Examples of the the word, larva , in a Sentence Context
The word ( larva ), is the 10526 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And fertilizes the numerous oocytes. Each cyst produces a small ciliated, larva ,which makes its way to another star. Nematomorpha (sometimes called Boadicea
- Spread offspring. The gametes fuse during fertilization to form a microscopic, larva ,called a Paula, typically pink and elliptical. A typical coral
- Spawning. The eggs are planktonic and hatch between eight and 23 days, with, larva , reaching in length. This planktonic phase lasts some ten weeks, enabling the
- Mosquitoes are known as natural predators of other Suicide. Each, larva ,can eat an average of 10 to 20 mosquito larva e per day. During its entire
- Branchialis, starts life as a cope pod, a small free-swimming crustacean, larva , The first host used by cod worm is a flatfish or lump sucker, which they
- Wing development Wings or wing pads are not visible on the outside of the, larva , but when larva e are dissected, tiny developing wing disks can be found on the
- To settling is usually two to three days, but can be up to two months. The, larva ,grows into a polyp and eventually becomes a coral head by asexual budding and
- With a thin coating of wax which prevents the egg from drying out before the, larva ,has had time to fully develop. Each egg contains a number of tiny funnel-shaped
- Isopod * Graphic elongate (Urania, larva ,) The Wheel of time or wheel of history (
- A compartment (a" cell" ) with an egg and some provisions for the resulting, larva , then seals it off. A nest may consist of numerous cells. When the nest is in
- At the bottom, in oceanic areas in depths around. The egg hatches as a Nautilus, larva ,; once this has mounted into a metanauplius, the you animal starts migrating
- But now they are thought to be degenerate or simplified metazoan. Their ciliated, larva ,are similar to the iridium of trematodes, and their internal multiplication
- However, have a digestive system which collapses and reconstitutes itself as a, larva , External links *http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/articles/pandora.html A
- Eggs hatch into free-swimming lophophore larva e. In some species,the, larva ,briefly develops a segmented body before transforming into the adult body plan
- By a thin periodical membrane, which is linked to the outer epidermis of the, larva ,by a tiny duct. Wing disks are very small until the last larva l instar, when
- And lay their eggs in cells provisioned by the host bee. When the cuckoo bee, larva ,hatches it consumes the host larva 's pollen ball, and if the female
- The postero-lateral arms or their rear ends. The process of cloning costs the, larva ,both in resources and in development time. They have been observed to
- Larvae (often with a prefix to denote taxon). The left-hand side of the, larva ,develops into the adult organism while the right-hand side eventually being
- Insects, the butterfly's life cycle consists of four parts: egg, larva , pupa and adult. Most species are diurnal. Butterflies have large, often
- Hole into wood and lays eggs, carrying fungal spores in their mania 2: The, larva ,feeds on the fungus which digest the wood, removing toxins: they mutually
- Splits and the adult mosquito emerges. The pupa is less active than, larva , Adult The duration from egg to adult varies among species and is strongly
- Epidermis begins to form a new cuticle beneath. At the end of each instar,the, larva ,mounts the old cuticle, and the new cuticle expands, before rapidly hardening
- Movements which will determine the body plan of the resulting gill slit, larva , this larva will ultimately give rise to the marine acorn worm Genetic control
- Castor SPP. ). This beaver beetle parasite is a parasite as both an adult and a, larva , with the appropriate modifications. They are wingless and eyeless with a
- Crabs, and,unfortunately, all life stages of rhinoceros beetles, from eggs to, larva ,to young adults. This new discovery makes the release of the bio-control virus
- Pink-violet. Ecology and cultivation Nature species are food plants for the, larva ,of some Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths). Caterpillars of the moth
- The fungus which digest the wood, removing toxins: they mutually benefit 3: The, larva ,pupates and then closes. Amongst most orders of insects, mutualism is not
- By the host bee. When the cuckoo bee larva hatches it consumes the host, larva ,'s pollen ball, and if the female cleptoparasite has not already done so, kills
- The upper and lower epidermis, made by the feeding activity of an insect, larva ,: a leaf miner * MINE, a design office in San Francisco of which Christopher
- Body cavities. Upon metamorphosis, each taxon produces a distinct planktonic, larva , which varies in shape among the classes. Larval stages with prominent" arms "
- The mass. The cell is typically sealed after the egg is laid, and the adult and, larva ,never interact directly (a system called" mass provisioning" ). In New
- Casual observer. Mosquitoes go through four stages in their life-cycle: egg, larva , pupa, and adult or imago. Adult females lay their eggs in standing water
- The transformation of the digestive system: the long spiral gut of the, larva ,is being replaced by the typical short gut of a predator. * An adaptation of
- And Prosobranchia. A third class, Planctosphaeroidea, is known only from the, larva ,of a single species. The extinct class Graptolithina is closely related to the
- May produce eggs and sperm that self-fertilize to produce a ciliated fusiform, larva , There are three genera: Cinema, Pseudicyema and Dicyemennea. Orthonectid
- Mot, ) and termites. The culinary creativity even extends to naming: one tasty, larva , which is also known under the name" bamboo worm" ( non Mai fie, Omphisa
- If the female cleptoparasite has not already done so, kills and eats the host, larva , In a few cases where the hosts are social species, the cleptoparasite remains
- The transformation of the digestive system: the long spiral gut of the, larva ,is being replaced by the typical short gut of a predator. * An adaptation of
- Larval stages passing through a pupal stage before emerging as an adult. The, larva ,is largely immobile and is fed and cared for by workers. Food is given to the
- Metamorphosis. Image: Christian Bauer Paris RAPACE caterpillar. JPG|Paris RAPACE, larva ,Image: Christian Bauer Paris RAPACE caterpiller2. JPG|Paris RAPACE pupa Image:
- Which will determine the body plan of the resulting gill slit larva , this, larva , will ultimately give rise to the marine acorn worm Genetic control of dorsal
- Through a series of stages called instar. Near the end of each instar,the, larva ,undergoes a process called analysis, in which the cuticle, a tough outer layer
- Adult bees and the developing brood. This is" progressive provisioning "; a, larva ,'s food is supplied gradually as it develops. This system is also seen in honey
- Their skin. Development into the adult form takes weeks or months, and the, larva ,mounts several times as it grows in size. In Spinochordodes telling, which has
- Poisoning the breeding grounds of the mosquitoes or the aquatic habitats of the, larva ,stages, for example by filling or applying oil to places with standing water.
- And leaves this with the feces. Other features A curious feature shared by both, larva ,and adult is the large size of many of the cells,e.g. the nerve cells and
- To 20 mosquito larva e per day. During its entire development, a Toxorhynchites, larva ,can consume an equivalent of 5,000 larva e of the first instar (L1) or 300
- Pupae can be picked up and handled without damage to the wings. Pupa When the, larva ,is fully grown, hormones such as prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) are
- An exocrine gland, secreting its hormones into the gut, and associated with the, larva ,'s filter-feeding apparatus. In the adult lamprey, the gland separates from the
- Like the adult but smaller) or to form pluriform larva e, The pluriform, larva ,stage may be short-lived and lecithotrophic (" yolk" ) before becoming a
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