oath, and the, consequent ,penalties began with the confiscation of two thirds of the recusant's goods
  43. Jews,1950 is a watershed year: the founding of the state of Israel and, consequent ,Jewish exodus from Arab lands, including Iraq, led most Iraqi Jews, both
  44. Sources of background radiation such as: *Global radioactive contamination, consequent ,to nuclear weapons testing *Nuclear power station and nuclear fuel reprocessing
  45. From etiological reasoning; the former asserts that order must have a, consequent ,purpose; the latter asserts more modestly that order must have a planned cause.
  46. And proving that the antecedent of the conditional necessarily leads to the, consequent , The assumed antecedent of a conditional proof is called the conditional proof
  47. Relating to the Himalayan glaciers being at risk from global warming (with, consequent ,risks to water flow into the Genetic basin). Illegal mining and stone
  48. The conflict with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh has not been resolved. The, consequent ,blockade along both the Azerbaijani and Turkish borders has devastated the
  49. Spartan league, from attack. The change in Athenian foreign policy, which was, consequent ,upon the ostracism of Simon in 461,led to what is sometimes called the First
  50. A proof that asserts a conditional, and proves that the antecedent leads to the, consequent , *Material conditional, in propositional calculus, or logical calculus in

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