Examples of the the word, proclamation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( proclamation ), is the 10543 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And under Charlemagne, the Franks challenged the 381 Council of Constantinople, proclamation ,that the Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father alone. Pope Leo III rejected
  2. This savior as The Christ. In Apostle Peter, in what has become a famous, proclamation ,of faith among Christians since the first century, said," You are the Christ
  3. Of the Empire with Vienna, and Trieste was to receive a special status. No such, proclamation ,could be issued in Hungary, where Magyar aristocrats still believed they could
  4. In the German-speaking areas of his realm. On 11 November, he issued a, proclamation ,which recognized Austria's right to determine the form of the state and
  5. Elections throughout the country, and the abdication of King Alfonso XIII. The, proclamation ,of the Second Spanish Republic was much celebrated in the city on 14 April
  6. James Monroe specifically addressed Cuba and other European colonies in his, proclamation ,of the Monroe Doctrine. Cuba, located just from the US city of Key West, was of
  7. Because landaus was a land besieged by many loyalties, and the, proclamation ,of caliph would have likely caused much unrest. ABD al-Rahman's progeny would
  8. Some groups of settlers continued to move west and establish farms. The, proclamation ,was soon modified and was no longer a hindrance to settlement, but the fact
  9. With allegations of fraud and corruption. Lincoln overruled Frémont's, proclamation ,and he was given another command in November. This decision, in part, prevented
  10. Points. In an apparent attempt to demonstrate good faith, Karl I issued a, proclamation ,(" Imperial Manifesto of 16 October 1918" ) two days later which would have
  11. Lyrics),was adopted as the Australian national anthem on 19 April 1984 by a, proclamation ,by the Governor-General Sir Indian Stephen, on a recommendation by the Labor
  12. Confiscate the lands of these rich men whom I have excluded from pardon by my, proclamation , and divide the proceeds thereof among the families of the wool hat boys, the
  13. To South Carolina to enforce the laws. In December 1832,he issued a resounding, proclamation ,against the" nullifies ", stating that he considered" the power to annul a
  14. Republic (b. 1928) Holidays and observances *Independence Day, celebrates the, proclamation ,of Indonesia's independence from Japan in 1945. External links
  15. 1,2000,the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles released a, proclamation ,entitled" The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles ". This document
  16. The mountains. On August 1,1876,U. S. President Ulysses S. Grant signed a, proclamation ,admitting Colorado as the 38th state. Colorado is nicknamed the" Centennial
  17. Of departure for establishing the continuity of the historical Jesus and the, proclamation ,of the early church. Some liberal Christians do not accept a literal bodily
  18. Of formal statements of doctrine, and also framing the regular reading and, proclamation ,of scripture. Sykes nevertheless agrees with those heirs of Maurice who
  19. Provoked a riot, which resulted in the deposition of Androids I and the, proclamation ,of Isaac as emperor. Alexios was now closer to the imperial throne than ever
  20. Waited a reasonably adequate time and then published the annexation, proclamation ,on October 6,1908. The international furor over the annexation announcement
  21. Has been gathered, the congregation will recommend to the pope that he make a, proclamation ,of the Servant of God's heroic virtue (that is, that the servant exhibited
  22. Empire from their oath of loyalty to him. Two days later, he issued a similar, proclamation ,for Hungary. However, he did not abdicate, remaining available in the event the
  23. Sophia is automatic and immediate, neither depending on, nor waiting for, any, proclamation , Thus, during the abdication crisis of 1936,caused by Edward VIII's desire to
  24. Constitution, like the Spanish one. The Serbian revolution initially led to a, proclamation ,of a proto-constitution in 1811; the full-fledged Constitution of Serbia
  25. Similarly, in what may well be a baptismal pattern,1 Peter testifies that, proclamation ,of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and teaching about new life lead to
  26. Of Burka drew near, in accordance with their national custom the king caused a, proclamation ,to be made to the people by the voice of a herald, in order that they might be
  27. Much influence in the government. For example, in February 2004,he issued a, proclamation ,stating that since Cambodia is a" liberal democracy," the Kingdom ought to
  28. Rudolph I, to whom the Jews had appealed for protection, issued a public, proclamation ,to the effect that great wrong had been done to the Jews, and that the corpse
  29. Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. The, proclamation ,declared that all slaves in states which had seceded from the Union were free.
  30. Of a Jewish exile who is described as a" diviner "; he issues a written, proclamation ,in praise of the Most High God, and speaks in the first person. These tiny
  31. History On June 20, 1868,Governor General the Viscount Monk issued a royal, proclamation ,asking for Canadians to celebrate the anniversary of the confederation. However
  32. And individually remarkable in conception. " England In England, Henry I's, proclamation ,of the Charter of Liberties in 1100 bound the king for the first time in his
  33. By the federal government sporadically, and on irregular dates. The last such, proclamation ,had been during James Madison's presidency 50 years before. In 1863,Lincoln
  34. African Empire -- with the promulgation of the imperial constitution and the, proclamation ,of the president as Emperor Bass I. His regime was characterized by numerous
  35. Season officially starts on 11 November at 11 minutes past 11 a. m. with the, proclamation ,of the new Carnival Season, and continues until Ash Wednesday. But the
  36. In the prophetic literature of God’s wrath. Yet, it is also unequivocal in its, proclamation ,of a restoration for those who survive the ‘ Great Day of the Lord '. The book
  37. Centennial of the United States),U. S. President Ulysses S. Grant signed a, proclamation ,admitting Colorado to the Union as the 38th state and earning it the moniker "
  38. To several Virginian seaport towns, and on 10 July 1718 Spots wood had issued a, proclamation ,requiring all former pirates to make themselves known to the authorities, too
  39. By Congress. When Lincoln told his cabinet about his proposed emancipation, proclamation , Seward advised Lincoln to wait for a victory before issuing it, as to do
  40. Mountains as this was designated an Indian Reserve. Disregarding the, proclamation , some groups of settlers continued to move west and establish farms. The
  41. Yorkist king's reign remained officially in the annals of England history. The, proclamation ,of Edward IV's children as illegitimate was also reversed, restoring Elizabeth
  42. Law limiting the declarations of independence, the unilateral Kosovo, proclamation ,does not violate it (leaving unanswered the questions about the consequences
  43. Which had seceded from the Union were free. Advancing Union troops enforced the, proclamation ,with Texas being the last state to be emancipated in 1865. Reconstruction and
  44. Became a rendezvous for volunteer troops. Governor Thomas S. Drew issued a, proclamation ,calling on the state to furnish one regiment of cavalry and one battalion of
  45. From the consulship of 31,for which he was designated, and a vote for a, proclamation ,of war against Cleopatra, well understood meaning against Antony, though he was
  46. As low as 200. A borough of more than 20,000 people could become a city by, proclamation , Boroughs and cities were collectively known as municipalities, and were
  47. And the subsequent War Governors' Conference added support for the, proclamation , Name "/NP"> America"/> Lincoln had already published a letter name "
  48. 1815 (United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarve) until 1822,with the, proclamation ,of independence and rise of the Empire of Brazil by Pedro I of Brazil. The
  49. Duchy of Prussia by the Margravate of Brandenburg. Albert's titles (on his, proclamation ,of 1561 in Königsberg) were: Albert the Elder, Margrave of Brandenburg in
  50. On the Republican side when he issued, without consulting Lincoln,a, proclamation ,of martial law in Missouri. He declared that any citizen found bearing arms

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