Examples of the the word, gladly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gladly ), is the 11463 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. S Serving and defeating them. Atlantic pled for treaty terms and Valets, gladly ,obliged. The treaty seems to have largely cut off relations between Goths and
  2. Necessary for its restoration. Pope Adrian I was invited to participate, and, gladly , accepted. However, the invitation intended for the oriental patriarchs could
  3. Gouda suddenly confesses that she loves him and asks him to marry her, which he, gladly ,accepts. He calls for Passepartout to notify the reverend. At the reverend's
  4. When it came time for Admetus to die, his parents, whom he had assumed would, gladly ,die for him, refused to cooperate. Instead, Alcestis took his place, but
  5. And that's the way" ( he gave a wink):" I get my living here, : And very, gladly ,will I drink: Your Honour's health in beer. ": I heard him then, for I had
  6. Under a wide and starry sky, Dig the grave and let me lie. Glad did I live and, gladly ,die And I lay me down with a will. Upon the conclusion of Bell's funeral,"
  7. Of her husband Germanic us (Claudius's brother),actions which Tiberius had, gladly ,punished. In any case, Claudius accepted Agrippina, and later adopted the newly
  8. Demanding edible plunder by the word“ trick or treat” to which the inmates, gladly ,responded and sent the robbers away rejoicing. The thousands of Halloween
  9. With King Gears and asks him for his daughter. The king replies that he would, gladly ,favor him but that Balder us has already made a like request, and he does not
  10. Note for exemption of tax to ask for her parent's acceptance and many parents, gladly ,accepted. If a samurai's wife gave birth to a son he could be a samurai. A
  11. Walter Huston," He's probably the only performer in Hollywood to whom I’d, gladly ,lost a scene ". The film was grueling to make, and was done in summer for
  12. Most distinguished" men of letters ", a term Davies is variously said to have, gladly ,accepted for himself and to have detested. Davies was the founding Master of
  13. Of England in order to relieve the English stranglehold on Calais. David, gladly ,accepted and personally led a Scots army southwards with intention of capturing
  14. Bestow it. When the family of Charles ceased to produce worthy heirs, the pope, gladly ,crowned whichever Italian magnate could best protect him from his local enemies
  15. Ami, that the Irish are the only people: with all their faults I would not, gladly ,live or die among another folk. " Throughout his life, he sought out the
  16. Chief Lough tells Tyler that if he ever needs a Chief of the Boat, he would, gladly ,go to sea with him anytime. Tank reports Trigger's death while carrying out
  17. that's the way" ( he gave a wink):" By which I get my wealth--: And very, gladly ,will I drink: Your Honour's noble health. ": I heard him then, for I had just:
  18. Points 4 and 10) and 6:5 (on points 6 and 8). It's no wonder that they will, gladly ,allow you to take down such a bet. Similarly, the first roll of a pass-line bet
  19. By the Xians to weaken him. However, he is unable to send her away, and she, gladly ,accepts his offer to remain. It is revealed that Hi had been grown inside an
  20. The wide and starry sky, : :Dig the grave and let me lie.: :Glad did I live and, gladly ,die, : :And I laid me down with a will.: :This be the verse you grave for me::
  21. Pius XII, who always wanted to be a pastor rather than a Vatican bureaucrat, gladly ,granted Montana this opportunity which was denied to him. Montana after a
  22. Films because of the demeaning roles available to black actors and would, gladly ,join others in picketing the film. During this period, Robeson also turned down
  23. 1952. They did not; and so Tolkien wrote to Allen and Unwind, saying," I would, gladly ,consider the publication of any part of the stuff. " The books were published
  24. His services to the Emperor. Charles, anxious to secure such a famous fighter, gladly ,assented to Albert's demands and gave the imperial sanction to his possession
  25. The situation at the office and to stand up for him. He says that he will, gladly ,come back to work and asks the chief clerk not to leave without agreeing with
  26. Religion ". His relations with his employers having become strained, Hegel, gladly , accepted an offer mediated by Holder to take up a similar position with a
  27. However, there are some playful thoughts and fanciful imagery, which we would, gladly ,have extracted if our room had allowed it. " The next review came in the
  28. Brahms responded," As far as the text is concerned, I confess that I would, gladly ,omit even the word German and instead use Human; also with my best knowledge
  29. The south who crave an opportunity to show their loyalty to our land, and would, gladly ,take this method of showing their gratitude for the lives laid down, and the
  30. Problems. Poole's legendary temper and unwillingness to suffer fools, gladly ,did not help matters. By the time of the Jupiter project cancellation in 1983
  31. Of votes. Also, Tempest was known – ironically – as one not to suffer fools, gladly ,(there were a number of clashes between him and Hope). It was no coincidence
  32. Court is in session;" most lawyers appear before the Court only once, and, gladly , take the quills home as. Quills are denominated from the order in which they
  33. Bring out the natural sweetness of the seafood. However, most restaurants would, gladly ,get rid of their older seafood inventory by offering dishes loaded with garlic
  34. His way to the friendly King Clothier at Poisons in Neustria where he was, gladly ,welcomed. Clothier in vain pressed him to remain in his territory. Columbus
  35. Free were in fact full of papal reservations. But the papal party had, gladly ,sent him, thinking that through him a union in doctrine could be brought about
  36. A literal man of steel. When approached by John's niece Natasha Irons, Luthor, gladly ,allows her to be one of his first test subjects. Using Natasha and several
  37. To you, : To you our blood, O native land, : We swear to you, O fatherland!: So, gladly ,bloom in beauty full, : Into what freedom has taught you to be, : And evermore
  38. 18-year-old Segovia to play bass guitar in his band Models, which Moran, gladly ,accepted. Eventually, Kodeksi shifted setup, so Moran moved from bass to lead
  39. Her father's court at Pa via. The Lombard's wrath was now aroused, and he would, gladly ,have allied with Carlo man to defeat Charles. But before any open hostilities
  40. Demanding edible plunder by the word“ trick or treat” to which the inmates, gladly ,responded and sent the robbers away rejoicing. The thousands of Halloween
  41. North and south. Blair had worked hard to acquire the Democratic nomination and, gladly ,accepted second place on the ticket, only to find himself the storm center of
  42. 1935),Swing Time (1936) and Shall We Dance (1937). Many dramatic actors, gladly ,participated in musicals as a way to break away from their typecasting. For
  43. The by-law also prescribes the university's motto, taken from Chaucer: 'And, gladly ,tech '. The university introduced a new curriculum in January 2010 that was
  44. S enemy: stands on the less:: with resolution: and without remorse: I will, gladly ,: await my own. Vesta Decorum In the account of Baldr's death in Saxon
  45. The details of Scott's death, Amundsen is reported as saying," I would, gladly ,forgo any honor or money if thereby I could have saved Scott his terrible
  46. Was never in use; on the contrary, the Croatian name was frequently used and, gladly ,referred to ":" At the end of the 15th century in Dubrovnik and Dalmatia
  47. Has released them from alien guidance (naturalized majorettes),nonetheless, gladly ,remain in lifelong immaturity, and why it is so easy for others to establish
  48. The collection of Archbishop Bigger Gunner sen of Land, modern Sweden, which he, gladly ,lent him. With the help of printer Joyous Radius, Gesta Decorum was refined
  49. Partisans of the nobility attached themselves to him, and the lower orders, gladly ,heard his sermons. He preached in city churches, and London rang with his
  50. Against Tiberius after the death of Germanic us, actions which Tiberius had, gladly ,punished. Regardless, for Agrippina’s seduction, it was a help that she had the

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