Examples of the the word, dune , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dune ), is the 10546 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Have major and minor slip faces oriented in opposite directions. All these, dune ,shapes may occur in three forms: simple, compound,and complex. Simple dune s
  2. By vegetation, as are the corridors between individual dune s. Because all, dune ,arms are oriented in the same direction, and,the inter- dune corridors are
  3. Privacy and shelter from the wind. Ecological succession on coastal dune s As a, dune ,forms, plant succession occurs. The conditions on an embryo dune are harsh
  4. Image: Sossusvlei_opera. JPG|A sand dune in Namibia Image: Dune sunrise. JPG|A, dune ,in Morocco Image: Sand dune . JPG|Sand dune s with scattered vegetation in UAE
  5. In. Images: Sand dune formation. PNG|A diagram showing the formation of a, dune ,with a slip face Image: Mesquite Sand Dunes. JPG|Mesquite Flat Dunes in Death
  6. Elongate parallel to the prevailing wind, possibly caused by a larger, dune ,having its smaller sides blown away. San dune s are sharp-crested and are
  7. Came into English from French circa 1790. In ancient times, words cognate to ", dune ," probably had the meaning of a built-up hill or citadel fortification.
  8. Crescentic dune s move more quickly over desert surfaces than any other type of, dune , A group of dune s moved more than 100 meters per year between 1954 and 1959 in
  9. Also occurs in words like" new" and" tube ". An affricate also occurs in ", dune ,", where it will be pronounced exactly like" June ". In the case of, this
  10. In between the trailing arms of the dune . However, to cross straight over the, dune ,by going over the trailing arms, can be very difficult. Also, traversing the
  11. Particles, possibly with some water ice mixed in. Images: Sand, dune ,formation. PNG|A diagram showing the formation of a dune with a slip face Image:
  12. Kinds of dune s are longer on the windward side where the sand is pushed up the, dune ,and have a shorter" slip face" in the lee of the wind. The valley or trough
  13. Have developed significant programs of dune protection through the use of sand, dune ,stabilization. In the U. K., a Biodiversity Action Plan has been developed to
  14. Seal gut, and some women still master the skill of weaving fine baskets from, dune ,wild rye grass or Olympus Hollis. Aleut arts are still very much alive today and
  15. Near the town of Core, in Falcon State, Venezuela World's highest dune s Sand, dune ,systems: (coastal dune s featuring succession) *Athabasca Sand Dunes
  16. Coniferous forests and heath land are common climax communities for sand, dune ,systems. Young dune s are called yellow dune s and dune s which have high humus
  17. If the prevailing wind then becomes dominant for a lengthy period of time the, dune ,will revert to its Barclay form, with one exaggerated wing. Should the strong
  18. The Dune of Pyle, not far from Bordeaux, France,is the largest known sand, dune ,in Europe *Sands of For vie within the Than Estuary complex, Aberdeenshire
  19. Dunes Barclays may be formed because the wind is unidirectional. A transverse, dune ,is perpendicular to the prevailing wind, probably caused by a steady build-up
  20. S 'Abraham Lincoln (1930) with Walter Huston In physical geography,a, dune ,is a hill of sand built by eolian processes. Dunes occur in different forms
  21. And complex dune s are combinations of two or more dune types. A crescent, dune ,with a star dune superimposed on its crest is the most common complex dune .
