Examples of the the word, birch , in a Sentence Context

The word ( birch ), is the 11015 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of poly pore mushrooms with leather strings through them. One of these,the, birch ,fungus, is known to have antibacterial properties, and was likely used for
  2. Drummer may want smaller maple shells, while a rock drummer may want larger, birch ,shells. For more information about tuning drums or the physics of a drum, visit
  3. Longbow that was long. In addition, among Ötzi's possessions were berries, two, birch , bark baskets, and two species of poly pore mushrooms with leather strings
  4. Visible under the snow. In Ukrainian, the month is called березень, meaning, birch , tree. Historical names for March include the Saxon Leftmost, named after the
  5. Herbivores, and prefer the wood of quaking aspen, cottonwood,willow, alder, birch , maple and cherry trees. They also eats edges, pondweed, and water lilies.
  6. Produced on vellum and other parchments, on papyrus, and on paper. In Russia, birch ,bark documents as old as from the 11th century have survived. In India the Palm
  7. Algonquian people who hunted, fished and gathered berries. They used snow shoes, birch ,bark canoes and conical or domed lodges. At the mouth of the Michipicoten River
  8. Spruces (white, black ), larch,poplars (Trembling Aspen, balsam poplar), birch , ( white, swamp ) and small pockets of Eastern White Cedar. Manitoba is home to
  9. Cherries. The chief trees are cedar, firs and pines, chenar or plane, maple, birch , and walnut, apple,cherry. Historically, Kashmir became known worldwide when
  10. Includes lodge pole pine, ponderosa pine; Douglas fir, larch,spruce; aspen, birch , red cedar, hemlock,ash, alder; rocky mountain maple and cottonwood trees.
  11. Are Oak and Spruce, but many other growths of vegetation such as ash, aspen, birch , hornbeam, maple,and pine reside there. Separating the taiga from the wooded
  12. Trees generally considered native are the alder (Anus glutinous),silver, birch ,(Beta pendulum),sweet chestnut (Castaneda sativa),hazel (Corpus
  13. Gradually increasing with size. The soot deposited on a pot hung over a fire of, birch ,bark was used for color. Their traditional dress was a robe spun from the inner
  14. Origin and symbolism The traditional Roman faces consisted of a bundle of, birch ,rods, tied together with a red leather ribbon into a cylinder, and often
  15. Reside there. Separating the taiga from the wooded steppe is a narrow belt of, birch ,and aspen woodland located east of the Urals as far as the Altar Mountains.
  16. Regions of the taiga. Taigas also have some small-leaved deciduous trees like, birch , alder, willow,and poplar; mostly in areas escaping the most extreme winter
  17. Of the Merrimack River. The stream was also the transportation route for their, birch ,bark canoes, which could travel from Lake Winnipesaukee to the Atlantic Ocean.
