Examples of the the word, salute , in a Sentence Context

The word ( salute ), is the 9967 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A solidarity visit to Israel in honor of its 60th birthday. " I'm coming to, salute , encourage and strengthen the people of Israel on this joyous 60th birthday,"
  2. Never be dipped to any person or thing, unless it is the ensign responding to a, salute ,from a ship of a foreign nation. (This tradition may come from the 1908 Summer
  3. Parachute Regiment. * The Swedish version" Balladen on den BLA eastern" is a, salute ,to the Swedish soldiers serving in the United Nations' peace-keeping forces (
  4. With Earth a month earlier and did not send back any data). *1962 – A birthday, salute ,to U. S. President John F. Kennedy takes place at Madison Square Garden, New
  5. Prophets go unnoticed by the politicians and the owners of media empires. I, salute ,him with the most heartfelt respect and admiration. " Another British fantasy
  6. Various concepts such as the" Third Hellenic Civilization ", the Roman, salute , a national youth organization, and introduced measures to gain popular support
  7. 100 years. At one point,Strangelove's errant right arm tries to give the Nazi, salute ,and then strangle him. General Turgid son warns of a possible" Mine shaft Gap "
  8. Presentation of a massive 63 by 114 centimeter carrot cake, the firing of a gun, salute ,by the Royal Canadian Artillery's 15th Field Regiment and a performance by the
  9. Alexander Walker, Sellers improvised Dr. Strangelove's lapse into the Nazi, salute , borrowing one of Kubrick's black leather gloves for the uncontrollable hand
  10. And,after 1942,to division. Today it includes military units for army, salute ,and wind orchestra duties. In 2001,the National Guard unit was designated an
  11. Coconut, Schmidt in 2000 released El Bailey Alemán, which was intended as a, salute ,to, and a parody of, Kraftwerk. The album reworked a number of major Freighter
  12. Anthem, while other members of the royal family who are entitled to royal, salute ,(such as the Prince of Wales) receive just the first six bars. The first six
  13. The Walt Disney Treasures DVD set Chronological Donald, Volume 2 includes a, salute ,to Barks. Carl Barks has an asteroid named after him,2730 Barks. A Cornell
  14. Movement. The party's newspaper Promoter (December 1932) stated:" We, salute ,the USTA movement of the peasants of Like and Dalmatia and fully support them
  15. The singer waved to the crowd in a gesture that some alleged was a Nazi, salute , which was captured on camera and published in ME. Bowie said the photographer
  16. Been influenced from Advance Australia Fair, such as the Australian Vice-Regal, salute , The earliest known sound recording of Advance Australia Fair appears in" The
  17. India to preach Chinese nationalism at the mosque and ordered all Muslims to, salute ,the National Flag and pray for the Kuomintang government. Many Muslim generals
  18. Allied Expeditionary Force (SH AEF) commander and whether to give the Nazi, salute ,or shake hands with him. Eisenhower refused to have anything to do with Himmler
  19. Those he had represented filled the square in front of the railroad station to, salute ,the only man from Saskatchewan ever to become Prime Minister. His coffin was
  20. And last four bars of the National Anthem (" Advance Australia Fair")—is the, salute ,used to greet the governor upon arrival at, and mark his or her departure from
  21. Pop up' from the cornfield, shouting " SAA-LUTE!! " (sometimes after the, salute , Archie Campbell would pronounce the salute d town spelled backwards. Example: "
  22. Others eating and drinking liquor. They pass laws requiring white civilians to, salute ,black officers and allowing mixed-race marriages. Meanwhile, Ben,inspired by
  23. 2010 at a euphoric ceremony in Nairobi's Uluru Park, accompanied by a 21-gun, salute , The event was graced by a number of African leaders and praised by the
  24. That Dannebrog is not allowed to be hoisted at night, because it is said to, salute ,the Devil. National flag The size and shape of the coufhordie flag ("
  25. Of Southern Rhodesia, watched as Charles, Prince of Wales, gave a farewell, salute ,and the Rhodesian Signal Corps played God Save the Queen, the anthem of
