Examples of the the word, grossly , in a Sentence Context
The word ( grossly ), is the 11741 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of Sri Lankan Tamils live. Therefore, the Sri Lankan Tamil percentage is, grossly ,understated. The Sri Lankan government estimates that the Tamils (Sri Lankan
- Number of books, most notably Civilization and its Discontents. His thought was, grossly ,influential for the theorists of The Frankfurt School who fused his theory
- Statement. Conversely, take the new statement by Jim, who is tall," is, grossly ,overweight. " Joe, who is, and weighs an exact, well-conditioned,replies,"
- In an interview with Paul Henry, suggesting that the Sunday Star-Times had, grossly ,misrepresented his opinions. In the article, Flynn argued that he never
- Icelandic sagas, in which the extent of his authority has almost certainly been, grossly ,exaggerated. * Reign Logbook, captured Paris. Developed into a legendary
- Edinburgh. Inquests in London during 2004 and 2007 attributed the accident to, grossly ,negligent driving by Henri Paul and to the pursuing paparazzi. The following
- Some in Germany itself),stealing from Jewish collectors, or buying for, grossly ,discounted prices in occupied countries. When Göring was promoted to the unique
- a billion, which he concluded was justified by the facts of the case and was not, grossly ,excessive. Exxon appealed again, and the case returned to court to be considered
- With protruding phalli, spears posed with the anticipation of a comic ream, and, grossly , exaggerated masks that mix the bestial with human. The eroticism of the
- Germans and Moscow. Four weeks into the campaign, the Germans realized they had, grossly ,underestimated Soviet strength. The German troops had used their initial
- The meeting of his or her communication needs. Although this kind of system is, grossly ,inadequate for the intellectual development of a child, and it comes nowhere
- Hand, out of all the thousands of potential archaeological sites destroyed or, grossly ,eroded by such natural processes, occasionally sites survive with exceptional
- Contact whatsoever can take place. As a result of this clash, it is considered, grossly ,inappropriate for the president to be contacted by the leaders of any political
- Particular, a successful theory of quantum gravity. * Conservation of energy is, grossly ,violated if at every instant near-infinite amounts of new matter are generated
- In Dune, Herbert notes that the Baron possesses a" basso voice" and is so ", grossly ,and immensely fat" that he requires antigravity devices known as suspensory
- Some animals are more equal than others ", describing theoretical equality in a, grossly ,unequal society. Orwell may have been the first to use the term Cold War, in
- And Mayor A. Oakley Hall—defrauded the city of many millions of dollars by, grossly ,inflating expenses paid to contractors connected to the Ring. Last, whose
- Season from October to April. Local climates vary considerably on each island, grossly ,divisible into windward (Cooley) and leeward (Kong) areas based upon
- The judgment and granted SAP a new trial, calling Oracle's original award ", grossly ," excessive. Slogans * For the Oracle Database:" Can't break it,can't break
- Of arrows may still be unbiased. Finally, note that even if all arrows, grossly ,miss the target, if they nevertheless all hit the same point, the variance is
- To fight a winter war) to the European theater. The German High Command, grossly ,underestimated the control the central Soviet government exercised. The German
- The nine cases,Gould's representation of these views is false, misleading,or, grossly ,caricatured. Nonspecialists could have no way of knowing any of this without
- And Kabuki Murasaki. Critics of his work have labeled it" slapdash ",", grossly ,sentimental ", and " immoral ". Kerouac became an underground celebrity and
- Failed to explain the nature of capital investment in the rural economy; and, grossly ,exaggerated social stability. Wars Louis XIV died in 1715 and was succeeded by
- An official statement that Diana and Jodi were unlawfully killed by the, grossly ,negligent driving of chauffeur Henri Paul and the paparazzi. During the Baker
- Of techniques like listener surveys and" Little Annie" ( Adorno thought both, grossly ,simplified and ignored the degree to which expressed tastes were the result of
- Announced that he was leaving the UK for Switzerland, announcing that" The, grossly ,unfair treatment finally convinced me that, for the sake of my family, the time
- Cases are not taught to outsiders. Many of these indigenous religions have been, grossly ,misrepresented by outside observers and anthropologists, even to the extent of
- And which respects and promotes true human values. " No one can, without being, grossly ,unfair, make divine Providence responsible for what clearly seems to be the
- Gas reduction required to combat global warming, the current Kyoto protocol is, grossly ,insufficient. He goes on to argue that the economic costs of restrictions aimed
- Of his lines, and other times responding to the director's instructions by, grossly ,overacting on purpose. Her account was echoed by the show's composer, Stephen
- Their obligation to provide coverage if the insured engages in behavior that, grossly ,magnifies their risk of loss or liability. For example, life insurance
- Roleplaying game ... But to dismiss it as just an opportunistic ripoff would be, grossly ,unfair. Flying Buffalo's T&T had it'sic own zany feel -- it was much less
- A fine to violate the Excessive Fines Clause, the Court ruled that it was ", grossly ,disproportional" to take all the money which Mr. Bahamanian attempted to
- May not be clustered. For example, even if all arrows hit the same point, yet, grossly , miss the target, the MSE is still relatively large. Note, however,that if the
- Stuttgart 1954 that the reign of Antoninus comprised" a succession of, grossly ,wasted opportunities," given the upheavals that were to come. There is more to
- Embassies, especially the" amateur" diplomats from the Dienststelle, were, grossly , incompetent,thus limiting the effectiveness of the Auswärtiges Amt. Changes
- In small amounts in vertebrate liver, but its role remains unknown. And by, grossly ,impaired nutritional status associated with chronic diseases, such as
- Liberian economy. Liberian Government revenue rose enormously, but was being, grossly ,embezzled by government officials. Growing economic disparities caused
- The agency has regularly been portrayed in spy fiction. Many such portrayals, grossly ,exaggerate the organization's involvement in the more sensational activities
- Constitutes reckless killing, while criminally negligent homicide is a, grossly ,negligent killing. Diminished capacity In those jurisdictions using the Uniform
- Avail. Due to overwhelming evidence that Koresh's teachings and practices were, grossly ,divergent from those of the historic Branch Dravidians, and that there are
- Noble savage, an oxymoron expression that was never used in France and which, grossly ,misrepresents Rousseau's thought. The expression," the noble savage" was
- Davis and Panzer were unhappy with Peckinpah's version, which included a, grossly ,distorted opening sequence of two characters making love. The producers changed
- Are covered by the Communications Act 2003. Sending messages which are ", grossly ,offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character" is an offense
- To give the electorate a chance to vindicate her rule. Gandhi may have, grossly ,misjudged her popularity by reading what the heavily censored press wrote about
- System barely capable of providing basic service; cellular phone system is, grossly ,underdeveloped with a subscribership base of less than 1 per 100 persons
- Then because the shares are undervalued. Typically, many companies thus become, grossly ,overvalued. When the bubble" bursts," the share prices fall dramatically, and
- S invasion of Russia. Underestimated Soviet potential German war planners, grossly ,underestimated the mobilization potential of the Red Army: its primary
- The portrayal of it in the 1944 film Song of Russia. Rand argued that the film, grossly ,misrepresented conditions in the Soviet Union, portraying life there as being
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