Examples of the the word, filings , in a Sentence Context

The word ( filings ), is the 10528 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. How to produce the preparation of" nitrous air diminished ", by heating iron, filings ,dampened with nitric acid. Early use (1794–1843) The first important use of
  2. Of the ebonize plate, and the sheet of copper, or of the tube containing the, filings , was completed, only a very small current flowed; but there was a sudden
  3. Hired by plaintiffs in a sex discrimination lawsuit, in 2001,Walmart is EEOC, filings ,showed that female employees made up 65 % of Walmart is hourly paid workforce
  4. Of the city's homes are now vacant, due in part to the rise in foreclosure, filings , With over 37,000 employees,Cleveland's largest non-government employer, the
  5. How to produce the preparation of" nitrous air diminished ", by heating iron, filings ,dampened with nitric acid. James Watt built a portable gas chamber for the
  6. Pass three examinations to become an Enrolled Actuary. Some pension-related, filings ,to the Internal Revenue Service and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
  7. Body after the action of the spark or of the current, while with the tubes and, filings ,the resistance could be brought back to its normal value by striking a few
  8. When electric oscillations are set up. Prof. Brandy further found that when the, filings ,had once cohered they retained their low resistance until shaken apart, for
  9. Where it does not exist. ” *“ I hope, that in our archives and historical, filings ,of the future, we do not allow the techie traditions of hierarchy and false
  10. To start the flow of oxygen" as cabin safety instructions dictate, forces iron, filings ,into the sodium chlorate inside the canister. Professional athletes, especially
  11. References to Brun's constant, Meissel–Martens constant, and pi. ) Bankruptcy, filings ,reveal that nor tel owes former Canadian engineers $285,000 for patent awards
  12. The following data: The two induced currents caused the resistance of the, filings ,to vary. * When working with continuous currents the passage of a strong
  13. Less expensive, and more private, with some states not even requiring court, filings , However, a 2005 study * The Enron assets were taken from the 10-Q filed on
  14. Practically conductors of electricity. This Brandy showed by placing metal, filings ,in a glass box or tube, and making them part of an ordinary electric circuit.
  15. In 2007,the state stood 50th (last, and best) in ratio of foreclosure, filings ,to households. While housing sales dropped annually from 2004 to 2008,prices
  16. Attorney so filing. Attorney Daniel Evans writes: Examples of frivolous court, filings ,In Washington v. Alamo the court listed more than seventy-five frivolous "
  17. 50.6 percent to 46.0 percent. After the release of Independence Party campaign, filings ,in January 2010,it was reported that Bloomberg had made two $600,000
  18. Of Afghanistan. In law, time constraints are placed on certain actions and, filings ,in the interest of speedy justice, and additionally to prevent the evasion of
  19. The case presented some interesting features. Circuit already including the, filings ,tube and galvanometer Riemann, he added a phone and a mercury switch to
  20. To serve as administrators. In 2006,there were 98,450 personal insolvency, filings ,in Canada: 79,218 bankruptcies and 19,232 consumer proposals. China India
  21. Bar, an order barring a litigant from making substantially any non-criminal, filings ,within the court's jurisdiction, is named. In the course of his litigation
  22. Represented, in some cases, only initial payments. According to government, filings , Oracle is one of the Ashcroft Group’s five clients that seek his help in
  23. Use In 1671,Robert Boyle discovered and described the reaction between iron, filings ,and dilute acids, which results in the production of hydrogen gas. In 1766
  24. Perhaps, other proofs of mailing),may have significance as regards legal, filings ,and proofs of service (though in this case the date may be viewed as" on time "
  25. Are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. As much as 65 % of all U. S. consumer bankruptcy, filings ,are Chapter 7 cases. Corporations and other business forms file under Chapters
  26. Caltech interesting for the object at hand. Having placed a small quantity of, filings ,copper between two pieces of brass, he found through a battery and a
  27. To Global Action for Children and Doctors Without Borders, According to federal, filings , Pitt and Julie invested $8.5 million into the foundation in 2006; it gave away
  28. Super Key, and Lightning, all developed in Denmark. According to the London IPO, filings , the management team was Philippe Khan as President, Spencer Ottawa as VP of
  29. Shortly after the experiments of Hertz, Dr. Brandy discovered that loose metal, filings , which in a normal state have a high electrical resistance, lose this
  30. The most contentious person on Earth ". Ellison has filed numerous grievance, filings ,and lawsuit attempts that have been characterized as both justifiable and
  31. Such as examining newspaper articles, corporate publications, websites,patent, filings , specialized databases, information at trade shows and the like to determine
  32. Riemann, he added a phone and a mercury switch to eliminate at will the, filings ,tube and the galvanometer and do replace them by a short circuit. This prepared
  33. Twenty-one clients, turning down two for every one accepted. In 2005 year-end, filings , Ashcroft's firm reported collecting $269,000,including $220,000 from Oracle
  34. Field lines as though the field lines are physical phenomena. For example, iron, filings , placed in a magnetic field line up to form lines that correspond to 'field
  35. SSN, TIN,DOB, bank accounts and children’s names, should be redacted off the, filings ,made with the court and accompanying exhibits, ( however, exhibits normally
  36. Appeals issued an order, now referred to as a Mack Bar, preventing any further, filings ,from being accepted by the court. * Andy Martin (Anthony Martin-Tragona),who
  37. Circuit, electromotive forces are generated in it which appear to bring the, filings ,more closely together, that is, to cohere, and thus their electrical resistance
  38. And after these lawsuits without limitation. There has never been any legal, filings ,or claims from the University, USL, or other responsible parties with respect
  39. Falsifications on bankruptcy forms often constitute perjury. Multiple, filings ,are not in and of themselves criminal, but they may violate provisions of
  40. Have stock or stock options. These trades are made public in the US through SEC, filings , mainly Form 4. Prior to 2001,US law restricted trading such that insiders
  41. A law library, and a lobby with a window where the court clerk can accept, filings ,and release new decisions in the form of" slip opinions" ( that is, in
  42. Among states, and the numbers have also varied over time, with about 60 % of, filings ,by women in most of the 19th century, and over 70 % by women in some states
  43. A lawyer) in divorce cases. In San Diego, for example, the number of divorce, filings ,involving at least one self-representing litigant rose from 46 % in 1992 to 77
  44. Device that responded to radio waves. It consisted of a tube filled with iron, filings , called a" cohere ". This kind of device would later be developed to become
  45. With copper or mixtures of copper and tin was less satisfactory than the use of, filings ,; with the plates he was unable to obtain the initial resistance of the body
  46. The plate was cut out of the circuit. He also used as conductors fine metallic, filings , which he sometimes mixed with insulating liquids. The filings were placed in a
  47. Following Micro Focus shareholder approval and the required corporate, filings , the transaction was completed in late July 2009. The San Jose Mercury News
  48. Fine metallic filings , which he sometimes mixed with insulating liquids. The, filings ,were placed in a tube of glass or ebonize, and were held between two metal
  49. Attacking them, by putting a combination of red pepper, dirt or dust, and iron, filings ,into the area near the top of the scabbard, so that as the sword was drawn the
  50. Plan of repayment. An important feature applicable to all types of bankruptcy, filings ,is the automatic stay. The automatic stay means that the mere request for

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