  26. With a painted on Hitler toothbrush mustache performing a straight arm Nazi, salute , along with sinister portrayals of American soldiers, Uncle Sam, and Elvis
  27. Fired by a battleship against another heavy ship, she was" firing a funeral, salute ,to a finished era of naval warfare. " Cold War After World War II, several
  28. When French Admiral Toussaint-Guillaume Picket de la Motto rendered a nine gun, salute ,to USS Ranger, commanded by John Paul Jones. *1779 – James Cook is killed by
  29. With the words" Levez-vous, levez-vous, saluez vote chef! " (Rise, rise, salute , your chief!) according to Postmaster General William Hamilton" thousands and
  30. Midnight 26 Irish counties officially leave the British Commonwealth. A 21-gun, salute , on O'Connell Bridge, Dublin,ushers in the Republic of Ireland. *1961 – Bay of
  31. Imams like HU Song shan ordered Muslims to pray for the Kuomintang government, salute ,Kuomintang flags during prayer, and listen to nationalist sermons. Policy on
  32. Are not standing in an organized group, they should also perform the two-finger, salute , Color guards pay respect to the anthem by dipping their banners. In the words
  33. He deemed to be the best and most loyal officers. Because of Kidd's refusal to, salute , the Navy vessel's captain retaliated by pressing much of Kidd's crew into
  34. The first American naval vessel to be salute d by the French, with a nine-gun, salute ,fired from Admiral Piquet's flagship. Jones wrote of the event:" I accepted
  35. Of state with the" German greeting ", who were in turn to return the fascist, salute , As a result of Neurath's advice, Hitler disavowed Ribbentrop over his demands
  36. Rather than a theoretical physicist ", writes Isaac son. This included a cannon, salute ,upon his arrival at the residence of the British high commissioner, Sir Herbert
  37. And given an Honor Guard at the funeral ceremony, cartridges from the gun, salute ,are gathered and placed into the folded flag. History The design of the flag
  38. And one of the teachers uses them as a crime force),and there is a kind of, salute ,to The Mousetrap. Rutherford also appeared briefly as Miss Marple in the spoof
  39. Came to see the painter, stared at the canvas for an hour and said" David, I, salute , you ". David had to redo several parts of the painting because of Napoleon's
  40. With a single red maple leaf and two red bars, as " a flag that Peruvians might, salute ,". In 1966,the Liberals began to make an issue of the Mun singer affair—two
  41. Even composed a cantata for voice and piano together, called Per la recuperate, salute ,DI Ophelia which was celebrating the return to stage of the singer Nancy
  42. Very infrequently. A common nickname for the intentional walk is four-finger, salute , since most managers call for an intentional walk by holding up four fingers.
  43. Classmates, collaborated on" Lonely Men of Harvard," a tongue-in-cheek, salute ,to their alma mater. Due to his injury, Lerner could not serve in World War II.
  44. It gravely wounded. Shinto and his men, after thanking Godzillasaurus with a, salute ,for saving them, withdraw. M-11 then teleports the dinosaur far from Lagos.
  45. Followed by the first four and last four bars of" O Canada" ), as well as the, salute ,given to governors of British Overseas Territories. History In The Oxford
  46. Schmidt was seen (according to a report by Georg Vintner) to give the Nazi, salute , His conductor Oswald Canasta was apparently an enthusiastic Nazi who, being
  47. He Haw Salutes ... ": Two or three times in each episode, Hee Haw would, salute ,a selected town (or a guest star's hometown) and announce its population
  48. 1967,was I grok Spock (often showing the Star Trek character using the Vulcan, salute ,). Other science fiction authors, such as David Brain or Greg Cox, have borrowed
  49. Of the First Dáil Éireann, Continuity IRA volunteers offered a" final, salute ," to Tom Maguire by firing over his grave, and a public statement and a photo
  50. Was one of the main antagonists of Bernini and his artist friends, as a final, salute ,and last word. Bernini worked along with Role Errata to create a much

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