  22. Also, the deep roots bind the sand together, and the dune grows into a fore, dune ,as more sand is blown over the grasses. The grasses add nitrogen to the soil
  23. That has not changed in intensity or direction since the formation of the, dune , while compound and complex dune s suggest that the intensity and direction of
  24. The next day, the Lindbergh's watched the launch of Apollo 8 from a nearby, dune , Saturn V The Saturn V rocket used by Apollo 8 was designated SA-503,or the "
  25. The corridors can usually be traversed in between the trailing arms of the, dune , However, to cross straight over the dune by going over the trailing arms, can
  26. Sand dune is a type of sandstone that is formed when a marine or eolian sand, dune ,becomes compacted and hardened. Once in this form, water passing through the
  27. Crescent shaped dune s, their crests point upwind. The bulk of the sand in the, dune ,migrates forward. In plan view, these are U-shaped or V-shaped mounds of
  28. The lee of the wind. The valley or trough between dune s is called a slack. A ", dune ,field" is an area covered by extensive sand dune s. Large dune fields are known
  29. Provides beach access and protects dune s Image: Sossusvlei_opera. JPG|A sand, dune ,in Namibia Image: Dune sunrise. JPG|A dune in Morocco Image: Sand dune . JPG|Sand
  30. Dunes As a dune forms, plant succession occurs. The conditions on an embryo, dune ,are harsh, with salt spray from the sea carried on strong winds. The dune is
  31. In semiarid areas where the precipitation is retained in the lower parts of the, dune ,and underlying soils. Parabolic dune s are dependent on the vegetation that
  32. To grow under both wind conditions, thus producing a San dune . On a San, dune ,the slip face develops on the side facing away from the strong wind, while the
  33. Wing will continue to grow under both wind conditions, thus producing a San, dune , On a San dune the slip face develops on the side facing away from the strong
  34. The slacks that more rare species are developed and there is a tendency for the, dune ,slacks soil to be waterlogged and where only marsh plants can survive. These
  35. Orientation are superimposed, and complex dune s are combinations of two or more, dune ,types. A crescent dune with a star dune superimposed on its crest is the most
  36. The United Kingdom, and Netherlands, have developed significant programs of, dune ,protection through the use of sand dune stabilization. In the U. K., a
  37. Major part in river flooding. Vitrified dune s A vitrified (consolidated) sand, dune ,is a type of sandstone that is formed when a marine or eolian sand dune
  38. Sand with elongated arms that extend upwind behind the central part of the, dune , There are slip faces that often occur on the outer side of the nose and on the
  39. On sand or gravel beds of rivers, estuaries and the sea-bed. The modern word ", dune ," came into English from French circa 1790. In ancient times, words cognate to
  40. Reducing transpiration. Also, the deep roots bind the sand together, and the, dune ,grows into a fore dune as more sand is blown over the grasses. The grasses add
  41. In by storm waves adds nutrients to allow pioneer species to colonize the, dune , These pioneer species are mar ram grass, sea wort grass and other sea grasses
  42. Recreation Area, near North Bend, Oregon *Circe National Park, a Mediterranean, dune ,area on the southwest coast of the Lazio region of Italy Extraterrestrial dune s
  43. JPG|Sand dune s with scattered vegetation in the UAE File: Hoff master parabolic, dune , JPG|Parabolic dune partially stabilized by mar ram grass Image: KelsoSand.
  44. Dune is harsh, with salt spray from the sea carried on strong winds. The, dune ,is well drained and often dry, and composed of calcium carbonate from seashells
  45. Developed to assess dune s loss and to prevent future dune s' destruction. Eolian, dune ,shapes Crescent Crescent-shaped mounds are generally wider than they are long
  46. A slack. A" dune field" is an area covered by extensive sand dune s. Large, dune ,fields are known as ergs. Some coastal areas have one or more sets of dune s
  47. Side and depositing them on the leeward side. Gradually this action causes the, dune ,to“ migrate” inland, as it does so it accumulates more and more sand. Dunes
  48. Dune with a star dune superimposed on its crest is the most common complex, dune , Simple dune s represent a wind regime that has not changed in intensity or
  49. Dunes are combinations of two or more dune types. A crescent dune with a star, dune ,superimposed on its crest is the most common complex dune . Simple dune s
  50. Sand grains. As the sand grains get trapped they start to accumulate, starting, dune , formation. The wind then starts to affect the mound of sand by eroding sand

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