Examples of the the word, infinity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( infinity ), is the 9735 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Continuous functions on a locally compact (Hausdorff) space that vanish at, infinity , C_0 (X) is unital if and only if X is compact. The complex conjugation being
  2. To be approached actually depends on the value of n, and n is approaching, infinity , This result is a specific case of the Central Limit Theorem. Generating
  3. Slope of the same line again becomes larger and larger. So the behavior" at, infinity ," of V (y − x3) is different from the behavior" at infinity " of V (y − x2
  4. Bits of the sign digit may be used to indicate special numeric values, such as, infinity , underflow/overflow, and error (a blinking display). Signed variations Signed
  5. Now consider the program function GenerateComplexString (int n) for i = 1 to, infinity ,: for each string s of length exactly i if KolmogorovComplexity (s) >= n
  6. And algorithms, or of non-classical concepts like constructivism, harmonics, infinity , and vectors. Music * Musical analysis – a process attempting to answer the
  7. Geometry, an asymptote is defined as a line which is tangent to a curve at, infinity , The word asymptote is derived from the Greek asymptotes which means" not
  8. Unparameterized) curve. Suppose, as before, that the curve A tends to, infinity , The curve B is a curvilinear asymptote of A if the shortest of the distance
  9. Algebra is given by the set of all functions f: R → R whose limit as x nears, infinity ,is zero. * The Clifford algebras, which are useful in geometry and physics. *
  10. Weight The Absolute Infinite is mathematician Georg Cantor's concept of an ", infinity ," that transcended the transfinite numbers. Cantor equated the Absolute
  11. Size (in Cantor's sense) as at least one of its proper parts; this notion of, infinity ,is called Dedekind infinite. This definition only works in the presence of some
  12. Machinery one can develop a notion of derived stack as such a preheat on the, infinity ,category of derived affine schemes, which is satisfying certain infinite
  13. State. The energy necessary to remove an electron from its shell (taking it to, infinity ,) is called the binding energy. Any quantity of energy absorbed by the electron
  14. Are the lines that are tangent to the objectivized curve through a point at, infinity , Asymptotes are often considered only for real curves, although they also make
  15. Input" integer or integers that, in theory, can be chosen from 0 to, infinity , Thus, an algorithm can be an algebraic equation such as y = m + n—two arbitrary
  16. Can also replace pres heaves of sets by pres heaves of simplicity sets (or of, infinity ,groupies). Then, in presence of an appropriate homo topic machinery one can
  17. Of V (y − x2). It is, however,difficult to make the concept of" at, infinity ," meaningful, if we restrict to working in affine space. The remedy to this is
  18. Serves as a guideline that serves to show the behavior of the curve towards, infinity , In order to get better approximations of the curve, asymptotes that are
  19. 1: i: 0) and J (1: I: 0). These points are called the circular points at, infinity , Polar coordinates In polar coordinates the equation of a circle is:: r^2 - 2 r
  20. In French prose. " In Lenses, Pascal surveys several philosophical paradoxes:, infinity ,and nothing, faith and reason, soul and matter, death and life, meaning and
  21. And the Epicureans who, more than a century later, also claimed that an, infinity ,of worlds appeared and disappeared. In the timeline of the Greek history of
  22. Elapsed up until the present moment. This is a manifest contradiction because, infinity ,cannot, by definition, be completed by" successive synthesis" -- yet just
  23. To promote and glorify the Church and State. Occupied with notions of, infinity , ** Severe, unemotional movement recalling Roman and Greek (" classical" )
  24. He achieves this by calculating the value of a geometric series that sums to, infinity ,with the ratio. * (O)stomachion: This is a dissection puzzle similar to a
  25. Are various, but each is a way of controlling points from" going off to, infinity ," by in some way adding" points at infinity " or preventing such an" escape "
  26. Honeycombs with unbounded facets or vertex figure, including ideal vertices at, infinity ,: An assassination is" to murder (a usually prominent person) by a sudden
  27. Following program function GenerateProvablyComplexString (int n) for i = 1 to, infinity ,: if NthProofProvesComplexityFormula (i) and ComplexityLowerBoundNthProof (i
  28. Way, though most do nothing // because of syntax errors. FOR N = 1 ..., infinity ,FOR P = 1 ... N Run program number P for N steps with input S IF the program
  29. Who had claimed that the primary substance was water. The notion of temporal, infinity ,was familiar to the Greek mind from remote antiquity in the religious concept
  30. Time must have a beginning by showing that if time had no beginning, then an, infinity ,would have elapsed up until the present moment. This is a manifest
  31. In coordinates A (t) = (x (t),y (t) ). Suppose that the curve tends to, infinity , that is:: \LIM_ (x^2 (t)+y^2 (t))=\nifty. A line ℓ is an asymptote of A if
  32. Charge by creating a bound electron from the vacuum, ejecting the positron to, infinity , This is the theoretical phenomenon of electromagnetic charge screening which
  33. Behavior" at infinity " of V (y − x3) is different from the behavior" at, infinity ," of V (y − x2). It is, however,difficult to make the concept of" at
  34. Can be achieved by using N processors is: \franc. In the limit, as N tends to, infinity , the maximum speedup tends to 1 / (1 − P). In practice, performance to price
  35. Considering the above example we can see that if some object" one greater than, infinity ," exists, then it must have the same cardinality as the infinite set we started
  36. Fostering concerns the flawed" anthropic" inference from the assumption of an, infinity ,of worlds to the existence of one like ours: The Australian Army is Australia
  37. T_0 is an asymptote, where t0 is chosen so that the curve and line meet at, infinity , Over the complex numbers, Pn splits into linear factors, each of which defines
  38. The distance between the curve and the line approaches zero as they tend to, infinity , Some sources include the requirement that the curve may not cross the line
  39. At most at n−2 other points, by Bézout's theorem, as the intersection at, infinity ,is of multiplicity at least two. For a conic, there are a pair of lines that do
  40. Hyperboloid and cone approaches 0 as the distance from the origin approaches, infinity , Andrew Stuart" Andy" Tenenbaum (sometimes referred to by the handle AST) (
  41. If the distance between the two curves tends to zero as they tend to, infinity , although usually the term asymptote by itself is reserved for linear
  42. Site of derived affine schemes, by replacing the commutative rings with an, infinity ,category of differential graded commutative algebras, or of simplicity
  43. Singularities, i. e., points where a function goes to positive or negative, infinity , If the complex-valued function f (z) can be expanded in the neighborhood of
  44. Enumerably infinite" means" countable using integers perhaps extending to, infinity , " Thus Builds and Jeffrey are saying that an algorithm implies instructions
  45. An imperfectly drawn line with an arrow on the end was meant to stretch off to, infinity , He often made items from materials he brought home from the woods, and
  46. Right. It then follows from the Stirling formula that, as n goes to, infinity ,: | B_ | \sim 4 \sort \left (\franc \right)^. Including more terms from the
  47. Converges towards the Poisson distribution as the number of trials goes to, infinity ,while the product NP remains fixed. Therefore, the Poisson distribution with
  48. Is that, as ℓ approaches zero, the length of the coastline approaches, infinity , Richardson had believed, based on Euclidean geometry, that a coastline would
  49. The axiom of regularity (and all other axioms of ZFC except the axiom of, infinity ,). So if one forms a non-trivial ultrapower of Vs, then it will also satisfy
  50. Hausdorff space. Among other things, it lets us make precise the notion of" at, infinity ," by including extra points. The behavior of a variety at those extra points

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