Examples of the the word, grammatical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grammatical ), is the 10995 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Arabic (CA) and Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) are as follows: *Certain, grammatical ,constructions of CA that have no counterpart in any modern dialect (e.g. the
  2. The latter somewhat akin to case in Indo-European languages. Aramaic has two, grammatical ,genders, masculine and feminine. The feminine absolute singular is usually
  3. The verbal group. Nominal morphology Nouns and adjectives have the categories, grammatical ,gender, number,case (only vocative) and definiteness in Bulgarian.
  4. On the level of formality, the speaker's education level, etc., various, grammatical , changes may occur in ways that echo the colloquial variants: **Any remaining
  5. Phonemic inventory and the core vocabulary of Proto-Bantu. The most prominent, grammatical ,characteristic of Bantu languages is the extensive use of affixes (see Sesotho
  6. Is an ingenious satire on the vices of humanity. He created the allegory of, grammatical ," conjugation" which was to have its successors throughout the Middle Ages.
  7. Speaker. These glyphs were used as pronunciation guides for logo grams, to write, grammatical ,inflections, and,later, to transcribe loan words and foreign names. However
  8. Methodical signs" ) and taught those to his students so that they might learn, grammatical ,French. At Épée's school, a large group of Deaf children lived together for
  9. By rain, it is rained off in the UK and rained out in the US. Miscellaneous, grammatical ,differences * In names of American rivers the word river usually comes after
  10. Significant part of the case system. Nominal inflection Gender There are three, grammatical ,genders in Bulgarian: masculine, feminine and neuter. The gender of the noun
  11. In English. He created a series of grammatical signs to represent French, grammatical ,markers (called" methodical signs" ) and taught those to his students so
  12. Or twice, and together suggest the existence of the Kline: *Loss of the dual (, grammatical ,number) except on nouns, with consistent plural agreement (cf. feminine
  13. Different patterns: Nouns and adjectives Nouns in Literary Arabic have three, grammatical ,cases (nominative, accusative,and genitive also used when the noun is
  14. Write in pure Classical Arabic, instead using a literary language with its own, grammatical ,norms and vocabulary, commonly known as Modern Standard Arabic. This is the
  15. Republic and republicanism The successful reunification of the states had even, grammatical ,consequences for the very name of the country. The term" the United States "
  16. Of Beowulf's oral history as poetic flow were prioritized over dialect/, grammatical ,coherency. A comprehensive survey of 19th-century translations and editions of
  17. Adopted numerous loanwords, phonetic and phonological features, and even some, grammatical ,patterns, from Italian, Sicilian,and English. It is also the only Semitic
  18. Ambiguity can be a useful tool. Grouchy Marx’s classic joke depends on a, grammatical ,ambiguity for its humor, for example:" Last night I shot an elephant in my
  19. Way. Such phrases can be assigned different interpretations because different, grammatical ,structures can be assigned to the same string of words. " He ate the cookies on
  20. And 790s. He wrote many theological and dogmatic treatises, as well as a few, grammatical ,works and a number of poems. He was made Abbot of Saint Martin's at Tours in
  21. Word of God. Within a family, manuscripts may have very minor differences in, grammatical ,marks, spelling,and tenses that do not affect the sense. Within the Byzantine
  22. Classical Arabic is considered normative, according to the syntactic and, grammatical ,norms laid down by classical grammarians (such as Subway),and the
  23. The morphology of the article or noun changes in some way according to the, grammatical ,role played by the noun in a given sentence. For example, in German, one
  24. United States" ), and other times in the singular, without any particular, grammatical ,consistency. The Civil War was a significant force in the eventual dominance of
  25. Vernacular English versus standard English, it differs in vocabulary and, grammatical ,structure from other varieties of ASL. It is considered a dialect of American
  26. Troy. He is described as one of the great heroes among the Greeks. When the, grammatical ,dual form of Ajax is used in the Iliad, it was once believed that it indicated
  27. Precedes the verb the. This rule is so important in Basque that, even in, grammatical ,descriptions of Basque in other languages, the Basque word galleries (focus)
  28. Alternate in many languages depending on the phonological environment, or for, grammatical ,reasons, as is the case with Indo-European ableist. Similarly, languages often
  29. Cognate sets, a set of sound laws based on those proposed sets, and a number of, grammatical ,correspondences, as well as a few important changes to the reconstruction of
  30. And therefore there is no difference in meaning. In Bulgarian, there is also, grammatical ,aspect. Three grammatical aspects are distinguishable: neutral, perfect and
  31. Is especially harsh. The accusative case (abbreviated) of a noun is the, grammatical ,case used to mark the direct object of a transitive verb. The same case is used
  32. Two different cultural spheres. Apart from minor morphological, phonetic and, grammatical ,differences, the largely common vocabulary and identical rules of grammatical
  33. But many of their speakers were bilingual in English. He created a series of, grammatical ,signs to represent French grammatical markers (called" methodical signs" )
  34. Has come a long way from its condemned days of banned use to being viewed as a, grammatical ,language, which is the main form of communication in American Deaf culture.
  35. About the Hopi was that:“ … the Hopi language is seen to contain no words, grammatical ,forms, construction or expressions or that refer directly to what we call “
  36. Bleak, and later Carl Manor, pursued extensive studies comparing the, grammatical ,structures of Bantu languages. Classification The term 'narrow Bantu' was
  37. Language prevailed over Radar and opened the path to a new and simplified, grammatical ,structure of the language in the two different cultural spheres. Apart from
  38. Ят/–я for masculine gender (again, with the longer form being reserved for, grammatical ,subjects),– та for feminine gender, – то for neuter gender, and – те for
  39. Article and noun –" the car" – remain in the same form regardless of the, grammatical ,role played by the words. One can correctly use" the car" as the subject of a
  40. Reflecting the alternation in pronunciation. This had implications for some, grammatical ,constructions: *The third-person plural pronoun and its derivatives. Before
  41. As togs in Queensland and bathers in Victoria and South Australia. Distinctive, grammatical ,patterns also exist such as the use of the interrogative eh? And the position
  42. The addition of a final to a noun or adjective. The vowel before it indicates, grammatical ,case. In written Arabic nu nation is indicated by doubling the vowel diacritic
  43. Nouns that end in a consonant and are masculine use – ът/–ят, when they are, grammatical ,subjects, and – а/–я elsewhere. Nouns that end in a consonant and are feminine
  44. Its spatial mode of expression has enabled it to develop an elaborate system of, grammatical ,aspect that is absent from English. ASL grammar was obscured for much of its
  45. Armenian as a midpoint in this transition. Noun Classical Armenian has no, grammatical ,gender, not even in the pronoun. The nominal inflection, however,preserves
  46. By UNESCO on its Red Book of Endangered Languages. Bornholm retains three, grammatical ,genders, like Icelandic and most dialects of Norwegian, but unlike standard
  47. To a form of the colloquial language that imports a number of words and, grammatical ,constructions in MSA, to a form that is close to pure colloquial but with the "
  48. Grammatical differences, the largely common vocabulary and identical rules of, grammatical ,fundamentals allows users of one variant to understand the other easily. After
  49. To distinguish between a few pairs of stress-marked words and between some, grammatical ,forms (mainly plurals from other forms). E.g., basóà (" the forest "
  50. The handwriting' ). It is marked with a suffix. Although its original, grammatical ,function seems to have been to mark definiteness, it is used already in

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