Examples of the the word, unintended , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unintended ), is the 10996 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And disruptive (sometimes positively, sometimes negatively, and sometimes with, unintended ,consequences). One example of the gradual change that typifies the common law
  2. And about a fifth end in induced abortion. Most abortions result from, unintended ,pregnancies. A pregnancy can be intentionally aborted in several ways. The
  3. Disadvantages. Firstly, it can easily lead to bugs in large programs, due to, unintended ,interactions between variables in different functions. Secondly, accessing
  4. In a fraction of the gene pool, giving plenty of time to reverse direction if, unintended ,consequences emerge, reducing the likelihood of the elimination of desirable
  5. Were the beginning of the mass-produced S series of performance cars. Audi 5000, unintended , acceleration Sales in the United States fell after a series of recalls from
  6. Such as of the hands and anxiety symptoms, digestive system hypermobility, unintended ,weight loss, and (in" lipid panel" blood tests) a lower and sometimes
  7. The workers seeking employment. Macroeconomic policy generally aims to reduce, unintended ,unemployment. Keynes labeled any jobs that would be created by a rise in
  8. And reduced penetration of walls, which significantly reduces the likelihood of, unintended ,harm, although the handgun is also common. There are a variety of types of
  9. With higher intelligence have fewer children, one possible reason being more, unintended ,pregnancies for those with lower intelligence. Several researchers have argued
  10. Product TCDD. At the time, precautions were not taken against this, unintended ,side reaction, which caused also the Serves disaster in Italy in 1976. In
  11. Changes in the party leadership. However,Gorbachev's social reforms led to, unintended ,consequences. Because of his policy of glasnost, which facilitated public
  12. 1986,featuring interviews with six people who had sued Audi after reporting, unintended ,acceleration, showing an Audi 5000 ostensibly suffering a problem when the
  13. Even so farms were small, and women did much of the field work. An, unintended ,consequence was the increased dependence on migratory, especially foreign
  14. To be" caught in the crossfire" is an expression that often refers to, unintended ,casualties (bystanders, etc.) who were killed or wounded by being exposed to
  15. That are not a good practice because they are more likely to result in, unintended ,behavior or run-time errors. Automated source code checking and auditing are
  16. Can be undesirable, as the agent (s) may be transmitted by this mechanism to, unintended ,populations, including neutral or even friendly forces. While containment of BY
  17. Obtained by minority women" because minority women" have much higher rates of, unintended ,pregnancy. " Some abortions are undergone as the result of societal pressures.
  18. Of producing designs that will perform as well as expected and will not cause, unintended ,harm to the public at large. Engineers typically include a factor of safety in
  19. At room temperature. Current steering Diodes will prevent currents in, unintended ,directions. To supply power to an electrical circuit during a power failure
  20. Return they will be allowed to make on their train fleets. This could have the, unintended ,consequence of intensifying the problem of overcrowding on some routes because
  21. Of the public in the Soviet system. Political openness continued to produce, unintended ,consequences. In elections to the regional assemblies of the Soviet Union's
  22. Alternatives may be conscious or unconscious; some consequences may be, unintended ,as well as intended; and some means and ends may be imperfectly
  23. On the vehicle altitude and ground speed. This was later determined to be an, unintended ,consequence of the software patch. After the astronauts cycled the landing
  24. Crawley explained the discrepancy by suggesting that the photograph was" an, unintended ,double exposure of fairy cutouts in the grass ", and thus" both ladies can be
  25. It. When this happens, the lag in arrival of the correcting signal results in, unintended ,positive feedback, causing the output to oscillate or" hunt ". Oscillation is
  26. 205 million pregnancies occur each year worldwide. Over a third are, unintended ,and about a fifth end in induced abortion. Most abortions result from
  27. The Soviet economy, the policies of perestroika and glasnost soon led to, unintended ,consequences. Relaxation under glasnost resulted in the Communist Party losing
  28. Egyptian constructions, including the pyramids, but its use may have been an, unintended ,consequence of the ancient Egyptian practice of combining the use of knotted
  29. Their target. Additionally, they learn that even when firing at a valid target, unintended ,targets may still be hit, for three reasons: * The bullet may miss the intended
  30. Away from non-targets This rule is intended to minimize the damage caused by an, unintended ,discharge. The first rule teaches that a firearm must be assumed to be ready to
  31. Possibly due to the new pesticides specific to each GM corn. In addition, unintended ,direct or indirect metabolic consequences of the genetic modification cannot be
  32. Been argued by some historians that Whitney's cotton gin was an important if, unintended ,cause of the American Civil War. Before the invention of the cotton gin
  33. Can be entrained to a 23.5-hour day and to a 24.65-hour day. The effect of, unintended ,time cues is called masking. If morning rush traffic can be heard from outside
  34. Hard to know in advance what character-strings will be parsed into what kind of, unintended ,image. A colleague was discussing his 401 (k) plan with his boss, who happens
  35. Due to hesitation, or the handler violating rules of engagement and causing, unintended ,damage. Training is used to minimize the risk of such outcomes. Target practice
  36. Support to weak governments and discouragement of secession, thus had the, unintended ,effect of encouraging civil wars. There has been an enormous amount of
  37. For a notorious example) to expose or add functionality to a device that was, unintended ,for use by end users by the company who created it. A number of techno
  38. Delivery, as the medium is semi-permanent and messages are easily forwarded to, unintended ,recipients; accordingly, a Mass High Tech article advised employers to instruct
  39. That takes advantage of a bug, glitch or vulnerability in order to cause, unintended ,or unanticipated behavior to occur on computer software, hardware,or something
  40. Free" worms can cause major disruption by increasing network traffic and other, unintended ,effects. A" payload" is code in the worm designed to do more than spread the
  41. Enough. Even those who support the intent of the law worry that it might have, unintended ,consequences. Among other arguments, supporters hypothesize that the Act
  42. Raised by the stadium attendees to display" Caltech ", and several other ", unintended ," messages. This event is now referred to as the Great Rose Bowl Hoax. In 2005
  43. Permanently alter species composition and biodiversity. By catch, the capture of, unintended ,species in the course of fishing, is typically returned the ocean only to die
  44. Him to suffer crippling bouts of nausea at the mere thought of violence. As an, unintended ,consequence, the soundtrack to one of the films — Beethoven's Ninth Symphony —
  45. For Web caching, search engines and other automated agents, which can make, unintended ,changes on the server. Furthermore, methods such as TRACE, TRACK and DEBUG are
  46. That reduced the overall number of refugees leaving Eastern Germany. It had the, unintended ,result of drastically increasing the percentage of those leaving through West
  47. Job to another. Unemployment beyond frictional unemployment is classified as, unintended ,unemployment. For example, structural unemployment is a form of unemployment
  48. from 1982 to 1987 of Audi 5000 models associated with reported incidents of sudden, unintended ,acceleration linked to six deaths and 700 accidents. A 60 Minutes report aired
  49. Either absorb the force of a moving door, or hold the door in place to prevent, unintended ,motion. Door guards The purpose of door guards (also known as hinge guards
  50. Lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many, unintended ,operations. In C, all executable code is contained within functions. Function

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