  18. Symbols of the French Revolution, are Roman in origin. Faces is a bundle of, birch ,rods containing an axe. In Roman times, the faces symbolized the power of
  19. And greatly grieving over his mantle, Väinämöinen makes another one from a, birch , strung with the hair of a willing maiden, and its magic proves equally
  20. Interior surface treatments also include off-form concrete, Australian white, birch ,plywood supplied from Gauche in northern New South Wales, and brush box
  21. Are a vast wilderness of pine and spruce trees mixed with patchy stands of, birch ,and poplar. Much of Minnesota's northern forest underwent logging at some time
  22. Women used leather and roots to make items such as anti (clothing),and, birch ,and spruce root woven baskets. Clothing Anti are the traditional clothing worn
  23. Waters began to add herbs and chemicals to unflavored mineral water. They used, birch ,bark (see birch beer),dandelion, sarsaparilla,fruit extracts, and other
  24. Slightly larger than a bee),and entirely black antennae. Trees * The yellow, birch ,(Beta alleghaniensis) is a birch species native to eastern North America
  25. Bindings by fully securing the heel with a strong yet flexible strap made from, birch ,roots. This new binding system enabled the skier to swing, jump and maneuver
  26. Began settling in the area, they navigated the river using canoes made of, birch ,or elm bark. Handcrafted vessels were a common mode of travel across the river
  27. Is the common name of a genus of flowering plants (Anus) belonging to the, birch ,family (Family Betulaceae). The genus comprises about 30 species of
  28. Poland in September 1939. Birkenau, the German translation of Brzezinski (= ", birch ,tree" ), referred originally to a small Polish village that was destroyed by
  29. Early boats include the bound-reed style of boat seen in Ancient Egypt,the, birch ,bark canoe, the animal hide-covered kayak and coracle and the dugout canoe made
  30. Of forests, meadows and marshes. The major forest trees are pine, fir, birch , willow, rowan,aspen, common and gray alder. Vegetation of the marshy areas
  31. Concave pieces of bark to run the sap into buckets, which were often made from, birch ,bark. Or by leaving them exposed to the cold temperatures overnight and
  32. Then previously. Lack of moisture in the warmer summers are also stressing the, birch ,trees of central Alaska. Insects Recent years have seen outbreaks of insect
  33. And bringers of luck, and offerings were sometimes made to them. A massive, birch ,tree standing atop a burial mound and located beside a farm in western Norway
  34. Are most common. Natural forests in Ireland are mainly oak, ash,WYWH elm, birch ,and pine. Beech and lime, though not native to Ireland, are also common there.
  35. Of Sarah are Russia's patron saints. Chamomile is the national flower, while, birch , the national tree. The Russian bear is an animal symbol and a national
  36. Made of sheets of Ecuadorean balsa wood sandwiched between sheets of Canadian, birch , but in areas needing extra strength—such as along cut-outs—stronger woods
  37. Area, the largest forested area in Europe. The forest consists of pine, spruce, birch , larch and other species. Finland is the largest producer of wood in Europe and
  38. Nicknamed the" Spruce Goose" by critics, but was actually made largely from, birch ,(not from spruce),rather than of aluminum, because the contract required the
  39. Who captured Russian identity in landscapes of wide rivers, forests,and, birch ,clearings, as well as vigorous genre scenes and robust portraits of their
  40. Is the form of the nasal bones of the skull. Beavers also gnaw the bark of, birch , poplar, and willow trees; but during the summer a more varied herbage, with
  41. For Nature, the territory of Iceland belongs to the ecoregion of Iceland boreal, birch ,forests and alpine tundra. Approximately three quarters of the island are
  42. Are the most common woods, though other woods are used such as bamboo and, birch , There have been continued experiments with aluminum, composite honeycomb, foam
  43. And many others. Nowadays, the upper regions of the river are dominated by, birch ,and pine- birch grass-shrub forests and in the middle regions there are swampy
  44. The remains of an early Bronze Age ruler laid out on white quartz pebbles and, birch ,bark. It was also discovered for the first time that early Bronze Age people
  45. Today consists of only 32.8 percent woodlands—primarily pine, spruce,and, birch ,forests. Ash and oak are very scarce. The forests are rich in mushrooms and
  46. Being collected in a band or row. Examples of this kind of wood are basswood, birch , buckeye, maple,poplar, and willow. Some species, such as walnut and cherry
  47. Family names. Examples: Kelvins/Katrina (small hill),Berlins/Berlin (small, birch ,). Nowadays, many Latvians have surnames of Russian or Ukrainian origin, for
  48. Add herbs and chemicals to unflavored mineral water. They used birch bark (see, birch ,beer),dandelion, sarsaparilla,fruit extracts, and other substances.
  49. And beech are amongst the most common trees in England. In Scotland, pine and, birch ,are most common. Natural forests in Ireland are mainly oak, ash,WYWH elm
  50. To plant a" Maypole" to honor someone. Often young men set up an adorned, birch ,in front of their girlfriend's house. * May 3 is when the Polish Constitution

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