Examples of the the word, indifference , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Between America and Japan. During the 1945 battle, the Japanese Army showed, indifference ,to Okinawa's defense and safety, and the Japanese soldiers used civilians as
  2. Peasants as slaves (this may be interpreted as an illustration of the relative, indifference ,of the Cossacks as a military caste toward the 'colony ', the lowest stratum
  3. Masters of Romantic music. Chopin regarded most of his contemporaries with, indifference , though he had many acquaintances who were associated with romanticism in music
  4. The frail bark of human aspiration crushed by the world's immense and glacial, indifference , " Friedrich's written commentary on aesthetics was limited to a collection of
  5. To whatever significance human consciousness might perceive in them. This, indifference ,of" things in themselves" ( closely linked with the later notion of "
  6. The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth is notable in this time for its religious, indifference ,and a general immunity to the horrors of European religious strife. The Thirty
  7. It must be understood. It is important not to confuse national sovereignty with, indifference , and not to confuse security with xenophobia ". Emigration The first of three
  8. October 1970,but though a minor critical success, it was greeted with audience, indifference , The picture lost money and caused the Club of the Four Knights to dissolve.
  9. Only the corruption of the revolution by its leaders but also how wickedness, indifference , ignorance, greed and myopia destroy any possibility of a Utopia. While this
  10. And suspension of judgement. " Anaxarchus is said to have praised Pyrrho's ", indifference ,and sang-froid. " Anaxarchus is said to have possessed" fortitude and
  11. The ideology of Hindu. Secular world Irreligion is an absence of religion, indifference ,to religion, and/or hostility to religion. Secularism, in one sense, may assert
  12. Between the two species vary in nature, ranging from active antagonism to, indifference , The majority of aggressive encounters are initiated by coyotes, and there are
  13. S indifference ),and no stolen base is credited to the runner. Defensive, indifference ,is generally only scored instead of a stolen base when the game is in a late
  14. The member Churches of which are all of Congregationalist polity. Beyond, indifference , some conservative Lutherans are in principle outright against the traditional
  15. Activities; problems concentrating; loneliness, self-loathing,apathy or, indifference ,; depersonalization; loss of interest in sexual activity; shyness or social
  16. Way),the play is scored as defensive indifference (also called fielder's, indifference ,), and no stolen base is credited to the runner. Defensive indifference is
  17. And Death). But, his personal understanding of the world (e.g. " A benign, indifference ,", in The Stranger),and every vision he had for its progress (e.g.
  18. Of apathy, lack of motivation, emotional numbness, feelings of detachment, and, indifference , to surroundings. They may describe this as a feeling of" not caring about
  19. The sciences, especially biology, while he treated other school subjects with, indifference , to the dismay of his demanding father. Upon leaving school, Bell travelled to
  20. Much of the current media hype over the Holocaust; it is brimming with the same, indifference ,to historical facts, inner contradictions, strident politics and dubious
  21. No new records for five years after 1982's Gone Troops received apparent, indifference , In October 1985,Harrison made a rare public appearance on the Cinema Channel
  22. Which emphasized reason as the barometer of discernment and took a stance of, indifference ,towards doctrinal and ecclesiological differences. The Evangelical Revival
  23. It found no excess heat, and its reports of tritium production were met with, indifference , In 1 January 1991,Pons left his tenure, and both he and Fleischman quietly
  24. Federal government (similar to the autonomy of individual States). Perceived, indifference ,by the U. S. Congress regarding a change-of-status petition submitted by Guam
  25. 3 % said that their attitude towards ETA was mainly one of fear,3 % expressed, indifference ,and 3 % were undecided or did not answer. About 3 % gave ETA" justified, with
  26. Accent, with a very powerful voice, he said the Kansas Act had a" declared, indifference , but as I must think, a covert real zeal for the spread of slavery. I cannot
  27. Runner is not credited with a steal, and the base is attributed to defensive, indifference , Base stealing was popular in the game's early decades, with speedsters such
  28. In the famous saying" Condemned to be free" ) as a way to show the world's, indifference ,to the individual. The freedom that Kant exposed is here a strong burden, for
  29. Shallow and Sondheim's words a joy" ... even when his music sends shivers of, indifference ,up your spine. " Walter Kerr wrote in The New York Times about the original
  30. Responses in fact ranged from attempts to save their Jewish neighbors, through, indifference , to active collaboration, for example betraying Jews to the authorities. Other
  31. S cynical wit, his speculations in fish culture, his mask of humility and, indifference , Later years His first wife died in 1845,and on August 16, 1846,he married
  32. Diuum means sky or open air) in its sovereignty, supremacy,impassibility, and, indifference , towards such secular matters as the fates of mortals and states. At the same
  33. Man who, while taking infinite pains about his appearance, affected, indifference , to it. This refined dandyism continued to be regarded as an essential strand of
  34. Gone to the toilet. Cheese played cricket for the first team, and after initial, indifference ,he did well academically, passing 8 O-Levels and 3 A-Levels in mathematics
  35. Contemporary songs with wide (if not mass) appeal. Despite record-label, indifference , the band's concert audience started to grow. The Beach Boys in Concert, a
  36. Birth, from Tortola),detested the native Muslim princes for their religious, indifference , and gave Yusuf a fatwa -- or legal opinion—to the effect that he had good
  37. He failed to obtain a degree. Most biographers adduce a variety of reasons, indifference ,to philosophy, overconfidence in his preternatural gifts, a contempt for
  38. It was, to what it should have been. He sought to rewrite history with cavalier, indifference ,to the facts to magnify his own achievements. There was a time when I became so
  39. Not supported by anything. It remains" in the same place because of its, indifference ,", a point of view that Aristotle considered ingenious, but false, in On the
  40. Inimical to the interests of humankind. As such, his stories express a profound, indifference ,to human beliefs and affairs. Lovecraft is best known for his Cthulhu Mythos
  41. Had seized control of the Argentine mass media and regarded SADE with, indifference , Borges later recalled, however," Many distinguished men of letters did not
  42. No lies are extremely tedious. " *" I prefer the folly of enthusiasm to the, indifference ,of wisdom. " *" A person is never happy except at the price of some ignorance.
  43. The kind of definition employed from 1960 to 1983. During the 1880s,Peirce's, indifference ,to bureaucratic detail waxed while his Survey work's quality and timeliness
  44. And the catastrophe was compounded by a mentality of punishment, anger and, indifference ,on the part of the victors. Many prisoners felt that they were abandoned by
  45. If the catcher doesn't even look his way),the play is scored as defensive, indifference ,(also called fielder's indifference ),and no stolen base is credited to the
  46. If the ancient monasteries and collegiate churches lay deserted out of, indifference , he was answerable before God, as Josiah had been. Alfred's ultimate
  47. Not the act of revolution itself),it also shows how potential ignorance and, indifference ,to problems within a revolution could allow horrors to happen if a smooth
  48. Father had suffered. He suggests," This was not a respectful silence. It was, indifference , " In the foreword to the first paperback edition, Finkelstein notes that the
  49. Of the Azerbaijan SSR. The disturbances in Azerbaijan, in response to Moscow's, indifference ,to already heated conflict, resulted in calls for independence and secession
  50. MLB Rule 10.07 (g) covers defensive, indifference , Successful base-stealing requires not only simple running speed but also good

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