Examples of the the word, almighty , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Involved in many ways in areas pertaining to the other two. So Jupiter is the, almighty ,magic player in the founding of the Roman state and the fields of war
  2. And the Life everlasting.: Amen. Common Worship: I believe in God, the Father, almighty ,: creator of heaven and earth.: I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our
  3. Are true, and far more besides; the Party leader is not only alien, he is an, almighty , godlike being — perhaps a demiurge, perhaps God himself — and one that is a
  4. May give an affirmation. In this case, the words" promise and swear before, almighty ,and all-knowing God" are replaced by" promise and affirm by my honor and by
  5. The sword In addition, he gave the world the memorable phrase" pursuit of the, almighty ,dollar" from his novel The Coming Race. He is also credited with" the great
  6. But may be named Malik (King). This is because of the belief that Allah is, almighty , and no human being is the equivalent of Allah, and no human being will ever be
  7. Have a short study on the name. Y * Yak man, meaning powerful, godly essence, almighty , Sheikh Ahmed Ismail Hassan Yasmin (1937 – 22 March 2004) (, ) was a founder
  8. Fortune. He coined the phrases" the great unwashed "," pursuit of the, almighty ,dollar "," the pen is mightier than the sword ", and the famous opening line "
  9. Wanting nothing, the having absolute power and authority, the life-giving,the, almighty , the infinitely powerful, the sanctifying and communicating, the containing and
  10. It is expected that the lower forces will participate and send the glory to, almighty ,Chukka. Also, by pouring libations, participating in kola nut communions entails
  11. Was first attributed by tradition to Romulus, who had prayed the god for his, almighty ,help at a difficult time the battle with the Sabine of king Titus Status.
  12. Majesty, and authority to all three persons. All three are said to be ", almighty ," and" Lord" ( no subordination in authority;" none is before or after
  13. From the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of, almighty ,God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race
  14. In Jeff Lindsay's Dexter in the Dark, Moloch is cast as the original and, almighty ,entity behind all human evil. In Wayne Barlowe's God's Demon, Moloch is cast
  15. Tribes. It was very important that the other Roman provinces know that the, almighty ,Roman Republic couldn't be beaten so easily. After all, Ambiorix had killed a
  16. Batman comics and movies, and is credited with inventing the expression" the, almighty ,dollar ". The surname of his Dutch historian, Diedrich Knickerbocker, is
  17. Hebrew: שַׁדַּי) is used as a modifier to the name of God meaning" the, almighty ," later in the Book of Job. In the Septuagint and other early translations
  18. Is:" Through Him, and with Him, and in Him, be unto Thee, O God the Father, almighty , in the unity of the Holy Ghost, all honor and glory, world without end. "
  19. Gold crown on a crucifix, and never wore it again" to the honor of God the, almighty ,King ". This incident is usually misrepresented by popular commentators and
  20. The children of men.: Then the guardian of mankind: the eternal lord, : the Lord, almighty ,: afterwards appointed: the middle earth, : the lands, for men.: Nun Lauder
  21. Or chanting of the Gospel, the priest prays:" Cleanse my heart and my lips, O, almighty , God,who didst cleanse the lips of the prophet Isaiah ... ", a reference to
  22. And life that he might examine which of you is best in deeds, and he is the, almighty , the forgiving" ( Qur'an 67:1–2) and" And I (Allah) created not the jinn
  23. Which the deity would not know the answer. Within the Biblical context, God is, almighty ,(not omnipotent) because there is no other entity that can thwart Him in
  24. Words such as Elohim (god, or authority),El (mighty one),Saddam (, almighty ,), Adonai (master),Lyon (most high),Ainu (our father),etc. are not
  25. He ascended into heaven, : and is seated at the right hand of God the Father, almighty ,;: from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.: I believe in the
  26. Oi" is used as an expression of reverence, like " oh" in English. (" Oh, almighty ,God" ). *In Italian it is used a small variation," OHI ". As the h has no
  27. More elaborate sitting of dinner). Before dinner Translation: Since, O Lord, almighty ,and most merciful God, thou hast satisfied us with thy gifts, ensure from
  28. Has to answer for it; in ancient times the relatively unrepentant crowd was the, almighty , but now there is the absolutely unrepentant thing: No One, an anonymous person
  29. During the Sacramental Rite of Baptism:: Do you believe in God, the Father, almighty , maker of heaven and earth?: Do you believe in Jesus Christ, His only son, our
  30. From the supreme force that takes forms. They are the incarnations of the, almighty ,Chukka. Okinawa identify these lower forces by their names and use a collective
  31. ALUs in the IBO pantheon, she was among the first to be created by Chukka, almighty , Ala is depicted in Mari temples of the Owerre-Igbo, but smaller shrines are
  32. The source of all Revelation, eternal,omniscient, omnipresent and, almighty , " God is taught to be a personal god, too great for humans to fully understand
  33. And her followers claim to have no philosophical problem with the concept of an, almighty ,and wholly good deity. In regard to the question as to what caused or causes
  34. From the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of, almighty ,God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race
  35. Apostle's Creed. The profession begins with expressing belief in the" Father, almighty , creator of heaven and earth" and then immediately, but separately, in " Jesus
  36. Asks the following questions (ICE,1974):: Do you believe in God, the Father, almighty , creator of heaven and earth?: Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son
  37. Numbering of which is here added to the text. 1. I believe in God, the Father, almighty , creator of heaven and earth. 2. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our
  38. God" ( atrium lumen) is the title of Thor, as is the title allmáttki as ", almighty ,god ", while it is Odin who is" the" as. The feminine's -Anja suffix is
  39. That is, to supply all of one's needs, and therefore by derivation ", almighty ,". It may also be understood as an allusion to the singularity of deity" El "
  40. His" in relation to God. The text is as follows:: I believe in God, the Father, almighty ,: :creator of heaven and earth.: I believe in Jesus Christ,God's only Son
  41. To pray:" Pray, brethren,that our sacrifice may be acceptable to God,the, almighty ,Father. " The congregation responds:" May the Lord accept the sacrifice at
  42. Scientists literally interpret the Biblical teaching that God is both good and, almighty , and follow this to what they believe is a logical conclusion; that any form of
  43. Later),rare pro me ad Domingo Drum nostrum. " (Translation: I confess to, almighty ,God, to blessed Mary ever Virgin, to blessed Michael the archangel, to blessed
  44. A heathen oath to be sworn at an assembly where Fear, Njörðr, and " the, almighty ,ASS" are invoked. Harvard saga mentions a Yuletide sacrifice of a boar to
  45. A single, personal,inaccessible, omniscient,omnipresent, imperishable,and, almighty ,God who is the creator of all things in the universe. The existence of God and
  46. Subject themselves to the judgment of Thy most holy word. O most merciful and, almighty ,Lord … be merciful unto us; strengthen us in the right Faith by Thy power, and
  47. Pray, Brethren,that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the Father, almighty , " ** The altar servers respond with the Suscipiat to which the priest secretly
  48. McLean, and bingo, he came round and did it there and then. It was done in an, almighty ,rush, like the music. Thereafter, though,The Beatles' own creativity came
  49. In whom the Godhead is united with manhood, graciously made himself the new, almighty ,Head of men, whom he unites to himself through faith. Therefore, as in Adam we
  50. In the Mass of the Roman Rite since 2011 is:: I believe in God, : the Father, almighty ,: Creator of heaven and earth, : and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,

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