Examples of the the word, leakage , in a Sentence Context
The word ( leakage ), is the 11010 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Cores allow a minimum of the magnetic flux to escape outside the core (called, leakage ,flux),so they radiate less electromagnetic interference than other shapes.
- Compounds are practical high-k dielectrics, allowing reduction of the gate, leakage ,current which improves performance at such scales. Other uses Due to its heat
- Of unwanted frequencies from an audio recording (used to eliminate hum from, leakage ,of AC power into the signal, to eliminate the stereo subcarrier from FM radio
- Simulations of every B-3 nuance down to key click, tonewheel, leakage , dirty contacts, type of tubes—virtually any variable can be accommodated
- Pits" for nuclear warheads. A major fire at the facility in 1957,as well as, leakage ,from nuclear waste stored at the site between 1958 and 1968,resulted in the
- 固攝, ) - of body fluids,i.e. keeping blood, sweat,urine, semen etc. from, leakage ,or excessive emission. # Transformation (氣化, ) - of food, drink,and breath
- From one end to the other, called the creep age length, to minimize these, leakage ,currents. To accomplish this the surface is molded into a series of
- Is more than offset by the inherent efficiency of the FFT. *As already noted, leakage ,imposes a limit on the inherent resolution of the DTFT. So there is a practical
- Danger to Germany. As late as 6 June 1944,Heinrich Müller—concerned about the, leakage ,of information to the Allies—set up a special unit called Sonderkommando Jerry
- Of oil pipe under construction in Alaska highlights the dangers of argon tank, leakage ,in confined spaces, and emphasizes the need for proper use, storage and
- Surfaces that act as umbrellas to ensure that the part of the surface, leakage ,path under the 'cup' stays dry in wet weather. Minimum creep age distances are
- Saturation. They can also be used as low loss rectifiers although their reverse, leakage ,current is generally higher than that of other diodes. Scotty diodes are
- Small ducts are typically longer contiguous pieces, and therefore less prone to, leakage , Another added benefit of this type of ducting is the prevention of foreign
- Automatically when they go out of scope, eliminating the possibility of memory, leakage , In addition, aliasing is not an issue for optimization of array references
- Flask in laboratories is the storage of liquid nitrogen; in this case,the, leakage ,of heat into the freezing interior of the bottle results in a slow
- The fuel rods. This increases the size of the reactor core, as well as the, leakage ,of neutrons from the reactor. It is also the practical reason for the Casandra
- Of Mn-reduced glutamate uptake and diminished lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), leakage , Molybdenum (or),is a Group 6 chemical element with the symbol Mo and atomic
- As an intermediate (Q·−). This unstable intermediate can lead to electron ", leakage ,", when electrons jump directly to oxygen and form the superoxide anion
- Was greater over water. If the force of a crash did not trigger the bomb, water, leakage , into the system could short it out, possibly leading to detonation. The British
- Horizontal" extension" in the image is called blooming and is due to a charge, leakage ,along the readout wires in the CCD imager in the camera. Stellar corona
- Guards in metal working operations. Electrical applications for mail include RF, leakage ,testing and being worn as a Faraday cage suit by tesla coil enthusiasts and
- Assay is highly specific and sensitive for the detection for, e. g., CSF, leakage , Lumbar puncture can also be performed to measure the
- Drop of the Scotty diode with the surge-handling capability and low reverse, leakage ,current of a normal p-n junction diode. Gold-doped diodes: As a do pant, gold (
- Cell uses an immobilized sulfuric acid electrolyte, reducing the chance of, leakage ,and extending shelf life. VILA cells have the electrolyte immobilized, usually
- Are multifaceted and include the following: 1) Potassium or glutamate, leakage ,through the outer membrane of bacteria; 2) Osmotic balance disturbances; 3)
- Of a high voltage insulator can create a conductive path across it, causing, leakage , currents and flashovers. The flashover voltage can be more than 50 % lower when
- Within argon-filled cases to retard their degradation. Using argon reduces gas, leakage , compared with the helium used in the preceding five decades. Laboratory
- By users included an increased need to urinate, passing blood in urine, leakage ,of urine and pain on urination. These symptoms may be associated with the
- But not as fast as Scotty diodes). They also have less reverse-current, leakage ,than Scotty diodes (but not as good as other p-n diodes). A typical example
- Angle for a professional display. Color shift and deviation caused by light, leakage ,is corrected by optimizing the white gamut which also enhances white/gray
- It firmly against the inside of the gun barrel chamber. This prevents the, leakage ,of hot gas which could injure the shooter. The brass cartridge also opened the
- Then. If we live on a brand (as hypothesized by some theorists) this ", leakage ," of gravitas from the brand into higher-dimensional space could explain why
- Voltage insulators for outdoor use are shaped to maximize the length of the, leakage ,path along the surface from one end to the other, called the creep age length
- Is causing the effects of phenomena like electrofiltration and subthreshold, leakage ,to become much more significant. These newer concerns are among the many
- Their problems, principal among which is leakage current (see subthreshold, leakage ,for a discussion of this),although these problems are not insurmountable and
- Materials (such as tubing or pipelines) using the principles of magnetic flux, leakage , Hall effect devices produce a very low signal level and thus require
- Significant current during the 'transition' between logic states, except for, leakage , This has allowed computing to become a commodity which is now ubiquitous
- Hexagonal IN is used in xerographic process and laser printers as a charge, leakage ,barrier layer of the photo drum. In the automotive industry, h-BN mixed with a
- Or unsterile conditions. The contents of the bowel are unsterile, and thus, leakage ,of bowel contents, as from trauma, substantially increases the risk of
- Devices are not without their problems, principal among which is, leakage ,current (see subthreshold leakage for a discussion of this),although these
- Recreate some characteristics of vintage Hammond's, such as" crosstalk" or ", leakage ," between the tone wheels and the sound of the Leslie speaker cabinet. Currently
- Radiation detectors need efficient and uniform charge collection and low, leakage ,current. They are often cooled by liquid nitrogen. For longer range (about a
- Some CANDY plants in Canada, mainly to improve safety in case of heavy-water, leakage , The gas is stockpiled and used in a variety of commercial products, notably "
- Which has some part in creating its distinctive tone color. Crosstalk or, leakage ,occurs when the instrument's magnetic pickups receive the signal from rotating
- Or infinite) sequence to a manageable size entails a type of distortion called, leakage , which is manifested as a loss of detail (aka resolution) in the DTFT. Choice
- Given the role of mitochondria as the cell's powerhouse, there may be some, leakage ,of the high-energy electrons in the respiratory chain to form reactive oxygen
- And the flow rate needed to maintain an erection indicates the degree of venous, leakage , The leaking veins responsible may be visualized by infusing a mixture of
- Trapping mechanisms immobilize the CO2 underground, reducing the risk of, leakage , A major research project examining the geological sequestration of carbon
- Skirts of insulation that extend from the foundations, to prevent heat, leakage ,between the earth used as thermal mass, and the surface. Less dramatic
- Concrete walls leak air far less than those made of wood-frames. Air, leakage ,accounts for a large percentage of energy loss from a home. The thermal mass
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